Friday, 11 November 2016

Personal: Time for ALL to stand for #Equality including those who hate men

So I decided it’s time to do an update, same argument and same level of “because I’m a man I don’t understand”.
Correct, I don’t understand what it’s like to be undervalued, overworked and underpaid.  Even though I’m currently a support staff member in education which quite often treats staff like me as if we are under qualified, inexperienced and easily replaceable.  I've no idea how it feels like to have staff talk to me as if a 16 year old student can replace me easily.  I have no idea what it’s like to see people chosen over me for their more attractive looks or for their sex.  I have no idea what it’s like to see someone get a job over me just because they were “bum kissers” and lacked experience and qualifications compared to me.  I’ve never been treated poorly for my position and never treated like a second class citizen.
Do you sense the sarcasm.  Truth of the matter is all the above occurred when I had zero confidence and 100% fear for losing my job, my earnings and essentially crippling my current career.  Does all that sound familiar? I bet it does.
I’m a man though so how can all the above sound familiar, that’s the attitude I get from some individuals.  I ask questions, are you doing enough?  The truth of the matter is I wish I can go back in time and actually punch my self in the face and tell me to grow up and gain some confidence.  I shouldn't allow anyone to treat me poorly just because they think they are better than me.  I shouldn't allow my self to be degraded by another man or a woman.  To make me feel like I am a walking penis.  To make me feel like I am just a sperm donor or a walking tripod. 
Does that also sound familiar? 
I will ask some more questions:
If you witnessed a simple crime and didn’t report it, you kept your mouth shut – does that make you almost or as guilty as those committing it?
What if that crime was a serious one that resulted in a death.
If you witnessed a child being sexually abused but you kept your mouth quiet out of fear for your career, job or life? Does that still make you as guilty? What if that child got murdered a week later?  Don’t react badly I am simply “asking a question”.
So the point:
What my point is, those who are keeping quiet on something “illegal” are surely “partly” to blame for society having any type of equality pay issues.  Now again don’t react badly instead ask this question, those that are oblivious to this problem in society – are they also ”partly” to blame?  I’ve heard the same people that say we want to raise awareness cry out that these people with their eyes closed ARE also to blame.  So surely that means those who know about it but say nothing – ARE also to blame.

I am also apart of the problem, back in those days I didn't have any bravery at all to stand up to my line managers or bosses.  I can tell you now I refuse to allow my self to be treated poorly and this includes those who I am responsible for.
This isn’t blaming those above 100% for this issue, instead this is adding “part” blame only.  Think about it, what do we really need to do to fight for equality? This isn’t just a “man” issue, there are jobs that men are paid less – especially in the modelling/adult industry.  These are simply two factors, I’m sure I could list more especially on the business administration and secretarial professions where the demand for women is higher.
If you’re concerned that I am simply blaming 100% on those who don’t do anything, ask yourself this:  What if I knew a woman who was not equally paid or perhaps under paid even though she works more, better experienced, qualified and deserved it over a male colleague who just sits there and does nothing.  Would you say I am a part of the problem? If I say and do nothing.  What If the boss asked me “do you think this woman deserves to be paid as much if not more?” and my response was “don’t know” or no response.  Would you say I am a part of the problem?
You know I’ve said this in a lot of tweets and posts, I’ve constantly had “you’re a man you don’t understand” correction I don’t understand what child birth is like because I have and never will give birth.  I don’t know what the period is like because I don’t and never will have periods.  I do how ever know what it feels like to have illnesses that effect the human body.  I do how ever know what it feels like to work in a work place controlled by the opposite sex.  I do how ever know what it feels like to be deemed a walking piece of meat with one small brain on my shoulders and the big one between my legs.  I do how ever know what it feels like to be treated as a sexual object while my bum cheeks were pinched and told “I’m a guy, I can take it”.
What I do know is that like it or not sexism is a serious issue.  This isn’t just 100% men, this is also the fault of women.  I once was effectively bribed for sex (long time ago).
The above women are just as partly to blame for the culture we live in.  The culture of competition, hate, pride and emotional control to the opposite sex.  For men it’s simple we’ve always been working, fighting and women in history have been the stay at home moms for the majority of world cultures.  It’s not that long ago in our own nation was this fixed, unfortunately men at the time controlled all the empires.  Now women are fast catching up and rightly so.  We have women’s football which is gaining popularity, women are owning businesses and are catching up on equal pay.  Course I won’t deny there is some way to go (likewise for racism and hate).
Thing is, don’t expect it to be fixed overnight if people are still remaining quiet.  Don’t expect it to be fixed if women are just as guilty for sexism issues as men.

Equal job Equal Pay
Now this is something I picked up in another post:

One thing people don't realise is are you actually doing a better job, more qualified and experienced?

I have a team working under me and although on the outside they are both the same level it's actually not true.  If the lower paid guy left and I employed a woman to do his job would she be happy to see the other guy earning more?  Probably not.  Would I? Of course not.  The thing is the higher paid guy has the same experience but not qualifications or knowledge.  One is a great day to day kind of jobs position while the other is much more technical.  So should that position earn more - absolutely regardless of sex.  What if I replaced that more technical capable guy with a woman who wasn't as technical capable but instead was effectively the same level as the low paid person.  Should they both now be earning the same? Yes.  Should that woman be earning the same as the high technical person just left? No.  Is this a gender pay gap problem - absolutely not.  If I however replaced the higher technical guy with a higher technical woman I would certainly expect their salary to match and be no different.

I can imagine a few throwing a tantrum over the above but you can't claim it's a gender problem when the knowledge > day to day work is different.  I have a team to deal with and I'm fully aware of what all of us do daily.  I'm the highly paid one because of my manager position and decisions I make reflect the entire School.  The middle guy performs highly technical tasks and the low end guy performs all the day to day simple tasks.  Is any of this a gender pay gap problem? No.
So how does it get fixed?
Firstly the sexism stops FULL STOP.  That’s men AND women.  That means a man can’t sit there all day berating women, likewise for women berating men who “don’t understand”.  Both are part of the problem.
Secondly people fight against unequal pay FULL STOP.  That means who ever suffers it will have to be brave and fight.  Simply being quiet is also a part of the problem.
Thirdly the witnesses, the silent ones will also have to raise their voices and fight.  That means they too will have to be brave.  Again simply being quiet is also part of the problem.
Like it or not throughout history equality has never been something given on a plate, it’s been something people put their lives on the line for.  And rightly so because it’s the only way people will realise it not only exists but it must be fixed.
Just remember if you are not a victim, don’t act like one.  If you have historically experienced the problems, just remember that’s history and what matters is how things are today.  I’ve seen a lot of people on twitter stating that they have faced this 15+ years ago.  We need people to voice their concerns today.  There are also a lot of people supporting this but have no knowledge of it actually happening – are simply stating their support.  Remember there is nothing wrong with supporting but when you start walking out of work, you’re not raising awareness you are causing issues for your company/workplace that may very well be “innocent”.  What we need to be doing is naming and shaming these companies who do not pay fairly.
I leave that here, just realise that like racism > I’ve always stood against anyone who is sexist or racist – that includes against women who fight for feminism but don’t fight it when it’s in their own agendas.
Do the right thing even if you suffer for it.  Fight for what’s right not because you hate the opposite sex.  This is the issue I am constantly seeing.  Some women are actually hating men completely.  I do apologise if you have suffered real issues, real gender pay gaps and sexist problems.  I can't do nothing about them.  What I can do is when I see a real sexist issue - I'm not afraid to tell them to grow up.   If I witnessed someone being paid less for the same position I am willing to put my neck on the line and do something about it.

Question - Are YOU willing to put YOUR neck on the line or is it easier to just simply do a bit of twitter trending and walk out of work to show your apparent support?

Shouldn't you be telling people to report it, stand against it when THEY witness it? Showing twitter support actually does nothing.

Once more - if you find you have real hate issues towards men just remember - You're also apart of the sexism problem around the world if you like it or not.  As a man I've never physically hurt a woman.  I've never made a woman feel like she is second class to me and I respect them.  Do you respect men?

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