Friday, 18 November 2016

The Royal Family : Yes they actually earn their living.

We all know them, in fact the whole world knows them – They are the Royal Family.

Born in to a family that expect children to be raised properly, the women learn to be graceful and presentable while the men learn the same while doing service.

They don’t have a choice but if you are born in to this family even if you enjoy having fun you’re still expected to do your “time”.

Look at Prince William and Harry, both men and have done more service to this Country than what a lot of the average people have ever done.  They’ve done their military tours, flown helicopters and put their lives on the line for this Country.  You know the armed forces? They are the ones everyone tends to want respect for, ones who everyone donates charity too and the ones who people don’t like being disrespected.  Remember that next time you claim the Royal Family do nothing.

They are our ambassadors who travel the world and pay respect to other world leaders.  They are expected to perform this duty.
Not only do they visit world leaders but they pay respect to charities, our Olympians, our sick, disabled and elderly.  They are expected to perform this duty.
They can’t publicly complain about this, they have to do this with a smile while also handshaking and listening to everyone's stories.  They are expected to perform this duty.
They have to travel and take in the world cultures, including those that are questionable on human rights, including those they may not like but again do it with a smile.  They are expected to perform this duty.

Even if you marry in to family you are still expected to perform this duty.

Every national event from armistice day to Christmas, St Patrick's day and all those other bank holidays while the rest of us enjoy the events – The Royal Family are attending to pay their respects.  They again are expected to do this duty.  They do not have a choice, it’s immediately an expectancy.

They will spend their lives eternally in front of the camera.  Everything they do publicly even for Prince Harry is watched, even with their heavy security they have to be careful what they do in public. 

Think of it?  How many of us get to let our hair down in public.  Celebrities have earned their way to this life and many of them have meltdowns in public.  Many of these have used the press to earn a living and again complain when they have a meltdown in full view of the public.

How many of us have gone drinking, gone to a cinema, restaurant and been able to quietly and peacefully.

The Royal Family are born in to this and have zero choice.

They also learn that word that most people will never understand etiquette.  This simply isn’t manners of saying please and thank you.  This is knowing when to bow, kneel and understand some one else’s culture.  When the majority of us travel we learn very little about where we are going.  We don’t learn the language, culture or even how to act.

The Royal family are born in to this and have zero choice.  They are expected to understand the culture, language and how to act.  While the rest of us get to enjoy life when we want on a weekend, the Royal Family are most likely working and yes “earning” their money.

When you go home tonight, you get to go home or go out without a worry.  The Royal Family do not.

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