Tuesday 31 May 2016

What should IT be used for in Education

A very simple question, not so simple answer?
Keeping the first part short - to make life easier.  We are currently living in a world where Students are easily bored, lack the realisation of whats important and are being fed half of the information to get them to succeed.

IT should always be about making life easier.

A constant term being used to get Students engaged, paying attention and simply not nodding off through boredom.  Now although I completely agree, surely the urgency of their future should prevent them from being bored.  The more you push for new ways to engage Students, the more new ideas you are having to try.  Let's face it, young people are very spoilt in regards to technology and are far used to not being bored.  Keeping their minds occupied.  They are very rarely just sitting there in the quiet.  Problem is though the more "new" ideas are being tested there is a good chance that half of those ideas are failures.  Remember - Students and Schools can ill afford time being wasted which is why the Schools that tend to push for new ideas tend to be the ones that are not outstanding and sometimes struggle to hit good.

Half of the Information
This is quite simply an issue in education and partly has to do with the engagement side.  The main priority for Schools is Student results and Ofsted - that is the main focus above all else.  That's fact and that's what Schools tell Parents.  Although some Schools will add terms to make it more fancy like community based - that is the focus.  Problem is though that is also the downside.

There is an increased pressure among young people to succeed to avoid failure.  This is important after all for them and the School.  Strange part that..  when Students are getting too stressed because they feel like this is their only opportunity - it causes health issues.  The truth is, today is not the end of the world, tomorrow isn't either and failing at a current subject certainly isn't the only opportunity.  Schools are not feeding this to Students and that is a bit of a niggle for me.  They really should be told that today isn't your greatest, biggest nor most important period of their life.

This also plays a major part with IT, it's there to make your life easier not to be engaging, not to catch their attention - are teenagers 8 year olds? 
What makes life easier
When you record data on a computer and it's saved to a shared area - that's easier compared to the old filing systems in cabinets.  Do you remember constantly going to one office or making 1000 copies of everything?

So what is easier? (I've covered some of this in other posts):
  • Projectors
  • Secure area to store data
  • Shared area to store data
  • Computer in every classroom
  • Available IT areas
  • Filtering
  • Email

A simple one, creating work any where in the world on a device to stick it on the projector.  I remember a teacher spending 10 minutes doing some thing on a black board, rubbing it off and doing the next part.

Secure area to store data
This area, is available to save important work which can be accessed any where in the world.  All you generally need is the ability to use IT to create and modify.  You no longer need to carry around dozens of books.  This is usually backed up by IT, kept relatively reliable and safe.

Shared area to store data
Quite simply put - sharing a piece of work, from Students to staff.  It can be permissioned and setup in such a way that you can store years of files in a single area for your entire department.

Computer access and IT availability
With Schools pushing for more IT every where, all Students and staff need is computer availability.  We have several staff areas and one general staffroom.  The Students have access to plenty of computers throughout the School and 97% of them have IT access at home.  Every classroom has a staff computer which allows every staff member to logon and gain access to their areas.  The software installed is the general image for staff, meaning only licenses are the issue.

We have a duty of care to protect Students and staff.  If you allowed a Student to break the law willingly, they will do it for the sake of it - as shown by endless amount of social media issues (even after educating).  Students are children, no matter what they will do things that you don't want them to do.  As a result we have a useful filtering system which once fully setup correctly and all "allowed websites" are allowed, you shouldn't really have day to day problems.  Although we don't do a allow only setup, we do block quite a bit to prevent any security breaches.  Reports are easily created and emailed for any E-Safety problems.  And to put it bluntly I do not agree that Schools should allow the doors to be opened, you wouldn't let anyone walk on site would you?

Instant communication, email groups, electronic recording, contacts, tasks and calendars.  All available on any device and any where with signal.  There is absolutely no reason communication should be a problem in the 21st century when the majority of the Country has access to email.

Assessments, Finance, Attendance and Exams - Data Entries
Although exams have seemed a bit touchy and not so perfect systems, this again is all about making things easier.  Attendance can see pre-collated information regarding any Students who have not arrived for registration.  They are able to chase up within minutes to find out why Students are not at School.  Assessments can also be collated very easily by recording in spreadsheets and data entries.  That information can easily be viewed by departments and senior leaders.

All of this would be available at the finger tips of Ofsted and management.

MFD Printing
The ability to print a large document quickly on a machine fit for purpose.  We have a biometric system which links up to a Parent Pay system (cashless catering).  You walk up to a printer and place your finger on it, logs in and click print.  Simple system, the reports can be auto generated every month and sent to the relative departments.

This system will primarily be available to IT Support, it is how ever a prime example of making life easier.  How many times has a request come through for a massive piece of software to be installed but requires it's own server?  Installing big packages on certain servers can cause other unknown issues especially when altering IIS/SQL settings.   What if it required constant updates and occasional reboots?  Keeping server installations away from each other will keep reliability and redundancy high.  This also allows a new server to be quickly installed, setup and be readily available.

Internet Access and Wi-Fi
A question, if you wanted to learn about Isaac Newton, how would you do it?  Going to a local library which seem to be fast disappearing or go to the shop for a book?
Easy answer:  Google
Isaac Newton
This search literally took me three seconds, this can be done for anything and anyone including Mark Twain.
With Wi-Fi you have access to almost anything you need, regarding any subjects.  You could pretty much lock your self in a room and revise/learn and study.

Not everyone is Clued Up on IT or Technology
The biggest point, which is true, some teachers don't want to use IT nor have the time to learn.  It's very difficult to look through a different lens, very difficult to do it differently especially if there is no proof it's better.
Problem being, it takes time to adapt new technology or new methods.  With teachers under constant strain - do they have the time?  well they do have CPD time and if correctly planned I'm sure everyone can join in.  I have seen many times that people blame confidence, competence, training or even support to why people may not choose to use IT.  The fact is, some people simply do not want to use it.  I know some one who refuses to touch it with a barge pole, even though I have pushed and pushed.  He isn't afraid, he simply doesn't want to.  Some may also push the blame towards training but some times people want to come in, teach how they choose to teach and leave it that way.

Should always remember that IT is there to make your life easier but only if you want to learn, want to be a part of it, want to use and believe it can help.  A lot of people will insist both ends of IT, that it can benefit you or it can't.  Fact is some Schools don't push for change, don't push for technology and those Schools are not being hindered in any way.  I know some one that went to a School that is still old fashioned and that School was voted best in the County and one of the top in the Country.  Even though this School is seriously lacking in "technology".  The Students know they go to that School to learn, to get grades and results to go off on further education.

IT is a Must
So is IT a must have? No.  You would have to be pretty narrow minded to believe that you must have IT in Education.  When Schools have been succeeding without major technological pushes for the last decade.  And this is coming from my self, I use technology every day to make my life easier, I honestly couldn't do my job without it or live my life.  The phone I have has all my contacts, work emails and personal emails.  I pay my bills on IT, I watch my programs and general entertainment.

Although if IT went tomorrow, it would end my job and career - would certainly make me more qualified to say we don't need it.  Would also mean I am not "protecting" my job.

For Schools where the focus is Teaching and Learning - results and Ofsted - it's really important to remember that don't use technology just because you want to instead because you know its a benefit.  I strongly believe that IT can push everyone forward, you also have to remember that history has shown us that you don't always need it to learn or to live.  You can learn more as a farmer actually doing the job and not sitting looking at computer.  Remember although some may say we all must embrace technology, IT doesn't dictate everything in our lives and being without it is just as important as with it.

If Teaching and Learning is truly about preparing young people for the future, should that mean we need to make it clear on topics that we don't like to discuss?  A good example would be, making it clear that failing their exams isn't the end of the world?  Spending all day and every day working hard isn't necessarily the best way to lead their life?

Even though that entire paragraph risks results, would we as staff show Students what life is really like in regards to "dog eat dog world"?  Interesting thing to think about.

You can see the world for what it is, the wonders, the natural life and it's important to remember that IT is there to make your life easier.

Friday 27 May 2016

IT Community - Utterly Unsung Bloody Heroes

If you read through my posts, you will see I am not afraid to criticise or complain about my own professionals.  They range from IT Technicians of all ages, Network Managers, Leaders, Engineers and Supporters.

What a group of people, who ever now still surprise me.  No one seems to realise that we spend all day dealing with your problems.  No one comes to simply chat and socialise with us, only to complain.  We can often be blamed for things that are simply not our fault - even when those above do not follow standard procedures.

When I see a hot topic about a few people struggling or dealing with harsh times, the entire IT community has the knack of being there.  Offering not only some one to chat "online" but even contact details to talk over the phone, even to meet up and be there face to face.

This really is the unsung hero moment that people will never see, never be aware of and completely be oblivious to.

These are people who start early, go home late, remote in to work during the weekends and even give up their time off to perform tasks.  Are they paid for this? No, Are they paid a good wage? No and are they even treated well? No.

What people do not think is that IT Support departments generally have 1-3 people.  When you compare that size to others, who do they really talk to?  If you look at Admin, they generally have a group of people at all ages who can be there for one another.  When you look at teaching departments, you have the same.  Looking at IT though they are rarely lucky to have more than one person and any extra technicians generally will be fresh out of School young people.

So, who do IT staff talk to when they need a shoulder?

I spend half my time working in front of a screen, in a classroom, in a cupboard and generally getting on with the job - in quiet.  Which effectively means I spend half the time inside my own head.  When major problems come my way, inside my own job - I can potentially have no one by my side to talk to.  luckily enough I work with a fantastic group here at my School, I know I can talk to several other Staff outside of IT and I also know I have friends and family.  I also know though that many IT people don't have anyone or have very few people. 

Personal Jobs
How many IT staff fix your home laptops, pcs, offer advice - all free of charge?  It's not their job nor their responsibility, yet they do this.  How many of them sit down with you helping you to do your work, is it their job?  If I got paid £50 per job I have done over the years, I'd be a very rich man indeed.

This forum has a general chat area, which a lot of people use in my profession to chat about .. well general topics.  This can also include a ranting section - great for getting things off your chest.  The incredible thing is, many people will actually listen, offer their view, be fair and offer to be there for others.  How many people put on their Facebook, Twitter or even label their car "I do charity work" or "I help others" - yet again EduGeek has many unsung heroes that don't get any credit what so ever.

There is a lovely person on there that is always willing to help people with their CVs.  There is a dozen people who respond pretty quickly to take time out of their work, their personal lives to reply to anyone needing advice.

I will post a few links, directly to those threads that.. might make everyone understand that we too are under pressure human beings.

Hang in there

Reading through the above link, you see that this pressure does push you to breaking point.  Great examples in there to see people offering help to others.


A good example of someone that is being pushed to breaking point, looking at it - does seem like other people didn't listen to an IT persons advice and wondered why it went pear shaped.

Ups and Downs

Not the first time I have seen a post like this, prime example that teachers are not the only ones in Schools that may suffer.

Current job general - "I'm not happy"

Likewise for the previous link.

It's not your job so don't worry about it

A great example of someone caring about things.. that we shouldn't be.  We can't help it though, I personally care about a classroom being tidy.  It's a natural habit - I literally have to force my self not to care about certain things.

So next time you moan at a technician, remember - is it a mistake on their part or is it yours?  We are all human, we all make mistakes and even teachers in Schools can make them.  Remember - be polite and understanding and you will receive it.

Adopt a Primary

A topic I see occasionally popping up especially for Academies and Secondary Schools.  With costs of IT Support high when you take in to account equipment, software, support and staff it really is a hefty cost.

So a simple - Yes, I would seriously consider adopting either personally or professionally a Primary School.

How would I do it? Professionally (adoption more by the School than my self)

The first task I would perform is evaluate the entire Primary IT:
  • Servers
  • Networking
  • Computers
  • Software
  • Need or Want
Checking all these for age, make, model, reliability and future proofing.  With Primaries now looking at IT similar to what Secondary's were 7 years ago - it's more of a "need" than "want" and must be fit for purpose and work.

The School that NEEDs IT
My advice for the Primary would be to make sure their equipment it self was future proof, spend the money now to ensure reliability.  It's quite simply to create two servers both synchronised with one being housed at the Secondary School and another being at the Primary.  This allows easy maintained, administration and major tasks carried out.  This includes day to day, backups and essential reliability work to be dealt with.  Two servers on site, the secondary server would be primarily software, data storage, imaging and anything else the Primary needed.

Depending on the size of the School it wouldn't need to be two massively expensive servers but the more costs = the more future proofing and availability.

The popular word of course Virtualisation

It would also be critical to install good quality managed switches, my choice has been HP although they are expensive they seem to last easy 10 years with barely any failures.  Any cabling and trunking to be professionally installed and in any classrooms that could potentially have IT installed.

One day a week - Technician
Currently we can't really spare a man of my team, but given we have cancelled our BYOD Scheme and things are slowly coming to plan - we could soon. 

Work together with Management
This is a crucial part, many times I have seen technicians fall out with Primaries because agreements were more tongue in cheek.  Make it a simple agreement, keep it short and always electronically.  Make sure the Primary is aware of any non day to day jobs are planned well ahead of schedule.  A good example would be installation of new computer areas, if there is no trunking, networking etc then we are talking about a lot of work.

So make it very clear that one day a week jobs need to be alerted (preferably sent by an email), any jobs not done by email can be performed but must be recorded/signed off.  This allows some one in my position to see the kind of day to day jobs.  When I look at our day to day jobs in simple IT areas, we are talking about reimaging a pc, replacing a monitor and installing the occasional update.

Always plan for a contingency budget in the event of a failure, this can also be put towards any IT replacements/improvements before the new financial year.

Why IT in Primaries
The simple fact is, IT is every where and Pupils need to be aware of how the world works.  I've encountered Students where they have had zero clue about IT and are being left behind by those who know what they are doing.  Everyone has a device these days, you still see offices with pcs, the doctors, banks, supermarkets and even garages.

Plan, Plan and Plan some more - Look to 3-5 Years
Although totally unrealistic to plan for 5 years time, it's not unrealistic to consider it.  Keep in mind to keep things working for that long at least.

Don't quite agree? let me know.

Thursday 26 May 2016

Personal: Why Piers Morgan should be a Politician

Piers Morgan
Some one who has worked hard in his life but didn't come from the standard working class background.  We all know him?  Has a habit of saying something to cause a reaction, acts like he knows it all and can dish it but certainly can't take it.  There's a term for that right?  Troll.

I remember reading an article about the fact our Government was debating banning Trump, as a result of the public signing a petition.  He went on about the fact there are bigger fish to fry like the immigration crises.  Interestingly enough Piers Morgan does the same thing, goes on about Madonna, petty arguments or very miniscule topics when there are bigger problems going on.

Piers also will tweet, he will say that he does things to create discussions - even though they create provocative reactions (just like a troll).

He will criticise people for launching personal attacks (as shown by his tweets) then use terms like "Little Man" live on TV which is utterly cringe worthy and unprofessional.

Viewer Competition
I remember seeing how Gary Lineker tweeted that he had more viewers for his Leicester FC special.  Which it did, over a single episode it had more.  Piers responded with "Not in total of Trumps interview".  There was no mention of the fact that if 1 million people watch a show, if it's the same 1 million watching episode 2.  If there was a ratings reward that night, the interview with Trump wouldn't have won - no matter how sweet talking Piers used.

So looking at the top, Piers twists positive information to suit his own needs, says what he likes to create reactions and really cant take nothing on his chin.  Just like?  That's right - Politicians.

He should be a Politician
We all know Politicians, most of them have been raised by the same kind of families, same Schools and are all given jobs by family and friends.  They didn't earn their positions, they were given them as a result of their upbringing not qualifications.  As shown recently - it really is who you know - so you are taught how the system works e.g. tax systems.

I generally dislike Politicians, they constantly turn things, ignore the negatives and concentrate on the pros.  They argue like children often.  You tell them about their mistakes and they will not want to discuss that instead talk about the good.  This entire EU in/out argument is a prime example.  Telling the public anything to scare people in to voting.  Even though, the truth is - they don't know for certain what will happen.

Piers also constantly mentions his "family" members being military.  So what?  The respect is due to the family members not to Piers Morgan.

At each step of the way in his posts, Piers would twist, turn and argue back to suit his own petty arguments.  He over indulges in words to again suit him self.  His recent tweets about #BGT are a prime example.  The show wasn't great in the view of some people that I know but to claim people are "Dreadful" just because they may not be world beaters?  Is an understatement by far.  I also like how Piers states that the ratings were best when he was on the show.  Didn't Piers leave this show when it had not even finished yet?  So the best ratings of the series was actually not just Piers?

I remember watching this series 5, I loved watching the Hoff and McIntyre more than Piers Morgan.  Yet again we see Piers acting like it was thanks to him.  I actually wouldn't mind seeing Piers return next season.  I wouldn't watch that show any more than I am barely watching the current one.

It has little to do with the "talent" it's because we have seen it all before.  We've seen singers, pets, magicians and dangerous stunts.  It has nothing to do with the judges most of the time it's the acts and when they become boring.. why watch it.  Even Simon Cowells insults are old news, a bit like Piers Morgan will be soon enough.

So let's go again back to the posh Piers Morgan who's attitude is very disgusting and frankly appalling.  If he had to work like the rest of us, he wouldn't know what to do.  His attitude would have him fired instantly.  Then again, his career is built on that attitude.  Not hard work, but arrogance.  And there is a huge difference in arrogance to confidence, confidence is self belief and has nothing to do with others.  Arrogance is the belief you are better than others.  Piers Morgan certainly believes he is better than YOU.  I remember reading a part of his bio that his first job, he was told who to vote for.  A man so hell bent on his own opinion and doing what he wants?  was basically told what to do in his first job.  Any other real man would have voted how he wanted to regardless.  A man makes his own destiny and his own future, so perhaps Piers Morgan has naturally got some issues.

He falls out and insults anyone who doesn't agree with him, his ranting on twitter is a prime example.  Each time some one famous criticises him or what he says, he instantly launches in to a vicious attack and you can expect an article about .  Just like Politicians, he has completely lost touch with people.  Although he has a huge twitter fan base what he doesn't realise is, I follow him because I find them hilarious not because I like or agree with him.  I know 10 people on twitter and all of them follow Piers and only one of them thinks "he's okay".  That's 1 in 10.

Looking at almost 5 million followers, meaning only 500,000 out of 5 million actually think he's okay.  That's a very poor amount.  What's the old saying?  Quality not quantity?

You look at voters, we don't vote because we like politicians, we vote because we have to.  Otherwise we don't have a right to a voice according to the messages we are told.  Truth is if we don't vote, it would cause chaos.  We may even vote because of a single policy.  Goes to show people follow anyone on twitter for any reason.

Star Wars
I remember reading an article about Star Wars, he instantly had to search what dirt he had on the franchise.  From Alec Guiness him self, some one that didn't get Star Wars nor liked it.  What Piers Morgan failed to mention was the fact that not even George Lucas was happy with it, it had been edited more times than most films ever go through.  The critics wasn't impressed and generally everyone thought it was a waste of money.  It was plagued with a huge amount of problems, Lucas him self was starting to get poorly (again during Ep5) because he simply couldn't do everything that was needed.  The special effects had never been done before and the teams were coming up with new ideas to show simple things like explosions and camera angles.  He also went for untried actors, with Sir Alec and Harrison Ford being the only experienced actors in the movie.

Yet, when released from the very first scene it was captivating.  The very first title scroll had never been done before in such a way, with loud powerful music and straight on to a space chase which again seemed very real for the times.  Not only did it bring people back to the cinema's it also showed there was stories to tell.

Piers completely tore in to Star Wars and also admitted to never watching more than five minutes? Why did he react? Because Star Wars was hitting twitter and he didn't like it.  How can people even like the franchise that he didn't like or understand.

Piers uses "My huge twitter fan followers" to say how popular he is?  Look at how much the Star Wars franchise is worth.  Look at how many decades it has lasted and even in todays world young children who have Parents not even interested in Sci Fi making "light sabre" sounds and wishing they flying ships in space.  Young imagination - something many people even NASA scientists had when they were young.  It shows inspiration to look up instead of looking down on people.

So just like a Politician, Piers tries to understand the crowd.  He fails miserably in criticising a franchise he has never seen more than "10 minutes" worth.
It would also be interesting to know if he actually is a Sci Fi fan, I my self hate soap opera's I have seen plenty of episodes and I'm more qualified to have an opinion on those than he is on Star Wars.  To publicly rant and whine about them is quite entertaining.

Piers Arsenal moaning has been an incredibly predictable moment every single football weekend.  It's hilarious and in all honesty the main reason why I follow him.  It's an instant meltdown, not for his love for the club but instead because he shows how mentally childish he is.  I honestly believe Piers should manage Arsenal.  So we can see him struggle, so he can feel what it's like to be a manager in the Premiere League, the most competitive league in the world.  It's no longer two tier where you expect a team at the top to easily walk over a team at the bottom.  No longer are teams at the bottom full of average players, even league 1 doesn't have average footballers who just want to kick a ball around for a laugh.
He's made it clear he has not liked Wenger at all and now with Arsenal not winning a title for ten years his ranting carries on and doesn't stop.  Never mentioning the fact that for a majority of that ten year period Arsene had his hands tied and had to sell players.  He had to let go of talented footballers not because he wanted to but because he had to.  If a player doesn't get sold for a lot of money, they go on free transfer when they refuse to sign a new deal.  Is that Wenger's fault? No.  That's the owners of the club.  According to Piers though the buck always stops with the manager - wrong.  The manager is always a scape goat.  You look at Manchester United, they have bought so many players under LVG in two years.  Half of them have been a waste of money, the other half are doing well.  He was able to waste half that money which looks like it's not much of a problem, the board allowed it, LVG did it and guess what happened?  He has been sacked.  Wenger has had to make do with what he has and the thing is, most of Wengers purchases have actually worked.  You look at Arsenals signings in two years the ones that cost a good amount of money, they have been talented.  When was the last time Piers moaned about any of these new players?  I don't remember once.  He whines about the same two players constantly yet doesn't mention that Wenger pushed for the other players.

LVG has lost Champions League football, just managed the FA Cup and strangely enough not really thanks to the new signings but instead the youth team.  Did he make the choice to play them?  No.  He had no choice.  He had to.

Wenger every year improves Arsenal, he knows that a fully new team will not challenge anything.  The worst thing for Arsenal?  Finish outside top four, lost a manager, go through what most if not all clubs go through - a bigger nightmare.

Would Piers be quick to moan about Wenger if he never had the financial holding back in those ten years?  No.  Does he constantly play the wrong players in wrong positions? No.  Does Wenger need more players to win a title, Yes.  The thing is, Arsenal need two players - that is it.  They have a good defence, good attack and good midfield.  They simply only lack two men.  Will we see Arsene finally get those two men?  Most likely.

A part of me wishes Arsenal lost that top four, to see the melt down.  Piers blames Wenger, Wenger blames the fans, the fans blame everyone.

For years I have heard all sorts of things from Arsenal fans.  They accuse Wenger of being deluded in thinking they can win the title.  Even though Arsenal fans are just the same.  I know a lot of Arsenal fans and I can say, they want Wenger in/out depending on results.  They blame the ref, injuries and the players.  The players they blame then become players they missed when they are injured.  At Christmas if Arsenal are top of the league its "we will win the league, we are top of the league" yet they blame Wenger for not being down to earth?  Arsenal fans are becoming more and more hated by rival fans than United fans - which says it all.

I had a Wolves fan once, he's retirement age and told me.  "One type of fan, Arsenal fans.  Never their fault, always the victims".  And he is spot on.  Long time ago i knew a few Arsenal fans, they whined about injuries too.

Wenger is a world class manager and any fan would take him tomorrow.  He may not be winning titles all the time but that's the Premier League - get over it.

Piers Morgan will be forgotten
It's quite sad that a man at his age, enough to be a granddad and respectable has to resort to constant tantrums.  Something from the Inbetweeners, including all the "banter" and insults.  I would love to meet Piers Morgan, spend plenty of time with him to see if he really is this person or he just acts like it to gain the reactions.  I did mention before about him being a troll, something he accuses others of being.  I get the bad feeling that Piers Morgan is actually this person, as shown by his live TV presenting.  He doesn't realise that people don't watch him because they love him, they watch him because they find him hilarious and not in a comedian kind of way either.  One day, he will pass away and on that day we all know what will get tweeted, we all know the reaction.

The pathetic thing is, no one will remember Piers Morgan after 12 months from his death.  Those who remember him, will be the same amount that remember me.  Families, friends and generally those who spend a lot of time with me because of who I am not because of my wealth and power.  If Piers Morgan was a normal person, no money, no power - he wouldn't be the friend people wanted around.  He'd be that guy that invited him self to the party.  I feel pity for Piers Morgan, he wont be remembered for doing anything special for our Country.  He won't get a an honour status among the people.  He will simply be dust in the wind.  Perhaps that's why Piers reacts the way that he does, he knows in his heart that he would surely become yesterday's news.

I really do pity him.

What did I say about hypocrisy?  Piers Morgan has just told Johnny Depp to act his age.
Act your age

Wednesday 25 May 2016

Windows 10

Dear oh Dear Microsoft
Over the years, I've been told I am too "Pro Microsoft" but the truth is I will criticise them and throw anger just as much as anyone. 
The recent one is forcing users to install Windows 10, now we all know why Microsoft are doing it - to cut off Windows 7/8 and ridiculous Vista.  They have been doing it ever since they released W10, they have pushed and pushed for everyone to upgrade.  I personally like W10 but I do not like edge, for my own PC I feel the need to wait another year at least.

Unfortunately those of us who work in Education will have learnt that software can be 10 years old but still be used.  Some companies are still not yet supporting Windows 10.  You also have to remember we are dealing with illiterate IT staff and students.  If anything looks a little bit different, everyone will panic and wonder what they have done wrong.

We are currently testing everything, from imaging to all the software packages.  We've already found a few snags but so far the testing is very positive.  So what next?
  1. Allow a few staff to be imaged with the Windows 10
  2. Setup an ICT suite with Windows 10
At this stage we should know if we are ready to move forward.  We would have to make sure staff are trained and know what they are doing so they can pass that on to students.
It's very important to test as much as possible and then use in real time practical day to day IT.  You would be surprised what a difference it makes.

ETA Windows 7
2020 JAN, this is the big cut off date when we need to be Windows 10.  We have not even considered Windows 8 or 8.1.  The main reason for this is, in my experience there is always that operating system we skip.  From the daunting Windows 98, buy a new PC Vista and forgetting the simple things Windows 8.  Vista was the only one that didn't really get a second edition, they had to do more work on that one to turn it in to Windows 7.

So anyway, forgetting the horrid OS's we have had over the years.  Windows 7 has to be gone from our system which means we will plan for a Summer 2019 perhaps at the start of the year to avoid the exams or start of September nightmare.  Gives us plenty of time to odd everything out, take our time and step by step get it right.

Looking else where?
We could look at Linux, Chromebook setups but let's face it.  Microsoft is still the leader on this branch, although not many PCs are being sold these days this in turn has little to do with Microsoft.  Let's face it, parents no longer need a pc for the internet nor checking their emails.  I keep hearing that Microsoft is dead, pc sales are low but as I said before - people now have a choice to buy a device fit for purpose.  People who use Windows/Office tend to be more professional and about productivity.  I know a University student who wanted anything with Office, she knows it, she uses it and although she has used other products she prefers the productivity level and ease of use.

When deciding the future you have to consider:
Cost implications - Schools are having budgets cut
Fit for purpose - no point spending £1000 on a piece of kit that will only do basic word and internet browsing.
Future proofing - avoid Intel Celerons or similar for any processor types, we stick to i3s.  With Windows 10, this should last plenty of time until the next stage is here.
The Users - They need to know what they are doing and needs to be compatible with everything you have.

Cost of a pc to education

So a quick one to say what a computer plus monitor costs

The spec:
Intel Core i3-4170 dual core 3.7Ghz
Simple tower and Asrock motherboard.

It's fit for purpose, lasts and shouldn't have any major hiccups for 5-7 years.
£200 - RedCat

Viewsonic monitor 20" £50

That's a total of £250 for a computer and monitor.  If you look at a full computer suite that's £7500 for 30 machines. 

Who says computer suites are incredibly expensive?  with IT becoming more reliable and less failures on equipment compared to 10 years ago, you shouldn't need to spend a budget of £16,000 for a replacement IT suite.
Main reason why we are able to save money is, fight suppliers - tell them the prices that are better than theirs.  Shop around, don't just do the 3 usual quotations because you have to - do it because it can save the School money.

Personal note:  Log the money you save by fighting the competition.

Tuesday 24 May 2016

Personal: Jose to Manchester United and a wee bit more

Huge football fan here, yes absolutely a Red Devil.

I've been to the games, spend a ton on merchandise and pay a fortune for every sport channel on Virgin Media.

So let's start with the sacking of LVG, I feel for him I really do but let's have a quick peak at the mistakes he made?
  • Spent a lot - £250 million.
  • Half those players were/are flops - the biggest being Di Maria even though he showed glimpses.
  • No plan B - for a time Fellaini's head was the plan.  With no on form strikers to rely on but still attempting Rooney as a striker.
  • Players out of position, Valencia as a RB, Young as a LB and striker, Fellaini as a striker even Blind isn't a natural CB, Carrick as a CB and Mata on the wing.  It wouldn't be so bad if this was occasionally but it became a norm.
  • Wrong tactics against the wrong teams, at times teams would park it and hit United on the counter.  This didn't always work and in fact usually caused massive problems for United.
  • Multiple holding mid-fielders.  There is a reason why some teams only allow one holding midfielder.  This allows every other player except that midfielder and centre backs to have pace and speed with creativity.
At every stage along this path, these two footballing seasons LVG would insist the issue is not him.  Even attempted to blame the fans for expecting too much?

David Moyes
Dave made one mistake, he didn't plan for the loss of RVP.  Although United had strikers, United didn't have perfect finishers.  As a result United had scoring problems just as much as they did before RVP turned up.  Losing out to City on goal difference was why Fergie pushed for another striker with Van Persie.  A striker who already had respect and fear from defenders and rival fans.  Daves end of season mistakes involved the likes of Zaha, Janu and losing several key players from Evra to Vidic.  You also have to remember the loss of of Rafael and Evans - that's 4 critical 1st team defenders that won Fergie league.  Those defenders were replaced with Shaw, Damian and Rojo.  And in all honesty I do not rate Rojo what so ever as a defender, lack of pace and no creativity moving forward.

Luke Shaw
When people talk about Uniteds best players, they talk about one man Da Gea.  Yet there is no mention of Martial, Rashford, Lindgard and the amazing Shaw.  I rate shaw to be our best LB not just for club but for Country.  Funnily enough our season went down hill when we lost Shaw, our LB with Rojo was easily beaten and couldn't go forward.  There was a time when Rojo wouldn't breach the midfield line.  He has not got the pace and very limited creativity.  The loss of Shaw was a major factor in losing a top 4 slot.  Will he return to form?  players rarely do.  His fitness was impressive after what LVG did to him.

The best parts of LVG
So he did make a positive impact, he made Luke Shaw fitter.  He got Martial, Rashford and Lindgard all playing.  Although many considered Martial a waste of money, those critics were fast silenced after one game.  Even after that game it was "lets see if it wasn't luck" and guess what, Martial has been another player to mention this season.  Who's next? Well the impressive Rashford who has not had many shots on target but has consistently scored.  He is very cool headed and relaxed, doesn't get stressed as much.  Perfect for United.
Lindgard, although inconsistent - I really think we should build our team around him and Rashford/Martial.

So, the Special one, the antic one, certainly not the boring one.  We all know him, the majority of Chelsea fans didn't want him gone but understood why it happened.  When he went the results only slightly improved and Chelsea still struggled.  Was it Jose's fault or perhaps the players simply didn't perform?  I think it's safe to say that the players really didn't bother.
The problem with Jose was he never blamed the players, he protected them, sugar coated them and it seems when he stopped doing that - they didn't like it.  Kind of goes back to Fergie when he said that times have changed.  We can no longer batter the players, we have to look after them - they are sensitive.

So back to Jose, I believe he is a great manager.  Even SAF wasn't perfect.  He is arrogant like most footballer managers but I do think he is the right choice for the next few years.  Till a more long term solution can be resolved.

The sacking of LVG
It's interesting when rival fans banter, #hypocrisy comes to mind often.  The same fans that complained about LVG being sacked are the same ones that laughed constantly at his performances and results.  The same fans that complained at the way it was handled also criticised Man City's openness, Liverpools instant sacking of Rodgers and every other EPL manager (theres been plenty of sackings this season).  I even watched an Arsenal fan rip in to Uniteds handling of this.  Yet Arsenal fans who have been the most inconsistent supports I have ever witnessed with their ever changing minds of Arsene Wenger.  They complain at how United have booed LVG yet they did the same (insert all the banners, campaigns etc etc etc).  #Hypocrites.

One thing I can say is I am proud of United fans.  I know a lot of non United fans from all sorts of teams and they all say one consistent messaged, we are not by far the worst fans in the Premier League.  We supported LVG through his mess, supported Moyes longer than most other fans have done (as shown by this and last season).  It took us 6 months of poor results and performances to finally say enough is enough Moyes.  We was on course to missing top four by a mile, losing the CL and every competition.  Struggling to score goals and have a laughing stock of a defence - then blame it all on luck.  The same fans that criticised this entire escapade only take one or two bad losses to call for their managers head.  As shown by Arsenal and even Liverpool fans.

I watch football occasionally with a few Arsenal fans and I have to say, quite shocking.  The same person who says "Insert Player Name" was missed, will also say a few weeks later that the player is a waste of space.  The same fans who "We are top of the league, we will win it" at Christmas then whine and complain when they bottle it.  The terms deluded gets used, aimed at poor Arsene yet the fans do the same thing.  Instead of "Lets see how this goes" it's always we will win it, come next season and then the bottle gets smashed.  You only have to see the tweets from a certain Piers Morgan to know exactly what I mean.  If I ever see an Arsenal fan whine about Uniteds treatment of LVG, I just remind them to look in the mirror at their own obscene fans who whine non stop, blame everything (like Jose) and then use terms like "injuries" as if they are the only team that faces them.

A major factor in football, I keep an eye on the most injuries stats.  This season United has been amongst the highest, last season
As I type this United has the same amount of injuries that Arsenal has #4.  That's it.  A team like ours always should have plan B players.

So let's look at a pivotal point - JAN 2016:
Manchester United had 20 players injured with City on level.  Who was higher?  No one.  Liverpool and Stoke had 19.  So where is Arsenal on this table?  14.  Which actually is sitting on the average, with the lowest being 9 (likes of Leicester).

I remember growing up listening to an Arsenal fan go on about injuries which is why United won the league.  Hold up?  I thought it was refs? I thought it was because United spent money?  The same fans who said Fergie was nothing are now respecting him, telling United those glory days are gone.

Such fickle fans we have - quite sad really.

JAN Injury Stat

DEC Injury list

Yet according to some fans it's been their bad luck on injuries.  Funny? Those stats say something else.

Copyright is it illegal?

Working in our job over the years, you learn a lot in regards to "licenses" and what you are "legally" allowed to do.

A hot topic of discussion regarding is it illegal to and breaking the law when you breach copyright?
In one simple word - yes.

At the end of the day, when you read through any legal documentation of terms and conditions you see pretty quickly the same terms constantly used.
You quickly see that the copy you own is actually a "limited license" which allows you the right to use that copy and that's it.  The copy provides you no rights, express or implied, to the software itself.  This is not down to interpretation on any level.
If you are caught copying someone's copyrighted materials you can face legal action.  Although there is a chance you may spend your life never getting caught, this is absolutely no different to stealing a copy of the software from a shop.  Remember those old video clips "you wouldn't steal a car" this message is from the companies involved and it's no different.  It doesn't matter if you plan on selling a copy or not, you are breaking the "Copyright Law".

"This agreement is governed by the laws of the United Kingdom"

I'm simply not making this up, the above quotations are coming directly from "Terms and Conditions of Use" which comes along with every piece of software, music or film produced on to a CD.

"By placing this DVD-ROM in the DVD drive of your computer, you agree to the terms of this license"

In simple terms it is your responsibility not to breach the Copyright Law.  This law alone is a very large document to read due to the amount of infringement types there is.  Regardless of what "type" you come under for breaching the copyrights you are still breaching something that is "illegal" and in a simple term "law".

So let's look a bit more detail at this one single page describing "Terms and Conditions of Use".

Section 2 shows "Copyright"
All titles and materials contained within the DVD ROM are protected by copyright and all other applicable intellectual property laws and international treaties.  Therefore, you may not copy the DVD ROM except for making one copy of the DVD ROM solely for backup or archival purposes.  You may not alter, remove or destroy any copyright notice or other material placed on or with this DVD ROM.

Copyright laws and property laws is mentioned.

Ripping CDs still illegal in the UK

The term "illegal" not in line for interpretation, simply one word - illegal (in breach of law)

High Court Quashes Regulations to Copy

Remember this?  Originally before this, it had been legal to create your own copy of purchased music.

This regulatory law was introduced to prevent any misgiving's on the law.  You may not agree with it, I may not agree with it but at the end of the day it is breaching the law to create even your own copies as a backup.

Remember once you start copying discs illegally, how many will you have copied over a ten year period?

All of this just simply because technicians have been asked to create copies of discs so other people can use them without purchasing additional licenses.
No matter how small the crime may be, if it's illegal you are still breaking the law.  Although individually copying cds for your own personal use has not created a major court case - you have to be aware that sooner or later an example will be made of some one.  Like it or not, you may not get punished but you are still breaking the law - regardless - YOU ARE.

Wednesday 18 May 2016

Personal: Downfall of the BBC GIANT

This has been coming right?  We can look at several reasons for this, we can look at several details and even specifics.  As a kid a long time ago, I grew up watching the BBC for entertainment and even education.

When did it go wrong?
Instead of looking at new incomes and revenues the BBC makes cutbacks.  You can't put in nothing and get so little back.

Political Correctness - Gone Mad
An expression constantly being used today, it's over the top and it seems no one has a back bone any more.  I remember being told stories of family members who lived during WW2.  They told me about the nightmares of fighting in the war, to surviving the blitz and moving to the Country side.  They would tell me about stories, jokes, singing and rare quite nervous times while surviving.  One thing really hit me - they got on with it.  They didn't sit there and cry, pretend the world was pretty, complained when things got hard - they got on with it.  Something I grew up being proud.  During the worst times in the last 100 Years my family members were not ignoring what was going on but they continued on with life.  They had that backbone, the spine, the courage and rarely complained when things got difficult.  They didn't want to live through it, they didn't want to see it or be apart of it but they got on with it.

The BBC showed that courage with it's TV shows from comedies to dramas and even the news.  They were never afraid to do jokes, sketches, insult politicians or generally make total prat of them selves.  It was called entertainment, not taking like too serious and not "Politically Correct".  Even now I can watch comedians that are not on the BBC rip in to anyone and anything regardless of race, life issues or society status.  How many times have I watched the IT Crowd totally taking the mick about my own profession.  I can relate to it but I don't take it personal because it's hilarious.  How many times have I watched American comedians rip in to British white Caucasians and I find my self laughing without a care.  Why should I? It's humour.  Frankie Boyle is a prime example of a comedian who certainly doesn't hold back.  We've seen this in all sorts of comedies over the years.

The BBC once had a ton of comedies that were simply in their own league.  How many of them contained scenes that the BBC wouldn't even consider now?  Too many.

Get over your self, grow up and grow a pair comes to mind.

Lack of Quality Sports
Does anyone remember always watching the BBC every week for sports? I certainly do.  From Live Football, Formula 1, Rugby, Tennis, Cricket and even the occasional import from America.  Sadly it seems every year that passes the BBC is losing more and more live coverage and can't even afford highlights any more.  They have lost Cricket, F1 and the majority of Football.  How long till it loses even more?

Lack of Quality Comedy
Dear oh dear, something the BBC excelled at once upon a time from great comedians to great sketches and they have all gone.  How many of us can recall great moments? too many - BBC.
Now, those same comedies wouldn't be allowed to be made in todays world.  Quite sad, pathetic and disturbing.

Star Trek/Simpsons - the Variety
Once upon a time, the BBC showed a few programs that were imported.  It showed a variety to get viewers of all ages, all backgrounds to watch the BBC.  Gone, done and dusted.

The BBC is a Easy Target
Let's face it, it's very easy for politicians to whine about the BBC, viewers, tax payers, license fee payers and finally those who watch iPlayer.  Politicians are doing what they do best, getting involved with things they have zero clue, zero care and frankly no idea about.  What the public want to watch, what the public want from their TV channel after all the BBC is the channel of the people.

What now?
Honestly I see the BBC dead, changed, different unless it adjusts.  Cut back paying high board members who we never see, never know who they are but they earn not 10s of thousands but 100s of thousands every year.  They don't work towards giving us great programs they are the ones who make decisions like the recent one - removing content from the website to apparently save a lot of money.  Who should be the high earners?  the presenters, the actors, the producers - the ones who actually give us that content.  The ones who make the TV shows.  Allow them to do what they feel like without any backlash from cry babies, whiners or general complainers.

It's quite sickening we live in a Democratic Society which is fast becoming a nation of whinge bags where no one is allowed to say anything anymore.  Even Social Networking is taking a heavy beating because people post their views, ideas or even photos.  Last I checked, if you don't like a TV program you have every right to - guess what - change the channel.  You think I enjoy Country File? No.  You think I want to watch how farm animals breed? No.  So what do I do - I change channel.

Our internet is being slowly controlled, what we say is being slowly controlled and guess what - even I have to hide my identity in these posts just in case I insult one person who doesn't like it.  I may not always agree with people but we are all entitled to have our opinion.  When we say something in public it is no different to putting it on Social Networking.  What's interesting is the same people who whine about Government Censorship are the same ones who say you shouldn't be able to say certain things online or comedians joke about certain things.  So it goes back to the lack of back bone by todays nation.  People far too easy not to take things on the chin, not able to open their eyes that the world doesn't evolve around them.

So welcome to 21st Century Democracy and the failing of the BBC who are unwilling to stand up to the whiners and be for British Broadcasting Centre we all loved growing up.

Don't agree? Let me know? I've not covered everything but just a few things.

Monday 16 May 2016

Personal: A Teachers Letter of Resignation

An interesting article I wanted to post about:

Sorry Nicky I'm out - A Teacher Article to our Leaders

Professional Comparisons
The thing is, as mentioned before I really do feel for Teachers but in all honesty I can’t feel too much.  Reading through some of the responses and no I've not posted myself, I've begun to see what negatives I feel towards Teachers.  There's a few assumptions that anyone but a Teacher can't comprehend on any level the work load, there's assumptions that any profession doesn't quite compare unless you are a Doctor/Nurse.  I'm some one that does understand what a Fully Qualified Teacher will do on a daily basis, expected to Teach all day while still lesson planning, marking, observations and data tracking assessments.  I've even been very tempted to go down the route of Teaching, sat down and had several serious discussions to see what an average week is like for a Teacher.  I have witnessed the difference to Teachers from when I was a child, to first working in Education and seeing it today.  After all Teachers are expected to take roughly 25-30 days off a Year and perform those tasks like lesson and curriculum planning - some Teachers assume that all the half terms is their own time.  I remember when Teachers could sit at their desk in a quite classroom, we worked and completed tasks while the Teacher would do what they needed to do.  There was minimal interaction.  Now, Teachers are expected to deal with all what I listed while also teaching up to 30 Students instead of 15-20 per class.

The fact that the only comparison that gets mentioned with Teaching being Medical is a major oversight.  My great uncle was a doctor before he retired, he worked long hours, endless amount of data entries and several times came home not just exhausted or drained but emotionally destroyed at seeing people die.  I remembered once (because I loved spending time with my Aunt and Cousins) that he came home in tears.  He had witnessed a lovely old lady die after trying to keep her alive after a whole month and before his shift ended he had an emergency of a young girl involved in an accident.  This young girl was a spitting image of my cousin (his daughter).  Now that's one thing that Teaching nor my own profession could ever grasp.  We don't see the deaths, the tragedies of families constantly losing loved ones.  I've been to hospitals enough in my life to know everyone walking in that door wants the Doctor to give that magical cure to our suffering.  To save our loved ones.  I couldn't imaging watching a child die and pass away while attempting to save them..   Yet I'm sorry to say but Teachers continue to compare themselves to the Medical Profession.  I know a lot of people in the private sector of IT who work long hours (longer than me) to get tasks completed because of companies being open 24/7.  To have last minute changes for months of work or thousands down the drain as a result of business changes.
It's one reason I don't work in the public sector.  I know one person in particularly that gets to spend one day a week with his family if he is lucky.  Why don't Teachers compare to his job? because they don't know or don't understand that they are not the only ones in a full time professional job? Why don't they compare to the armed forces?  One thing I noticed in the comment section was "You chose that job" well didn't a Teacher choose their job?  The goal posts for a lot of jobs is always being moved - that's life.

When have I been professionally pushed?
Yet, some and it's not the majority don't quite understand that teaching is not the only profession that can drain you.  I've dealt with long hours to get systems online and this was through either poor configuring, previous IT Staff or simple lack of budgets.  I remember once working till the Site Staff kicked me out for an entire month while I had to do several huge changes on the system.  This was due to management not following my advice on "decent" equipment instead we went for "cheap as chips" which failed consistently.  There was one night I couldn't do more, I went home at my normal time which the Head was fully happy for (he was grateful for the extra hours) yet I found out that one particular Science Head made a snarky comment.  That I should have been there late every day until I had it sorted, she had said that to a Teaching Assistant.  This is what really niggles me with some Teachers.  It's that lack of understanding on our job, lack of realisation of what constraints we have and they treat us like the Government treats them.  You would think they would have more understanding for us.
You also have to remember the times I have been poorly treated, systems are down and constantly "IT NEEDS TO BE WORKING NOW!!!!".  Ever had your car broken down and expected it to be fixed instantly regardless?
In my profession if anyone wants to understand what we do, come and sit with me.  I make it a habit of telling Staff often they are more than welcome to sit in my office, have a seat and talk to me about anything/everything in regards to IT for their departments.  A quote I use often "Work with me to work with you".  How many times do I get comments like "How do you do that, how do you know these things" because I have worked hard to learn, long hours, outside of working hours, courses, qualifications and years doing IT.

What do Teachers need? Voters Support
On the article I found one post which I completely support, we are voters that need to be supporting good causes.  I for one support their protests but I don't support strikes not since the miners strikes because of the conditions they were in every day.  As a voter, I vote for our Government, I vote for our local MPs and I have a voice on how this Country is run plus tax money spent.  We all do - we are a democratic society.  Yet again I see a comment that mentions we are not allowed to have an opinion on the matter.

The comments and negative ones are torn apart
Looking through even more posts on this article, I am seeing a hard defence in Teaching with quite a few "You are wrong" attitudes.  A few are actually quite insulting and showing a lack of understanding of other professional jobs.  This is why I don't know many people that are willing to support Teacher strikes.  Each time someone is willing to discuss, comment or even have an opinion they are met with attacks.  I once had to do a post about "What's wrong with Technicians" and I am more than happy to admit that there are some poor ones.  Yet looking through these comments you would think every Teacher works long hours, every Teacher has it hard and every Teacher goes above and beyond their job.  I'm sorry but we are human beings and mistakes are normal, people who are not up to the job are normal.

What's wrong with IT Technicians

It's quite sad at times, I love my job, it's a nightmare at times but I am very grateful for what I have.  The salary, the hours and wouldn't ever consider comparing to the medical profession.  It's why my heart doesn't completely go out to Teachers.
Don't get me wrong as shown in another post that I Support Teachers more so than people I've worked with over the Years.  Even some Parents have vented quite a lot of anger.  My feelings have been made rather clear that generally can be positive but a minority really cause their own headaches.

What's wrong with Teachers - The wrong headline

Although the headline is wrong, I've purposely put it so it looks negative but in fact will actually show a lot of the hard work Teachers do.  The majority of this post is positive but also shows negativity.  Showing that perhaps Teachers need to pull back just as much as the Government does and everyone work together to move forward.  Which also means Teachers.
In regards to the Government I completely agree that they should stop altering things and realise that our children in this Country are not raised in different cultures where Education is paramount and a must have.  We allow our kids to have a childhood and not worry about the stresses of School life.  I know a few non British kids who are hard educated from a very early life.  Problem is though children in this Country generally are raised like that.  It's a different mentality, different parenting and not easily changed.

So for anyone who doesn't agree with me:
What would you compare the Teaching profession to?
Do you work in a job working long hours with day to day stress?
Do you find Teachers admit that some of their fellow professionals are questionable?
Would you consider yourself very hard pushed in your job compared to medical staff or even the armed forces?
Did you choose your job and should you just simply "Lump it" or would you protest, strike and fight for improved job conditions?
Do the people above you constantly move the goal posts?
Are you grateful for what you have?
Let me know.  Perhaps I am being too harsh?  Perhaps lenient?

Thursday 12 May 2016

Personal: What's wrong with Teachers

I do apologise but the title is mostly miss-leading.

Teachers are under extreme pressure to get Students with grades, results, Ofsted inspection all while dealing with day to day lives.

What issues can a Student have that is out of everyone's power?
  • A family loss.
  • Illness (from serious or general problems).
  • Abuse.
  • Poverty.
  • Health, from food to lack of exercise.
  • Behaviour.
  • Parents who don't care.
  • Always the Schools fault.
The Teachers will be expected to get those Students through an educational system to getting their predicted grades if not better.  The Government though will simply not care about that nor that the above can impact attendance.

The Government changes the Curriculum, goal posts and teaching level?
  • ICT Changes from day to day general IT to "coding".
  • English changes to teach "British Literature".
  • 1 Year to prep for these while still doing day to day work.
  • Telling Schools they should employ trainee teachers.
  • VLE requirement, suddenly cancelled
  • BSF rollover, suddenly cancelled
  • Ofsted changes in requirements.
  • Longer hours
  • More Students
  • More classes
  • No extra budgets, buildings and classrooms - Instead cut backs.
  • New Government with new changes
Under paid, under valued and as mentioned before it's always the Schools fault.  Ever sat and watched a Student insist they are innocent, they "swear down" and the Parent 100% believes their child.  Not until you get CCTV proof that little Johnny was indeed responsible.  This actually happens more often than most people think.

A Teacher should be Teaching, this is a generic thing I use for anyone including us in IT.  We are IT Support and we should be doing that.  Would a parent be happy if their child was being taught English by an IT Technician who was fresh out of School? No.

So what do Teachers do?
  • Lesson plan (usually months in advance and record it for Cover).
  • Evaluate Students often (including recording it all down review).
  • Marking Students work (all of it)
  • Teach all day every day (with minimal free periods that usually get taken for Cover).
  • Deal with 25-30 Students per lesson with 5-6 lessons a day Monday to Friday.
  • Parent evenings and events.
  • Training (from child protection, to new policies, procedures and general improvements) - Usually a few periods a week at most.
  • Work daily long hours
Summer Holidays off?  Correction.  I've been told by a few heads over the years that the holiday time is actually when the above work should be completed.  This includes any tracking, marking and lesson planning.  Teachers are expected to do the average 25-32 days off a year same as any profession (give or take a few days).  Some teachers will choose to work late during the week so they get the half terms off.  You have to remember that teachers can't book time off during term time.

Are they Perfect? The bad bits - after all they are human
Not perfect, you will see in other posts some teachers are just the same as any other professional job.  You have the good, the bad and the nutty.  You have those who treat you the same as the Government treats them - like dirt.  You have teachers who are very ambitious, selfish and don't actually just teach but want to show off new ideas that don't actually benefit teaching. 

A major issue Teachers have especially young ones is their career path:
  • School
  • College
  • University
  • Teaching
This path provides little experience in anything else, Schools are responsible for millions of pounds (yes millions) which is why they are generally employing School manages/business managers to offload.  It's why finance officers tend to be also experience in business management.  After all why would a head teacher have experience in budgets? until they hit deputy head.

They can be very poor with IT, know nothing about it but claim they are the best qualified to say what tool to use.  You wouldn't trust some one who can't drive, knows nothing about cars to claim they are best qualified to say what car is suited for the jobs? No.  I once had to help deal with a situation of a teacher lying, although wasn't a serious incident in fact it was very minor but because this teacher had lied - it resulted in their sacking.  I've had teachers openly tell me how to do my job, what my job is - regardless of my job description.  It's not my job to be responsible for externally provided websites - use Facebook as an example.  If Facebook went offline, what's that got to do with any School let alone the IT techies?  Some teachers over the years have acted towards me like I am a teaching assistant, admin assistant or even a cleaner/site staff.

Then again, I have heard some stories from teachers over the years including heads and deputies.  Good stories and Bad stories, I know some teachers today that are absolutely lovely to talk to.  Always apologetic if they make a mistake, always kind and caring towards us.

So it goes to show there are some really nice, great teachers but there are some poor nuts and bolts around.

Wednesday 11 May 2016

System from Scratch

An interesting thing I saw the other day - What if I could start a system from scratch.  I will do this post over time - making updates as I go.

I've already covered Cloud so for the moment I will leave that out (minus the Office 365 for the software to all users).

We have a dozen or so servers, ranging from Finance, software, SIMs.net and the DNS/DHCP and DCs.

So server spec - I wouldn't hold back.

DELL - only my preference, I know them, they work, easy to customise and I've had no issues.

What do I need? Dell Rack Mount PowerEdge -Premiums (personally I would dream of blade)
  • Virtualisation - Hyper-V
  • Memory
  • More than one Processor
  • Space, Space and more Space
  • Room to add more
  • Separate main DC (used to be called Primary Controller)
  • Rack Mounts
So a simple DC server, with a bit of redundancy so any failures the server would continue to run.  This could be setup with a simple RAID to mirror two drives, more than one PSU, spare RAM and perhaps even two processors.  No matter what this little one wouldn't cost too much and would effectively be online doing a simple task 24/7.

Virtual Servers, Going for three of these to improve flexibility, redundancy and reliability.  Ever heard the term for all your eggs in a basket?  The dream would be 5 or even 6 physical boxes with DFS replication between the servers including exchange.  Even in Education, the reliance on IT is very heavy and although failures don't cost millions it instead impacts on Education.  We all see the fines given to Parents who take their kids for one day holidays, the detentions given for lateness or 5 minute lesson wastage - IT is no different.

So in this scenario I will look at three physical boxes.  The primary role on one server will be exchange, the second will be DATA and the third will be SIMs/Finance and any SQLs/Imaging.

This gives an off balance for any data transfers and also allows each physical box to have extra virtual servers based on the performance of each one.

So let's look at the Spec:
  • PowerEdge R730, TPM.
  • Up to 16 2.5" Hard Drives.
  • Xeon E5-2643 v3.3.
  • Upgraded to two processors.
  • 2 CPU with GPU.
  • 8x8 GB RDIMM.
  • No OS (we always install ours and purchase our own licenses).
  • RAID 5 (usually my preference).
  • RAID controller 2GB NV cache.
  • 16x 400GB Solid State (I would normally go for 15K RPM 600GB) - but same price !.
  • iDRAC Enterprise.
  • QLogic 57800 2x10GB.
  • Additional Network Card (QLOGIC).
Don't forget a good UPS for your server solutions. 

Estimated cost for the above is around £20,000 which is about right for a really good server, three of those totally around £60,000.  Considering how much Schools spend on servers over 10-15 Years this is a really good path.
If money wasn't an option, I would consider a high processor choice, likewise for the Solid State to high GB or even TB and more RAM.

How would I setup these Servers?

Small Server:
  • Primary DC
  • Primary DNS
  • Primary DHCP
Virtual Server number 1:
  • Secondary DC
  • Secondary DNS
  • Secondary DHCP
  • Primary Data Storage
  • Extra Server
  • Extra Server
Virtual Server number 2:
  • Exchange
  • DNS
  • DHCP
  • Software
  • Extra Server
  • Extra Server
Virtual server number 3:
  • SIMs Server
  • Finance
  • Imaging
  • Secondary Data Storage
  • CCTV Server
  • Extra Server
  • Extra Server
  • Extra Server
Although this is all based on performance levels, Exchange has a habit of being a memory hungry system.  Our primary data storage has a habit of being very space hungry.

I would even be able to increase each Virtual Server to have more VMs, I'd also like to develop a system to allow Labs for Students studying ICT.

DFS Replication, all based on performance and space requirements but I would consider this in the above 3 Servers.  Although I will admit this is a little overkill but remember I base this on IT reliance of my current job and experience.  I have never worked at a place that didn't rely on IT, it had to work and couldn't be down for a few minutes.  Students work is 75% electronically stored, 98% of Staff work is also stored on the system.  Everyone uses email and records mail dating back 10 Years.  One member of Staff has a mailbox of 25GB. 

Do not underestimate servers, reliance on IT or the future.  It's better to go overkill than finding out in 2 years time you don't have enough.  This server setup should be enough to last you 10 Years with minimal replacements starting 5-7 Years.  Fingers crossed you wouldn't need any heavy expenditure over that 10 Year period.  Technically, depending on IT developments it could even last more - or by that time Cloud would have improved enough to seriously consider.

You may not agree, but by all means let me know what you think.

Tuesday 10 May 2016

New IT Suites - Good Bye BYOD

So the Go on pulling the Scheme for BYOD creates some work for setting up the New IT Suites.

So what do we need? - Updated

30x Computers and Monitors per room
1x Switch 48 Port
1x Patch Panel
30x Keyboards
30x Mice
30x NetworkCables
30x Patch Cables
Larger Cabinet for additional switch in one area

We have a new Area coming so this requires a wee bit more:
30x Student PCs
2x Teacher PCs
1x Office PC
1x Cabinet
x2 Speakers plus cables
x2 VGA/Audio Faceplates
x2 Projectors plus cables
x2 Projector Mounts
Fibre Installation including modules
x2 Network Switches (for link location and new)
x33 Patch Cables
x33 Network Cables
x2 Patch Panels
x60 Power Splitters (we find these useful)

Estimated cost per suite is around £10,000 - £12,000 although I am sure I could negotiate the costs down through bulk buying and supplier competition.  The aim will be under £10,000 per classroom purchased with SSDs to prolong the life of the machines.  We shouldn't need to replace these every 5 Years but instead looking to 7 Years - depending how well they age and Windows/Systems continue.

For the Computers and Monitors we are looking at £8000 with Intel i3, 4 GB Ram and SSD 128GB (we don't have any machines that need more).

Monitors are a good quality 21.5" HD screens.

Think you can get a better deal for brand new equipment?  Let me know who I should talk to.

Always go to Tender and always get them to compete for your business.  With Schools budgets being squeezed - we really do need to care for every penny.

Thursday 5 May 2016

Personal: The Force Awakens

So the new Star Wars movie, practical effects, real budgets, real cameos and an updated feeling.  Don't forget there are spoilers below!

Going to start off with the negatives

Feels like a long time ago..    since Return of the Jedi
So it's been many years since the destruction of the death star and the death of the emperor/vader.  I didn't mind this too much but I have put this as a negative mainly due to the next part I wanted to discuss.

Forgotten the original story lines
So, not only did it feel like the entire trilogy was for nothing - after all defeating all that evil felt like "what's the point".  The Small band of Rebels grew in force and numbers then became an Alliance Fleet.  Then magically they went back to being "Resistance" fighters...  and again the numbers were stacked against them.  This was my 2nd biggest issue with this new movie, it really did feel like why did they even bother?  Instead of the Emperor we now have Snoke, we are yet again outnumbered/outgunned by an evil army.   And of course that climax towards the end which resulted in the destruction of the New Republic - essentially putting us exactly where we was at the end of New Hope.

Too much Ford
One part I didn't enjoy, was the entire Smuggling Scene.  It felt like Ford didn't take his role serious, nor the fact he was in danger and it generally felt that Han Solo didn't care anymore.  Perhaps he was still hell bent on losing his Son to the Dark Side but with his "humour" and taking nothing serious I don't relate to that at all.  I would have scrapped this entire scene which was my main big gripe at this movie.

Felt very original but perhaps a bit too much
The easy one, we all said it and we all know it.  Felt similar perhaps too similar to A New Hope, I really appreciate that they made some changes but it did feel like too much A New Hope.  You have the desert planet, dreaming of a better life, planet killer and the old Jedi with the young padawan.

Personally I would have removed the entire planet killer and perhaps have it.  A final small issue was the end X-Wing battle felt too...  much going on?  too all over the place?  no attention to exact details?  now all of a sudden these X-Wings are super manoeuvrable?

Okay the Good Stuff and there was plenty of it

Kylo Ren
How do you top/replace one of the coolest bad guys in existence (Darth Vader) - You don't.  Instead you give us some one who is a child of Solo.  You give us some one who isn't a master but still learning.  Not afraid to throw tantrums (not the annoying kind but the funny disturbing kind) and allow him to stop a blaster.
He also sensed his father arriving and also a Finn questioning but didn't bother with it.  Not only do you feel his presence but you feel that there is a lot more to come from his character.  Although I don't love him like Vader, you certainly feel like he is a popular Sith compared to Anakin during no.3 but perhaps better than most.

Pretty much Every Character - Too Many to list.
I loved Rey, really liked Finn and thought Poe was brilliant.  Not forgetting a certain little droid BB-8 - Again how do you top R2.  The right choices they made on the actors was also unforgettable.  From the moment we all saw Luke, the cameo characters with a few lines - everything felt like they tried their best to give us a worthy Star Wars.  And they did it.

Practical Effects
We all saw them right? real sets, real backgrounds, real characters not special effects, real explosions and a sense that everything was real.  The prequels biggest mistakes pretty much summed up the non existence of that sentence.

The Story
The way the film started was brilliant, all about finding Skywalker.  Giving us Kylo Ren and something about his past, showing us Finn a Storm Trooper who would normally not hesitate to kill innocent people like the others questioning his life.  This entire scene was perfectly shot and executed.  Then they gave us Rey who could certainly handle her self in sticky situations.  It really did feel that every shot was perfected with love and care for this is Star Wars.

The Lightsabre moment
In this one single moment, I knew that Star Wars was really back and in good hands.  Rey finds Lukes weapon and feels something powerful.  A moment of history, voices and even Obi-Wan.
One thing the prequels completely failed on was moments like this.  In the originals we had those moments, from Obi Wan talking about the dark times before the empire, to Luke facing him self in the cave and witnessing the Han/Leia suffering.  It's a bit of script, to a dream that really gives off that "magic" of Star Wars.  This moment actually sent chills down my spine.  What did it all mean?  I cant wait to see more.

The X-Wings Arrival
Another perfectly shot scene, only slightly off put by Han Solo now only discovering the CrossBow.  From watching Finn fight with a sabre, to seeing the X-Wings taking on Tie Fighters and ground troops.  There was a lot going on while Rey was having a nightmare moment for her self with Kylo Ren.

The Stare off
Rey vs Kylo when she begins to realise that resistance is possible with the Force.  What a fantastic way of giving us Rey's abilities being discovered.  I had a feeling that he would slightly struggle but he was completely put in his place.  Not only that but telling a storm trooper to let her go was great to see.

Snoke and Phasma
People whined about this because it felt like they were "Non Existent" yet these same people didn't whine about the lack of Emperor Pre ROTJ or Boba.  Such small meaningful parts, if you don't include being setup by Lando.  This is the first movie out of this trilogy and I'm sure we will get more, perhaps even seeing what they are capable of doing.  Remember this is the first.
Snoke is obviously in some way a Force user, perhaps the new Sith Lord but either way the character was impressive.  Not like the Emperor but certainly not afraid or inexperienced.  Phasma, with that armour alone deserves a place for memorable characters.

Luke Skywalker
I can't lie, I wanted more Luke Skywalker and I hope they do not make the mistake of killing him off during Episode 8 in a way that Yoda died.  The original trilogy was about this guy, as much as many of us fell in love with the other characters - it was supposed to be about Luke.  With that being said, I loved the way he was there at the very end.  And it looked incredibly natural to Mark.

So on a final note yes I am looking forward to more, no I don't think Rogue One will have anything to do with Force Awakens nor the characters.  I for one do not sit here and think about all the fan theories where 99% of them end up totally wrong.  The more outrageous you think you more unlikely you are going to be right.  I've yet to see a crazy idea turn out to be true.

Personal: The Donald Trump

So finally a relaxing post? No chance.


I think most people saw this coming, he is taking America by storm.  Maybe not for reasons I like, personally I wouldn't vote for him but do I blame Americans? No.  They like many of us are sick of politicians not saying what needs to be said or doing what needs to be done.

Obama was very good at telling people what he would like done but not for one second would he make that call.  Perhaps we will see Trump do the same thing, we've seen it with a certain British Politician who was quite outrageous but has had to cool down lately.  Will Trump bow down to peer pressure to keep the support? Only time will tell but I do believe he will calm down a bit once he has what he wants which is the White House.  Do I think he will make America better? No.

The other options
Realistically it seems that Hilary is the other option, she's had to deal with a lot from her husbands affair while he was president.  She's been in the political office long enough to know the ins and outs, the do's and don'ts.  From a non American Citizens point of view I think she is the better choice, perhaps the safest option.  Everyone has pretty much given up.  Hilary has the benefit of potentially being America's first lady president which isn't a bad thing.  We live in a society where equality is important and rightly so - women should be given every right to do the same job a man does.  Regardless right?  Right.

Fear of the future of Trump
A part of me likes his say how it is, at times though he seems to not realise what is coming out of his mouth.  A recent interview with some one he wasn't very polite to, he had actually forgotten that he insulted the interviewer some time ago.  He also seems to be back tracking on a lot of what he says in regards to the American relationship with the UK, North Korea and even the middle eastern nations.  I wonder how much time he will back track on his Muslim comments?  Like all politicians he will silence his outrageous comments and take that chill pill.  He is simply using America's fear and hate to win the presidency.
Problem is?  What if he will be that mad president?  What if he really has no fear of doing what he wants.  Like it not there is a hate for America, their history and the mistakes they have made.  Likewise for the old British Empire, but the British history was a long time ago that only America really remembers it - wonder why?
I would actually be nervous at the thought of Trump being responsible for America.

Should America Change
Yes, it should.  Once upon a time America was the nation of the free, welcome everyone.  How do you think some of the greatest cities were build?  New York, Washington - they were not built by a free enterprise and equality instead built under slaves, lies and deceit so the rich got richer and poor got poorer.  No difference really in todays society.

I'm no political editor, nor politician but I am the general public.  The voter, the tax payer and the working class.  Everything I own is bought and paid for by my self.  I didn't have rich parents or inherited anything instead I really had to work hard for my self.  I am that general working class.  And you know what, I am nervous about the future, afraid for my next generation.  So is Trump the right man for America? the world?....  only time will tell.

Personal: Vote and the EU

So finally a relaxing post? No chance.

Time to Vote? and the EU
So it's time to vote, so go get voting.  It's your liberty to vote in our democratic society, follow your heart, beliefs and don't allow anyone to tell you who to vote.  Nothing more revolting than hateful comments just because you choose to vote for some one who you want.  Although I will add that I do not for one moment think that if you choose not to vote you have no say on anything.  That to me is a standard message by the Government to get you to vote.  I pay taxes and my national insurance and have done for many ...  many Years.  I believe that gives me the right no matter to make my voice heard even if I chose not to vote.

So the hot topic lately has not been the recent polls but instead, the EU - Brexit.  It's fun enjoying the Pros/Cons of both stay and leave.  Both sides are acting very arrogant over the entire thing and forgetting what's really important to Britain which is in fact Britain.  Regardless of that being in or out of the EU, this is all what's best for us.  So shall I link to articles about why I have made my choice? shall I re-tweet those who support my decision? No.  I am simply going to say I am voting out.

Again - you should make the choice you want to make not what others want you to make.