This has been coming right? We can look at several reasons for this, we can look at several details and even specifics. As a kid a long time ago, I grew up watching the BBC for entertainment and even education.
When did it go wrong?
Instead of looking at new incomes and revenues the BBC makes cutbacks. You can't put in nothing and get so little back.
Political Correctness - Gone Mad
An expression constantly being used today, it's over the top and it seems no one has a back bone any more. I remember being told stories of family members who lived during WW2. They told me about the nightmares of fighting in the war, to surviving the blitz and moving to the Country side. They would tell me about stories, jokes, singing and rare quite nervous times while surviving. One thing really hit me - they got on with it. They didn't sit there and cry, pretend the world was pretty, complained when things got hard - they got on with it. Something I grew up being proud. During the worst times in the last 100 Years my family members were not ignoring what was going on but they continued on with life. They had that backbone, the spine, the courage and rarely complained when things got difficult. They didn't want to live through it, they didn't want to see it or be apart of it but they got on with it.
The BBC showed that courage with it's TV shows from comedies to dramas and even the news. They were never afraid to do jokes, sketches, insult politicians or generally make total prat of them selves. It was called entertainment, not taking like too serious and not "Politically Correct". Even now I can watch comedians that are not on the BBC rip in to anyone and anything regardless of race, life issues or society status. How many times have I watched the IT Crowd totally taking the mick about my own profession. I can relate to it but I don't take it personal because it's hilarious. How many times have I watched American comedians rip in to British white Caucasians and I find my self laughing without a care. Why should I? It's humour. Frankie Boyle is a prime example of a comedian who certainly doesn't hold back. We've seen this in all sorts of comedies over the years.
The BBC once had a ton of comedies that were simply in their own league. How many of them contained scenes that the BBC wouldn't even consider now? Too many.
Get over your self, grow up and grow a pair comes to mind.
Lack of Quality Sports
Does anyone remember always watching the BBC every week for sports? I certainly do. From Live Football, Formula 1, Rugby, Tennis, Cricket and even the occasional import from America. Sadly it seems every year that passes the BBC is losing more and more live coverage and can't even afford highlights any more. They have lost Cricket, F1 and the majority of Football. How long till it loses even more?
Lack of Quality Comedy
Dear oh dear, something the BBC excelled at once upon a time from great comedians to great sketches and they have all gone. How many of us can recall great moments? too many - BBC.
Now, those same comedies wouldn't be allowed to be made in todays world. Quite sad, pathetic and disturbing.
Star Trek/Simpsons - the Variety
Once upon a time, the BBC showed a few programs that were imported. It showed a variety to get viewers of all ages, all backgrounds to watch the BBC. Gone, done and dusted.
The BBC is a Easy Target
Let's face it, it's very easy for politicians to whine about the BBC, viewers, tax payers, license fee payers and finally those who watch iPlayer. Politicians are doing what they do best, getting involved with things they have zero clue, zero care and frankly no idea about. What the public want to watch, what the public want from their TV channel after all the BBC is the channel of the people.
What now?
Honestly I see the BBC dead, changed, different unless it adjusts. Cut back paying high board members who we never see, never know who they are but they earn not 10s of thousands but 100s of thousands every year. They don't work towards giving us great programs they are the ones who make decisions like the recent one - removing content from the website to apparently save a lot of money. Who should be the high earners? the presenters, the actors, the producers - the ones who actually give us that content. The ones who make the TV shows. Allow them to do what they feel like without any backlash from cry babies, whiners or general complainers.
It's quite sickening we live in a Democratic Society which is fast becoming a nation of whinge bags where no one is allowed to say anything anymore. Even Social Networking is taking a heavy beating because people post their views, ideas or even photos. Last I checked, if you don't like a TV program you have every right to - guess what - change the channel. You think I enjoy Country File? No. You think I want to watch how farm animals breed? No. So what do I do - I change channel.
Our internet is being slowly controlled, what we say is being slowly controlled and guess what - even I have to hide my identity in these posts just in case I insult one person who doesn't like it. I may not always agree with people but we are all entitled to have our opinion. When we say something in public it is no different to putting it on Social Networking. What's interesting is the same people who whine about Government Censorship are the same ones who say you shouldn't be able to say certain things online or comedians joke about certain things. So it goes back to the lack of back bone by todays nation. People far too easy not to take things on the chin, not able to open their eyes that the world doesn't evolve around them.
So welcome to 21st Century Democracy and the failing of the BBC who are unwilling to stand up to the whiners and be for British Broadcasting Centre we all loved growing up.
Don't agree? Let me know? I've not covered everything but just a few things.
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