Thursday, 5 May 2016

Personal: The Donald Trump

So finally a relaxing post? No chance.


I think most people saw this coming, he is taking America by storm.  Maybe not for reasons I like, personally I wouldn't vote for him but do I blame Americans? No.  They like many of us are sick of politicians not saying what needs to be said or doing what needs to be done.

Obama was very good at telling people what he would like done but not for one second would he make that call.  Perhaps we will see Trump do the same thing, we've seen it with a certain British Politician who was quite outrageous but has had to cool down lately.  Will Trump bow down to peer pressure to keep the support? Only time will tell but I do believe he will calm down a bit once he has what he wants which is the White House.  Do I think he will make America better? No.

The other options
Realistically it seems that Hilary is the other option, she's had to deal with a lot from her husbands affair while he was president.  She's been in the political office long enough to know the ins and outs, the do's and don'ts.  From a non American Citizens point of view I think she is the better choice, perhaps the safest option.  Everyone has pretty much given up.  Hilary has the benefit of potentially being America's first lady president which isn't a bad thing.  We live in a society where equality is important and rightly so - women should be given every right to do the same job a man does.  Regardless right?  Right.

Fear of the future of Trump
A part of me likes his say how it is, at times though he seems to not realise what is coming out of his mouth.  A recent interview with some one he wasn't very polite to, he had actually forgotten that he insulted the interviewer some time ago.  He also seems to be back tracking on a lot of what he says in regards to the American relationship with the UK, North Korea and even the middle eastern nations.  I wonder how much time he will back track on his Muslim comments?  Like all politicians he will silence his outrageous comments and take that chill pill.  He is simply using America's fear and hate to win the presidency.
Problem is?  What if he will be that mad president?  What if he really has no fear of doing what he wants.  Like it not there is a hate for America, their history and the mistakes they have made.  Likewise for the old British Empire, but the British history was a long time ago that only America really remembers it - wonder why?
I would actually be nervous at the thought of Trump being responsible for America.

Should America Change
Yes, it should.  Once upon a time America was the nation of the free, welcome everyone.  How do you think some of the greatest cities were build?  New York, Washington - they were not built by a free enterprise and equality instead built under slaves, lies and deceit so the rich got richer and poor got poorer.  No difference really in todays society.

I'm no political editor, nor politician but I am the general public.  The voter, the tax payer and the working class.  Everything I own is bought and paid for by my self.  I didn't have rich parents or inherited anything instead I really had to work hard for my self.  I am that general working class.  And you know what, I am nervous about the future, afraid for my next generation.  So is Trump the right man for America? the world?....  only time will tell.

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