Bring Your Own Device

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EDIT- This report has had names, companies removed to generally help what people think about BYOD Schemes - not to name and shame.  Our School has been running it for more than a few years, new procedures, new views and new Staff didn't prevent it from being scrapped.  This is again School specific to us, my own experience.  I will also highlight in red any additions I make to include the many years apart of this scheme.

This report contains information, emails and topics raised over the Scheme.  Primarily this is for archiving in the event of any future questions in regards to Schemes.

Current General Issues surrounding the devices:
  • Lack of IT knowledge by Students, Staff and Parents.
  • Students not bringing devices to School or charging.
  • Form Tutors not informing Students of any updates, also not sending up for Loans to avoid lessons being affected.
  • Insurance/Warranty Issues.
  • SCHOOL IT SUPPORT dealing with all Warranty/Insurance Claims.
  • Long Process for Insurance/Warranty procedures.
  • Angry Parents contacting SCHOOL IT SUPPORT who purchased through Scheme.
  • Parents not signing up to Scheme.
  • Everything going through SCHOOL IT SUPPORT.
  • Lack of Control.
  • Email to Print function limitations.
  • Lack of home filtering.
  • Lack of controlling devices.
  • Re-setting up device after wipe.
Insurance and Warranty issues:
  • Denied Claims, multiple reasons depending on level of “fussiness” from Insurance Company.
  • Parents following procedures.
  • Lengthy Procedures, taking photos, diagnostics, multiple phone calls and emails.
  • Reporting issues quickly enough (under 30 days).
  • Parents not knowing they have Insurance and Warranty, completing repairs on their own and invalidating Warranty.  Even with all the information being sent to Parents.
  • Non Scheme Devices not covered (Parents who don't sign up).
Parent Issues:
  • Parents not Early Signups/Purchasing causing delays.  Late orders must be warned that they will be delayed.  Even after warnings etc, blame still being thrown at the School for their late orders.
  • FSM/PP sign ups, not all Parents had finished the Paperwork with LEA and delays had occurred.
  • Not knowing procedures for Insurance and Warranty claims.
  • Not signing up to Scheme and going alone.
  • Going alone and expecting IT Support plus Software – even after being warned.
  • Not knowing Scheme is a package not just device.
  • Angry, Denied claims, costs, device choice, lack of options, payment methods and options.
  • Contacting companies/School outside of working hours.
  • No Home Support, including Filtering.
  • Repairing Device even with Insurance/Warranty, causing Warranty to be invalidated.
  • Informed the estimated delivery date – 2 weeks after start of term.
  • Consistent message by All Staff.
  • Unhappy about lack of IT Lessons.
  • Parents unaware of Websites, software being used.
  • School attempting to be too accommodating to all Parents, this causes confusion and issues.
  • Lack of usage, due to device being left at home and no one chasing.
  • Detentions for forgotten devices being rejected by Parents.
  • Parents returning device.
  • Being aware of Loans for those aware to be repaired etc.
  • Parents unaware of how many hours a day they are being used.
  • Not making sure Students take the fully charged device to School.
  • Using the cases all day or void the insurance.
SCHOOL IT SUPPORT – The impact on IT Support:
  • Organizing Company/Device choices.
  • Advertising to Parents.
  • FSM/PP signups, Parents contacting SCHOOL IT SUPPORT over these even though out of our Power.
  • Phone Support/Queries to Parents.
  • Support to Students.
  • Teaching Students how to use IT.
  • Arranging Claims/Warranty Repairs with Parents.
  • Arranging Claims/Warranty Repairs with Company.
  • Taking Photographs/Diagnostics.
  • Packaging devices and recording.
  • Some Repairs.
  • Wiping/Imaging devices.
  • Pre-configuring devices for Students.
  • Dealing/Liaising with Company on issues and queries.
  • Recording issues (email/logs).
  • Reporting issues to SLT.
  • E-Safety issues.
  • Dealing with Non Support Devices.
  • Loans.
School Impact:
  • Students not in lessons learning with minimal issues.
  • School image to Parents being damaged.
  • Liable to costs of Parents who cancel.
  • Replacing of devices, Tablets not covered/void insurance, lost devices with shipping company.
  • Unbelievable Man hours of all Staff involved.
  • FSM/PP or financially struggling Parents.
  • Still heavy reliance on IT Suites.
  • Employment of 4th Technician for almost 2 Years.
  • Do not all want to be involved (some forced to).
  • Not willing to assist/check what issues occur with Students (even if it's not technical issues).
  • Angry over inconsistent device types (they don't want choices).
  • Want correct screen size (at least 10 inch) for online activities e.g. Kerboodle.
  • Want a powerful device (increasing costs).
  • Want instant repairs.
  • Plan lessons around the Scheme, to have late/delays or not having a full class of devices.
  • Losing valuable time sending Students up to SCHOOL IT SUPPORT.
  • Constant requests for Support in class by SCHOOL IT SUPPORT (simply don't have the Staff).
  • Dealing with the occasional angry Parent/Student over the Scheme.
  • Having Students generally not having a clue what to do.

Lack of Knowledge:
  • How to logon to the internet
  • How to use Email
  • How to print and sending correct file types
  • How to connect to Hotspot
  • How to authorize Office – Through Scheme
  • Multiple Logons:  Kerboodle, SLG, Internet/Email, Lexia, MyMaths, RealSmart and their own Device password.
  • How to use Office:  Word, Excel and Publisher.
  • How to use the Internet, copying photos and text.
Generally the above can be used as an excuse “It doesn’t work”.  The above will also all be sent up to SCHOOL IT SUPPORT, instead of focusing on the real issues e.g. Improved IT Lessons and consistent messages from Staff.
To fix the issues:
  • Focus on Teaching and Learning.
  • Improved and consistent IT lessons before devices used and continuing through the Year.
  • Detentions/Parent calls on devices not charged or forgotten.
  • Form Tutor reminders for Loans.
  • Reminders that any damaged devices to be reported ASAP for insurance/warranty.
  • Additional PC equipment for them to logon and print from any software directly to printers.
  • Staff member to deal with Parents, reminders and awkward discussions.
  • Teachers not sending every Student up to SCHOOL IT SUPPORT, only those with real issues.
  • Teacher knowledge of IT improved.
  • Reporting general issues ASAP to correct people.
  • Consistent Messages from all Staff regarding looking after and safe usage.
  • Mirror what other Schools do:  IT Support fixing IT, Teaching Staff Teaching Students, Colleges Reporting to Parents/forgotten devices, Scheme Leader dealing with Parents.
  • Dishing the devices out, collecting these needs to be organized with the “Prep” talk on how to look after.
After all we should be getting a full class of 30 Students all sat down and ready to work within a few minutes.  Each time a Student wastes 10 minutes in a lesson, adds up to quite a bit of time over the Year.

Device - what does it need to best suit the School, Students and Staff?
  • Netbook with a good size screen.
  • Specification able to last 3 Years.
  • Durability.
  • Windows Compatible.
  • Insurance.
  • Warranty.
  • Protective Case.
  • Windows 7 or 8.1.
  • Ability to Image by SCHOOL IT SUPPORT.
Difficult to resolve:
  • Costs – If choosing a cheap device it will not offer the above.  If going for expensive device, this increases costs to Parents/School.
  • Insurance and Warranty are externally provided by companies.  Issues evolved around them are extremely hard to deal with due to out of our power.  Netbook Scheme has seen a decrease in issues and problems.  Unfortunately we are still getting Parents unable to reach company, jumping through hoops to resolve or SCHOOL IT SUPPORT doing too much.
  • All Students have devices for their first lesson.  If any late orders, this delays the launch of the Scheme and unfortunately this can’t be resolved unless OWN COMPANY purchase the equipment early.  This creates a bigger financial impact if Parents do not sign up.  Delayed orders are then blamed on to the School/SCHOOL IT SUPPORT.
  • Staff Attitude change.  We are in a state where everything is sent to SCHOOL IT SUPPORT regardless.  This includes Teaching Students how to use IT, reminding Students to look after devices and spotting the difference between IT Faults to Non IT Faults.  Generally Staff have simply “sent” all Students regardless of issues to SCHOOL IT SUPPORT.  This part is important because it allows the Teacher to work more closely with the Scheme while also allowing SCHOOL IT SUPPORT to fix IT problems not providing Teaching Assistance roles.  Teachers/Staff in general need to take a pro-active role instead of a reactive one.  There is currently a mentality of Reactive instead of Pro-Active.  Sadly there are Staff who generally do not care about the Scheme, want nothing to do with it but are being forced to use it.
  • Planning Ahead.  The recent Scheme was the most successful one because we planned, pushed and planned some more ahead of schedule.
  • Students don’t get the devices until they are all ready, trained and know the procedures.
On a final note, We need to be working together to make this Scheme but no one is willing to take responsibility for any issues and personally there seems to be a blame game on SCHOOL IT SUPPORT.

Externally Provided or Not
The tricky one, when I started it was all done internally.  This actually worked somewhat, but SCHOOL IT SUPPORT were spending all their time doing Netbook repairs and ignoring the rest of our 600 PCs, 100+ projectors, 70+ IWBs, 15+ Servers, Printers, 50+ Software packages, 1500 account resets for half a dozen systems plus dealing with Parents on SLG/Parent Pay which is another 3000 accounts.  As my Line Manager has learnt, we really do get a lot of “EMAILS” for jobs to SCHOOL IT SUPPORT – which of course won’t include door visits or phone calls.
A special mention to the work involved by Finance Department chasing payments constantly.
It’s why we went with an external company, unfortunately as shown in this report this has been a nightmare.  It still leaves the School financially liable no matter the situation.

General Discussions

I’ve visited and discussed Schemes with around 15 Schools at least.  Mainly due to the fact of high interest on cost cutting, issues, questions I have raised and general determination to prove it can or can’t work for us/previous Schools:
  • A few of those Schools worked, worked well.
  • A good portion of those Schools didn’t work well and admitted it, trying different things and even considering or have scrapped.
  • The hardest part – Some Schools wouldn’t officially admit they had serious problems.
Going to jump in to the last one, I completely understand this part.  After all I discussed with our own SLT that would we be willing to admit to Parents all the problems we suffer?  Would we admit it to visitors, governors and generally everyone? No.  Bad press for the School.  We had never had this question thrown up until I asked it.  We’ve been in denial over it all.  I know two people at other Schools one of which got the sack because he was rather open to the problems and the other one suffered disciplinary.  Not really great when Schools are not being very honest.  If most of us (we are guilty of this) broadcast to other Schools on the minimal negative impact of finances/workloads, reliability so  more Schools join up to these Schemes believing they will work.  I even remember a senior member of Staff here give our Scheme such praise yet barely a whisker mention of the long list of issues suffered.
Strangely enough that exact member of Staff has not remotely questioned/responded in regards to the fact – we are scrapping it.
I’ve had several behind closed doors, unofficial discussions about how poor the Schemes were/are.  So my advice to anyone is don’t immediately expect you will be told the truth.
The few good Schools that work (only my experience) but it seems the ones that do, have plenty of Staff who are involved.
  • Not just IT doing it all.
  • Senior Staff member pushing with Parents, Students and Staff to make it work.
  • IT Support effectively doing what they should be doing – Fixing IT.
  • IT Lessons run and coordinated by ICT Teachers (or Reps).
  • Students hammered down hard about looking after devices by all Staff.  Device is treated like the Uniform with detentions or sending home.
  • Parents are fully aware of the responsibility.
  • Plenty of documentation available, guides and Terms and Conditions etc.
  • Always striving to improve – This isn’t just for the devices but for a full class of students to walk in a room and be fully ready to learn.
  • Best device possible.
  • Insurance/Extended Warranty.
  • Decent Case (not just a simple padded one).
  • Consistent on all the above.
Some of the above may not be accurate for everyone.  It just frustrates me that people seem to be willing to live in cloud cuckoo land to either prove their point or to protect their own job.  These Schemes are far from perfect and even if externally provided a nightmare can still occur.
We have been doing a Scheme for shall we say a good amount of Years.  We’ve tried internally provided, external companies involvement and the result has always been the same.  When I joined seeing it all from a fresh perspective, I was determined to resolve everything.  I pride myself in always trying to make things work.
Our changes in the Scheme since I started here are:
  • Imaged Devices (no longer just pre-installed OS’s that are slower etc.).
  • Shortcuts, favorites and general setup on the devices (love imaging).
  • Notifications to Staff to provide all software or any.
  • Improved/plenty of documentation and guides to Parents, Staff and Students.
  • Clear rules on what is required from Students, Staff and Parents.
  • Loan equipment fit for purpose and maintained by us.
  • ICT Lessons. – Had to fight hard to get these back and still lacking.
  • Improved devices and cases.
  • Externally repaired.
  • Minimal Finance work required by our Admin Staff.
  • Students purposely pulling them apart has been seriously cut down.
Unfortunately even with the above we have still suffered from a long list of issues.  Good thing is our HT is fully aware of it all and has taken the time to see the positives and negatives without the “Blind Eye” attitude.
The result?
Scheme is being scrapped.  We still had issues with all sorts which some are listed below (some got sorted out but not quickly enough).
At the end of the day we chose this Scheme for several reasons
  • 1:1 Learning.
  • Not requiring PCs in every classroom or every other classroom, no extra power, cabling, networking and space.
  • Devices to use anywhere, including home and abroad.
  • No major financial work required by the School Finance Team.
  • No major repairs, collections, delivery or general Scheme problems by the IT Team (just day to day IT Support only).
  • Everything designed to work around the School Scheme.
  • All Staff work together to create a Successful Scheme.
  • Little to no cost to the School.
  • Simple one call to report faulty devices covered by Insurance/Warranty and repaired in 10 working days.
  • Worth the cost to the Parent due to the all in one package (Software, Support and Information) compared to shops.
  • Company run Scheme, high promises and high value.
  • Ability to completely switch to mobile device Scheme for all Years and other options available.
  • Minimal networking, server costs and maintenance work required.
Unfortunately as mentioned, how much is this all true? We are currently looking if it’s back to basics – PCs that work and have minimal problems for all involved.
The only way we feasible see a way forward is 1:  We go back to doing it all internally.  Which 2:  Will mean we currently don’t have the staff setup to manage.  We would need additional Staff to assist in the Scheme to sort out with Parents or a dedicated member of Staff who can deal with the entire Scheme.  I’ve even offered to take full control of it, if I am given the power to make the decisions to take us forward.  When you see a list of problems and they are physically out of your power… it’s mentally draining.  Especially when you feel utterly sorry for Parents and the most important people – Students who are not getting what they should in regards to Education and Technology.
Externally Provided Scheme problems

You have the ability to work with Externally provided Schemes.  These are designed to take away the financial pressure, work load, insurance and warranty.  The idea is it's a simple step for Parents to order, collect the device from the School, payments (with options) and create claims.  The first time I heard of this idea I honestly thought it was the best thing since sliced bread.
So what do they offer?
  • Portal to order online - simply advertise this to Parents.
  • Offer a choice of Payments (12/24/36 months or one off Payments).
  • Include Excess fee (choice by School) for Insurance Claims.
  • Insurance.
  • Extended Warranty.
  • GAP Insurance for the School to cover any stolen devices.
  • Limited financial work by the School.
  • No repairs by the School IT Team.

The bad parts?
  • Not every Parent will sign up in the first Portal, how early do you do this?  Parents will begin paying quite early for something they don't receive until September.
  • Delay assigning them to Students until they have officially learnt the basics e.g. Looking after, insurance, warranty info - pass it to Parents too.
  • The School is responsible for logging serial numbers.
  • The School is responsible for all collecting/packaging insurance and warranty claims.
  • Insurance/Warranty process is not as simple as they sound, diagnostics, photos, multiple phone calls - Even the School may have to get involved in this which means IT Support team members.
  • Log every device that gets collected for claims.  Log who they belong to, date sent and what the issue was.  One Scheme company lost a few Student devices.
  • Keep some spare, this allows you to replace for any "difficult" ones with huge delays.  Parents will not be happy paying months for something that has problems on day one.
  • Warn Parents very heavily if they do not order on first portal they will suffer a heavy delay - School can not be held responsible for this.  Our Parents blamed us for this..
  • The majority of Scheme companies will jump through hoops to help you, some though will only do what's in the contract agreements.
  • The School is financially liable, contracts must be signed before orders placed.  If Parents choose to not give back the device and cancel payments - this effectively becomes a possible theft - reporting to the Police.

This is a log of one particular Scheme:

  • First PROVIDER COMPANY rep told us we were not financial liable – they admitted this was a training issue at their end because we are liable (email said we wasn’t but paper work said we was).  This didn’t cause an issue.
  • Also told the devices would be collected/delivered to the Parents house (or the School if Parents unavailable) – wrong - my guys do all boxing up etc.
  • Our main rep left to go somewhere else, as a result this caused issues because someone else had to be brought up to speed in our Scheme status.
  • No Insurance for devices purchased – took months to actually get the insurance, apparently they pulled out at the last minute – we didn’t know until we needed claims processed.
  • Late delivery of devices – which we had to chase up often to see the status.
  • Wrong Bluetooth keyboards arrived (All set to US and not able to change) manufacturer made alterations at their end and shipped additional keyboards.   Our purchased Staff ones didn’t get replaced.
  • The cases were very poor and offered no protection at all.
  • 1 Free device per certain amount sign ups – didn’t happen.
  • Stock pile of devices needing insurance claims built up over months, no claims were processed till close to Christmas (this was a large pile).
  • Warranty repairs were dealt with by my IT Support due to no procedure in place for them.  This meant phoning up manufacturers and sorting out each one.
  • FINANCE PROVIDER pulled out, closed down the Portal – Without telling the School – We had to chase PROVIDER COMPANY.
  • PROVIDER COMPANY dealt with some damaged devices due to no insurance before Christmas.
  • Courier lost some devices which the School didn’t get back, as a result we have to track and log everything that comes in to the office.  When they go off, who’s devices, what’s wrong with them which takes up a lot of time (plus log all the emails so we can trace every device).  Can’t stress the amount of times we’ve had to trawl through emails/spreadsheets to say *Yes we sent you this email, with this students name, device in the box – where is it?*  We replaced the Student devices at another cost to the School.  After all what’s the point in the Scheme when a % don’t have a device…  our loan ones are limited.
  • New Insurance company arrived and dealt with some devices but delay was huge.  It’s still a slow process and doesn’t take 10 days but instead seems to be taking an average of 6+ weeks when its smooth, when its slow it takes 3+ months.
  • Some devices didn’t have warranty or insurance for unknown reasons which we don’t understand why, all serial numbers were sent to PROVIDER COMPANY/FINANCE PROVIDER for updating because we wasn’t able to do this.
  • Early October – Current claim processing going very slow.  Unknown reasons.
  • Early October – Unable to contact Insurance company.  Even their other Depts not able to help.
  • Mid OCTOBER Insurance company went in to a liquidation (or partner of it) either way it shut-down all ability to contact them for about 4 weeks.  Again we heard nothing from no one and the repair company alerted us that “we no longer have anything to do with them till its sorted out”.   We finally got hold of the Director who told us all be sorted by following Monday.  We called back on the Friday after the Monday had passed to find out that it’s another week before service is resumed BUT they will not take any new claims.  Another two weeks later and still the same situation.  So we have been on hold for 2 whole months with no new claims being processed in that time and guess what – another large pile of Tablets that were processed but not repaired.  There will be another pile of new processed claims needing to be sorted out – we are already aware of 3.
  • The School has not received a single penny in regards to the Parental contributions resulting in a missing (I won’t say how much) but huge sum of money.
  • Very disappointing to Parents -  Telling them claims are processed/repaired in around 10 days.  Simple easy way to contact to process warranty/insurance, ability to see the status of the issue on the portal, chase ups regarding monthly payments.  No fuss and hassle free, worth the cost compared to shop prices.
  • Warranty repairs are still taking an age to sort out, process is to contact PROVIDER COMPANY and get them arranged.  Our warranty ones have been sitting on the shelf for over a 7 weeks now….  This is one thing that is responsible by PROVIDER COMPANY due to them being covered by their extended warranty and not manufacturers.
  • NOV/DEC Update – FINANCE PROVIDER are tearing in to PROVIDER COMPANY “As of today we no longer do business with them”, PROVIDER COMPANY are telling us that WE are openly slating them according to FINANCE PROVIDER and blaming everything on PROVIDER COMPANY.  When the truth is the entire thing has been a nightmare and all companies involved have caused problems for us.  FINANCE PROVIDER are now rebranding their company name – which we are refusing to sign until the money situation is sorted out.  One thing I hate is when companies say “The School has said this” when the only line I have officially given is “Entire Scheme is a Nightmare”.
  • The Warranty tablets are now being boxed up – as a result of constant calls/emails with little to no responses.  They have only sat with us for far too long….
As of 07/12
  • We are currently waiting for a few devices to be returned to the School (warranty), our box of warranty tablets have been collected, Insurance company is still not processing claims, Insurance company has still not got back to us in regards to the current processed claims to be repaired.  INSURANCE PROVIDER (who we just googled) did go in to administration and looks like the director lied about it when he said it wasn’t them.  We are now in week 4 where the issue has still yet to be resolved.  We have also yet to receive this money back and yet to hear anything back from FINANCE PROVIDER on where it is or when it’s coming our way.
  • Contacted SUPPLIER PERSON to see the situation/updates in regards to current issues – From the money, ETA on box collection tablets repair timescale, missing tablets that were not sent back (3 serials) and INSURANCE PROVIDER situation which is still not resolved.  Assured I would get a call back that day which didn’t occur.
  • Governors meeting updating the situation, decision increasingly heading towards pulling the plug for next year.  Considerations if the School decides enough is enough in regards to scrapping the Tablet Scheme, pulling all devices back, sending them to PROVIDER COMPANY, cancelling all direct debits.  If Parents choose to keep device due to what they have spent so far – so be it.  Possible legal battle due to the financial liability but incredibly poor Scheme full of empty promises.  Customer satisfaction is incredibly low.  All Parents can be contacted to fill in a form/email to state what issues they have all had (with their names) to see how many have had to wait for claims, repairs etc.  Estimated at least half of Parents will not be happy with the time it’s taken.
  • 08/12 phone call made no answer, email sent asking for updates.
  • Contacted two Parents who have theirs at PROVIDER COMPANY (not in recent box) School has decided to replace tablet with one from stock.  If it looks like the situation is not resolved they will keep stock devices.  Consideration now for processed insurance claims and non-processed ones if the School will replace these – At a cost to us.  This number is around 30 Students.
  • Continued chase up - to Christmas. 
  • 07/01 several chase ups between FINANCE PROVIDER and PROVIDER COMPANY(still no money).
  • FINANCE PROVIDER new company name still chasing a contract signature – we’ve said until the money is sorted we won’t sign.  They are going to get back to us in regards to sorting out a “Schedule”.
  • PROVIDER COMPANY looks like they might be the repair company to get claims sorted out but no definite confirmation or deadline.
  • School threat has been pretty much issued to sort out something for Monday at a possible, enough is enough.
  • JAN Start – PROVIDER COMPANY confirming a week later on final agreements.
  • Week Monday arrived and no answer.
  • 18/01 Money now transferred but only 75% of correct funds, Company is also starting to chase an additional amount where Parents have not paid.
  • Parents are expressing concerns that now they are getting calls after 18 months, this is actually quite a long list.
  • Insurance issues still not resolved and constant requests for updated information is not being replied to.
  • Parents are becoming more and more infuriated at the wait for new claims and old claims.  We’ve burnt through all our spares to keep these at bay but now our stock is empty.
  • Some Warranty Tablets still unresolved, been away since October.
  • Emailed/Calls made to PROVIDER COMPANY waiting for update – no answer.
  • 25/01 more emails/calls – no answer
  • 27/01 Call made – Answer – Awaiting INSURANCE PROVIDER to agree etc.  Possible threat to terminate contract and return all Insurance Money involved.
  • 28/01  INSURANCE PROVIDER emailed us to confirm we can now start processing.  The email said “They now have a repair centre” considering how long it has taken them to get this up and running, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that his was a deniability of responsibility.
  • List of Tablets that had already been processed sent with full details.
  • Emails/Calls to Students/Parents informing them that non processed claims must now be done properly.  INSURANCE PROVIDER will not allow us to get these processed, even though they have sat with us for months.
  • 12/02 Now that claims are being processed, we are seeing a rise of “Insurance denials” for miniscule things.  INSURANCE PROVIDER have even given a bit of a harsh email in regards to claims not being “honest” as if the School can do anything but tell Parents to be honest.  When the Students don’t even know how half the damages occurs, I don’t see how the Parent can be any more “honest”.  We are finding their attitude quite ridiculous compared to how they used to be.  It’s as if they do not even care about customer satisfaction any more.  We are having to take photos of the damages, they are not covering any charger damage (even though it is accidental after all, it takes one cable knock to damage the port – would a kid remember this?).  Having dealt with quite a few insurance companies for the Schemes, we are finding INSURANCE PROVIDER the worst.  Which would also explain why PROVIDER COMPANY no longer want to deal with them.  We are getting Parents fuming at us over paying for devices that they no longer have, even when they have another year to pay off.   We are also suffering from yet more “No responses” from PROVIDER COMPANY in regards to queries from our Scheme rep.  I always want to use email because it gives us a trail.  When we are promised “Call backs” they never happen either.  It’s as if they are sick to death of this entire thing as much as we are but we are the customer.
  • 22/02 School still being middle men involvement on everything.  Current devices are exceeding insurance claim costs, as a result Parents are needing to pay a fee to complete claim and get replaced device.  We’ve urged INSURANCE PROVIDER that they need to be contacting Parents in regards to these claims and not the School.  We were originally told we wouldn’t ever get involved outside of Parents pulling the plug etc.  My technician is having to update serial number sheet with new devices, confirm returned devices are to correct students (they are mixing up the paper work we assign to each device) and still contacting Parents….   Still no response from PROVIDER COMPANY rep regarding previous email.
  • 16/03 After having a few more denied claims, they are now complaining that Parents are taking their time to claim.  Even though Parents have almost given up on insurance due to the 5 month wait (email sent regarding this to INSURANCE PROVIDER).
  • Current - Steady claims are being processed by high risk of denied claims.  School is doing it's best to cover those devices with own Stock.
New Company Scheme
  • Devices were delayed, this meant we had to cancel our collection date for Students.
  • Boxes turned up in a state – at the back of the lorry….  Luckily enough the devices were not damaged.
  • This had an after effect of endless Parents contacting us and Students chasing us in regards to where the devices are.  This was even after giving them pretty much 3 months to get all the equipment to us from the moment the ordering had closed.
  • They labelled them up which was great, although this was incorrect so Students who paid for the expensive model got the cheaper one – again this caused the Parents/Students to come after us.
  • As a result my team had go round to Students several times to confirm who had what, we had to visually check each one (over 150).
  • After finally getting that list done, come the next step.  The company wanted them all returned, to clean and assign to correct Students.  What’s wrong with this?  The fact that Students would be getting a second hand device some that would have been already scratched, marked etc.…….
  • We had to fight to make sure that Students got what they paid for at least.
  • When an agreement had been set, this was about 5 weeks later – So yes you can imagine Parents are still fuming.  They’ve been paying for something for nearly 5 months before they see a solution coming.
  • Fast forward to now, when parents have paid – 6 months and we only have the devices now (doing final checks to make sure everything is correct and working).
  • Warranty claims are a nightmare – They phone up Scheme provider Support, who pass another number, Parent is asked to “Diagnose” and is also expected to pay for shipping of device.  Simple process right?  For Parents who some have not got a clue about IT.  Again Parents are coming after us because they are not happy.
  • Company not always answering the phone – went to voicemail – (NEW COMPANY have constantly denied this, the phones are always manned)  We’ve had this four times at least where it rings nonstop or goes straight to voice mail.  Parents have also mentioned this but the denials by NEW COMPANY is the frustrating part.
  • Again during this entire process, it has created a ton of work for my team.  When these Schemes are supposed to “Work” and be a “smooth process”.  I can’t stress the amount of hours my guys have spent on the phone, email and at reception talking to Parents (even after we have updated our website and sent out letters updating Parents in the process).
  • The company have also BLAMED the School in regards to these delays instead of being honest with Parents.
As mentioned, this is School specific but I think it's important for people considering Schemes to see the real picture.  You will see that there is many IF's BUT's and MAYBE's.  Nothing is smooth sailing and if you do choose a Scheme, research, get plenty of Staff involved and work together.

I would not recommend this Scheme to any School that is tempted to go down this route.  Although it might be old fashioned, I would stick to more PC Suites which work and are least amount of issues.

The latest at the moment is at times the company for this Scheme is very hard to reach.  Luckily enough our claims are very minimal this time around.  We are no longer doing Schemes which means it will slowly phase out while the current ones continue to get used until end of life.

Don't agree? Suffer the same? don't be afraid to comment!

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