Personal: Why the EU Referendum was right

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So it's done, Britain has voted out of the EU.  I have to say I am one of these people who didn't know what to vote for.  I know many that felt the exact same way so the first question I will answer is why didn't I know?

The EU isn't doing what it should
There are a lot of issues currently with the EU that seriously need work and has done for a long time:
  • Over abuse of the human rights laws.  When a nation isn't able to deport a known hate preacher as a result of a EU Human Right violation you know this law is not being used correctly.
  • Benefit changes.  We recently had some changes to the benefit laws but only within line of what the EU allows.  It makes sense if you think about it, the main reason why the UK attracts people is because we do have a benefit system.  The interesting thing is "Benefit Britain" is a term used by a certain EU leader not many years ago as an insult.
  • Red Tape Laws.  As mentioned above, we have a lot of red tape laws that have to be followed.  We can't simply build as many houses as we need because we need endless amount of planning permission, agreements set, notices given for each contractor type.
  • Immigration.  I don't really need to jump on this one, it's been covered enough.
  • Money in vs Money out.  It's interesting this one, regardless of the "exact" sum of money it will not be just a few million in.
  • Politics.  They are all politicians, no different than our current leaders in the UK.  They all have their own agendas, concerns for their own nations and don't do the job at hand.
  • Reactive instead of Proactive.  How many of us have to plan ahead for every possible outcome.  In Education/IT, we have to plan for backups, bad weather and even terror attacks.  So why is it the leaders of multiple nations, the brains behind the EU are not able to be proactive in moving forward?
  • It's just about the Peace.  Wrong, it's able creating a stable future for the economy, population, security and the keeping the peace.  The EU should be continuing to move forward instead of reversing.
  • Poor treatment and less care about Britain.  So just before this EUREF occurred our Prime Minister stood up to the EU to make sure Britain had a bright future.  The EU it self had shafted Britain and sent our Prime Minister packing home.  Did they really want to work with us to resolve all the issues?  did they want to visit the Country and help negotiate? no.  This sums up the EU not doing it's job to help stabilise Britain.
What's interesting is the very people who were annoyed at the EU during the last point, are the same ones claiming we should stay and resolve the problems.  Even though the EU Chief has said there is NO more breathing room.
Perhaps he and the Prime Minister were too blind to realise what the people want.

At this point I wasn't so sure about leaving the EU.

The Campaigning
This was done in three simple stages:

Stage 1 - The Revolt.  Several politicians revolted against the Prime Minister and the current Government to stand for Britain in regards to the referendum.  The campaign started with simply putting Britain first and the EU wasn't doing it's job.  At this point people were asking questions for more information and no politician was taking this serious but the people were.

Stage 2 - The scaremonger tactics.  They all did it, they all told us the NHS would fall apart either way.  They all told us the worst case scenarios of what may happen tomorrow if we leave or stay.  Still, at this point the people were after facts, the pros and cons.  Some one to be honest and say to us without a bias opinion behind it what will happen if we stay or leave.

Stage 3.  The desperation of the wakeup call.  At this point it's safe to say the politicians had to take the campaign serious.  Not only was we getting endless lies but we was being told our entire nation would collapse.

Both sides completely failed miserably in this campaign.  We are stronger together, the EU needs us yet we must have a weak nation if we can't survive without the EU?

The same people quick to say politicians are not to be trusted are the same ones that link endlessly to everything they say or attempt to nit pick what has been said.

Just before the vote
I had little clue what to vote for, I do believe we are stronger together but I don't believe the EU has done it's job right.

What changed my vote at the last minute
After everything without using any emotion I had no idea what to vote for.  So I chose to follow my heart - I voted OUT.

This was the same decision I used before for the elections:  Who has annoyed or angered me the least and it was the out campaign.  They didn't dictate to me how I should vote as much as the in campaigners.  They didn't insult me or call me a racist.  They didn't tell me I was uneducated and unqualified to have a democratic opinion.  I wasn't called old.

Democracy has won
Like it or not, it has, it is the biggest winner here.  One thing people don't mention is that sometimes the night is darkest before the dawn (a popular quote).  The French President him self has fired warning shots off to the EU declaring it's currently unfit for purpose.  Remember that currently there is not a 100% happiness in the EU and Britain has simply done what it had to do.  Show the EU that it is willing to walk away and this is not a bluff.

Tomorrow could potentially bring a better future with all the EU nations realising that it's not done its job to safe guard the current members.  There has been a lot of talk of Turkey which has attempted to almost bribe the EU in to allowing it in.

So democracy has won, the British people voted with their heads and their hearts.  It doesn't matter what circle of life you came from you voted, you used your opinion and regardless of reasons you voted in a democratic society.

Double Standards
So those who are too young to understand life, who would rather spend their Friday night drinking their weight on a boozy night out are furious that their futures have been decided for them.  Well of course it has, the rest of us have worked in this world.  The rest of us will continue to pay taxes, mortgages, rely on the NHS, pay bills, save while still some how attempting to enjoy life.  While those young people continue to spend their money on nights out, things they don't need and make sure their facebook page has the latest selfie photo.  I've been a Student and I know many that are currently Uni Students.  Nothing has changed in 15 years.  Young people still make bad decisions, don't know how to save and still worry about little things like a tattoo.

Should young people have a right to decide their own future when they have zero clue what the real world is like?  Should young people who will not be prosecuted like an adult be responsible for the future of the nation?  Considering they are not even responsible for them selves. 

There is a reason why people generally pay little attention to Students, we all know what we was like at that age.  Quick to complain, Quick to act like our lives are hard and pretty much Kevin and Perry.

Should young people who the Adults are responsible for have the right to vote?  I actually think they should but they should also be governed by adult laws and be fully classed as one.  Which means they are responsible for them selves regardless.  Which also means they shouldn't be supported by their parents.  They should work, pay rent/mortgage and the bills.  They shouldn't be given anything on a silver plate and be fully independent.

On that day, I will completely support their right to be responsible adults and choose.

You can't have your cake and eat it.

Dictators is a term I have used often lately, my vote is wrong, I am uneducated and a fool because of the vote I chose.  Correction, I used my democratic right to choose my vote.  If I am uneducated and a fool for my vote what does that make young inexperienced and barely wet behind the ears?  What does that make society when we preach about the EU democracy yet wont allow matured adults (most) to make a democratic decision?  Double Standards.

Like it or not democracy has won.  If you have a weak opinion about this nation, why choose to work here?  why choose to live here?  We all have a choice and we've made it.

You may not like the outcome but democracy has won if you enjoy the result or not. 

We are close to bordering on dictatorship, if we vote again it will create more hostility than the EU Referendum has.  Voting again is not doing so for democracy, it is doing so because people will not accept the outcome of a democratic vote.  This is more dictatorship.

If we do indeed vote again which I believe will be a costly mistake for this nation, we will see uprisings of civil unrest.  The damage that the remaining campaigners had scared people with would become a reality.  The majority of the nation has spoken.

It's quite alarming that people who want EU democracy will not accept British democracy.  That does sum up many issues in our nation that we have become a bunch of tantrum toy throwing instead of moving forward and working towards something.  It's why we are in this situation because the EU wasn't prepared to work towards something with Britain instead it became less democratic and less about the principles for unity towards the future.

Democracy is failing and those causing it's failures are racist, assaulting people for their views, forcing opinions on others and want another referendum.

The same people who said congratulations for causing this nation to fall, I say this to you - well done for allowing democracy to collapse because of your narrow mindedness, lack of understanding for the British people and dictatorship attitude.  I congratulate you for changing my vote to OUT and also hammering the nail on that vote because now I wouldn't even contemplate voting remain.

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