Thursday 4 October 2018

The Kavanaugh Hearing

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First thing is first:  
Everyone should be respectful, understanding, listening and think.  One way or another there is a victim here.  One way or another some one has faced a traumatic experience.  With little to no evidence that anything has or hasn't happened.

It is very important to remember that yes - there could be a rapist here or a false accuser.  Are either possible ? Yes.

Having had a false rape accusation.. it was incredibly hard and I contemplated suicide.  It is in another post if you wish to know the details but I was very open and honest.. she wasn't...   she didn't admit that we had been seeing each other for months.. lied about where we had sex (several times and different positions) yet accused me of rape....  And at the end of it.. she thought I'd be laughing because I got 'one up' on her...   last thing on my mind when it was over....  there was that huge relief..

So.. could this case be a lie? is it impossible? It can be a lie.

Could this be true? absolutely.

It is yet again important to remember that there is a victim here.   Respect must be given to both sides.  Let the court do their job.

The Male Side... or in this case most American Republicans.
I'm not afraid to say there are real reasons why men are protective over their daughters.  I know very well what men are capable of.  I know what we were led to believe growing up.. competing to be alphas... the bully or the bullied...  to be popular.. cute to the girls.....  I know what my friends were like and I know what the worst of humanity has to give when it comes to men.

It is also important to remember.. a male pig doesn't necessarily mean he is a rapist.  It means he may very well be disrespectful towards women.  Sleep with them and never calling.  Says he wants a relationship when he just wants sex.  Says he loves his wife while sleeping with dozens of other women.

Like I said.. there are REAL reasons men don't trust other men with their daughters.

Like it or not though.. a man cheating on his girlfriend doesn't make him a rapist.  Doesn't make him evil.  A man sleeping with a dozen women every week doesn't make him evil either... just makes him a pig.

A lot of men use examples of.. she can be your daughter.. your mother.. your sister.. there is no harm in this..  it makes people think of the victim a part of their family... so stop attacking people for thinking like this.  It is human nature.

I'm going to add that I really feel for the true nature of #MeToo..   women have been sexually abused and treated like objects..  men can be very disrespectful towards women.  Men have demanded sexual favours for rewards..  some men will openly treat women poorly.  Some men will hound some one until they give in...      and I'm not afraid to say it stems from our natural sexual urges which when young are very hard to control.. and some boys never grow up.  Something that sorry ladies....  you do not understand.  How could you? You are a woman..

The Women Side... or in this case most American Democrats
 So ladies...  in the words of my other half and many women in my life..  there are reasons why mothers are protective over their sons.. they know what women can be like.  There are women that only date a guy for his car.. or because he is rich.. popular..  some will even 'trap' by getting pregnant to prevent the guy from ever walking away...  some will even claim they are the father to a child.. for 7 years and find to out with a DNA test .. that they're not... (this actually happened to some one I know.. he was devastated - the DNA test was advised by his family)   So women know what other women are like.... right?

Like it or not though.. a woman caught cheating isn't a false accuser....   a woman sleeping around doesn't make her evil.  No matter what she wears.. how she acts.. it doesn't give a man any right to grab her without consent..  to pin her down and do as he pleases...  nor if she has had plenty to drink.

A lot of women use examples of.. he could be your son.. your brother.. your father.. again there is no harm in this.  Stop attacking people for using these examples.

I'm not afraid to say that some women enjoy being treated like an object.. some of my exs loved it.. and wanted more.. I hated it.. I never respected them for it and broke up with them.. why would I marry some one that was happy to be a doormat.. because they liked me being in control.....  My other half loves 50 Shades of Grey because she wants me to be more forceful...  not happening... she knows it.

Now there are women that have offered sexual favours if I taxi them some where.. or even gave them money.  One of my exs a month after breaking up asked for some money.. I said no.. she offered sex on a plate..  I wasn't impressed.  I know women that have openly admitted to wearing revealing clothes in the hope of a male boss giving them a job or a promotion (their words not mine ladies).

The truth is.. it doesn't matter what your gender is.. you can be arrogant.. ambitious.. greedy.. selfish... a pig... or evil.

This is a Political Mess
There is a big reason I put Democrats and Republicans in the title of two topics.. because this has been made in to a political mess.  People are automatically taking sides before even hearing the story.  What a mess this is.... and embarrassing.  I feel for both of these two individuals.... one of them is a victim and who ever it is... will have their life torn upside down and dragged outside for all to see ....   even when justice is done (correctly or not we will never know unless 100% undeniable proof).. the victim will still be attacked publicly by the other party side...

Wake Up
That's right.. YOU.. wake up..

No gender.. no race.. no beliefs are innocent when you start picking sides because of politics.

As I said at the top.. listen to this story.. don't pre-judge... let the court do that.  This is creating a bigger divide with genders which is making matters worse.  Women standing by a woman because she understands abuse... a man standing by a man because he understands a false accusation...

The weird thing is.. men.. women .. we are all the same yet on the other side of the coin.  We have never been 100% the same and never will be.

If you automatically take a side just because of the gender... you are part of the gender discrimination..

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