Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Piers Morgan

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We all know him right, the one that acts like he's working class (yet if you read his book and learn about his life he is very privileged). 

He admitted in his own life story that he was forced to vote for a particular party because of who the newspaper supported.  Anyone willing to be forced in to a voting choice over their job already shows lack of character and no backbone.

His recent tweets regarding Trump that he claims "It's about providing balance" goes to show his totally hypocrisy in regards to Trump.

"I don't support or endorse" yet will defend and heavily attack Hillary Clinton every chance.  It took time for Piers to do an article in regards to THAT Trump video.  The second Clinton emails had popped up not only did we see a single article but we got two.  Yet upon new information that the FBI wouldn't divulge any information yet - we didn't see another article about this.

He's a friend
Then why not simply avoid the tweeting about something that relates to a friend?  Why not simply not be quick to attack his presidential rival?
That would mean Piers would have to take a step back, not get involved in something, not cause a stir and also he would have to be vocal about his "friend".  Not so, Piers again has been incredibly careful about what he has said in regards to his "friend".

Piers Morgan's deliberate attacks on Clinton are not only absolutely bias in a presidential campaign but also more hypocrisy when he criticises a certain broadcasting company for doing it in favour of Hillary.

I mentioned this in quite a few tweets and finally got a response, it wasn't a reply it was a block.  The same man who openly tweeted about people deleting their tweets so Piers Morgan could "respond in a debate or get one over" did not have the bravery to respond to my tweets.

Something we all know, we all see and it exists.  It's saying something to get a reaction - Piers Morgan.
Provocative tweets to again "provoke a reaction" yet Piers is showing more hypocrisy in calling others "trolls".

At times Piers has shown that he isn't able to always take it, people call journalists every name under the sun and openly criticise their professional level.  Something that Piers Morgan openly does and names them by responding on twitter - more hypocrisy.

he's an avid Arsenal fan, very quick to tear the manager apart and the players when they don't perform.  There will be no apology when they pull off a result or a performance.  There is certainly no "I'm wrong" that would hurt his own ego in admitting that Piers Morgan can be wrong.

After all, Piers has had life essentially laid out for him, his biggest struggles have been very few (yet he will say <insert family members> have had real difficult professions. 

Standard Journalists
These people are not sanctioned enough nor are they put on the spot light and they are far used to being the ones asking the awkward questions.  Every time Piers asks some one "come give me an interview" he never responds to those who say "Piers come do an interview" - his reaction again would "Your show is rubbish - kind of statement".  Showing yet again that word - HYPOCRISY.

That one word sums up Piers Morgan.  Some one that is happy to keep questionable friends while criticising others.  Very quick to talk down to people as if we are all liars and angels.

The truth is, I've fallen out with friends who did things that were appalling.  They treated others like ants under their shoes and those "friends" were kicked out of my life.  Why would I want to surround my self with dogs?.

Truth is, Piers is the standard snobbery of the higher class.  Rich businessmen like Trump are used to treating women like hookers - it's disgusting and sad but very true.  They get away with it, till some of them stand up and admit "I was young".  Which again shows the nature of the beast who prowl on young women because of two things - money and power.  A life style that Piers Morgan is very quick to act like a snob towards others.

I remember once seeing an article on Star Wars by Piers Morgan.  Never seen the film, never got interested in it yet wrote an entire article about it while picking up on what Sir Alec Guinness had said (he didn't have anything nice to say).  In fact what Piers didn't mention was the fact that George Lucas the creator was also very critical of his own film, in fact he had multiple issues including his health.  Piers Morgan only did this for one thing - to get a reaction - "Trolling".

So again it showed one thing:  Hypocrisy from the famous Piers Morgan.

I have to wonder what his wife is really like, was she too one of these young women attracted to money and power.  Is his wife one of these women who too things of her life as a upper class woman while looking down at the working class.  If she truly is a nice woman, I'd ask her the one question - What does she think of Piers Morgan and his hypocrisy.

The fact of the matter is, Piers has earned a living out of being this "troll" - it's how you succeed in journalism.

Look at the hacking claims, Piers had been heavily investigated if: A) If he was involved and B) If he was aware those under him were involved.

We see Piers do more tweets "No charges were made" which is absolutely correct.  "I didn't hack" which again in the eyes of the law is also correct.  What Piers doesn't say is "People in MY paper did face heavy fines".  Just like how Piers never mentions the fact that he is very critical of Hillary but very defensive over Trump (even though he constantly says he doesn't support/endorse).

Just like how Piers never admits that actually, he is a troll and mainly aiming to get reactions (works too).

Unlike Piers, I'm willing to admit a lot (done so in this blog and others).

You only have to look at Piers responses, he chooses the ones he wants to - not the ones people would like answers to.  Strange that isn't it.  The fact that Piers Morgan blocked me instead of even responding shows yet again his hypocrisy.  After slating people to not delete their tweets so they could be "publicly humiliated" shows how low Piers can get and frankly his mental age.  He criticises others for abusing him (sometimes acts like that 13 year old child "mum he's calling me names").. yet you look at his feed and he throws constant abuse at other tweets.  The insults have been personal attacks on their profile pictures.  Yet complains when people abuse him - especially when they target his profession.

This really does show that Piers Morgan can't take it.  He can dish it, like he has done his whole life but can't take anything.  This to me says Piers has grown up being cuddled and protected far too much.  You only have to look at his interviews on @GMB where he talks over everyone because he can't listen (unless it looks good on camera) and throws constant insults to the person on the opposite chair.

Funny thing is people don't watch Piers for his talent, they watch because it's like the Inbetweeners banter.  Full of childish humour and that made me think - Piers really is a bit like Jay from the Imbetweeners just a rich version who grew up in a privileged life a lot like his friend Trump.  A lot of these so called "Working Class" people insist they are one of us.  No, they are not and never will be - They didn't grow up struggling to have food on the plate.  They didn't watch their Parents struggle to pay to keep their rust bucket car on the road, Panic about providing any presents at all on Christmas day.  They again were handed life on a silver plate, given a headstart above the rest not with the "basics of love" from Parents but financial support and help.

So I say to YOU Piers Morgan, grow a backbone and see if you can hash it out and answer my questions:

What really happened on those hacking claims, Who under your charge were given fines (we all know the answer - or shall I say Google does).

Openly admit that you wouldn't vote Hillary but would vote Trump (yes this makes Piers a liar which I believe he is).  If you wouldn't vote Trump, admit that you simply wouldn't vote at all.

Admit that you are a troll, some one who posts to get a reaction.

Admit that you are upper class and had a lot on your silver plate.

Admit that you only respond to tweets you know you can win.

No? Didn't think so.

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