Friday, 25 November 2016

Articles praising #EDUTECH

This is going to be quite a harsh post, it’s important that people see what I see even if they don’t agree especially about #EduTech.

 **Update 2017**
Well today I found another one and it really does sum up "No Reasons" to sign up to BYOD.
7 examples of institutions which understand the power of BYOD and 1:1 learning

Actually it only shows institutions that use BYOD not those that "Understand the power of it".

(Yes I know some of those links don't actually work, I don't think the article writer really checked those links).

This one had to be TOP because they actually look like they've made an effort on a very nice PDF.

One of which I've done my self some time ago.  You try and include as much information as possible all crammed in to a file hoping the Parent will fully read and understand it.  Likewise for the Student.
Only to find the majority don't actually read through it and to ask questions later on (plus complain if a problem occurs and they didn't read the byline).

What is not mentioned here is insurance, warranty, problems and failures.  Like it or not they occur in IT.  Who supports these devices? We know that accidents happen.  As I've covered plenty of times before if a student can't look after their life line smartphone how on earth are they going to look after their learning tool device.  What happens when one breaks? they arrive at lesson without one? that's one student in a class now without a device.  Does the School keep spares? Spares in every class? charge them and pay for their maintenance?

Like I said this link doesnt show anything about understanding it's just simple a collection of institutions that run the schemes.  It doesn't show their success or experience.  Having dealt with PDFs and website information to Parents these all seem like they don't have many years running the BYOD scheme.  Yet again we have an article attempting to praise the BYOD scheme which some people will see and immediately think "WOW LOOK AT THIS".  Wasting more money by the School, Parents and more crucially wasting learning time for students.
I’ve seen a lot of articles like this one:

It states that technology in the classroom is great because it can also be accessed anywhere.  Well we all know this right? The majority of us have smartphones, a tablet or laptop.

Thing is, this article is incredibly vague:
·         Doesn’t state what technology is great
·         Doesn’t state what Apps you should use to educate students
·         Doesn’t show who will support it or maintain it
·         Doesn’t state the costs involved in technology

Just like your phone, your car and every appliance you have in your home it will require attention or replacements.  The problem is in a classroom it must work and it must stay working.  Does a teacher always have a backup plan if IT fails? In my experience they don’t.  Teachers always tell me that everything must work and rightly so.

Problem is this article like so many will make people think great let’s get students using technology in my class it’s fantastic.  They then suffer all kinds of problems, they won’t admit it, it will be some one else’s fault – I’ve seen all this a lot.  This has been a total waste of learning time by the students and teaching time by the teacher.  According to the teacher unions staff don’t have the time to waste?  They don’t have the time to discover different things (positive or negative)?  According to these unions Schools don’t have the budget to keep spending on teachers let alone technology or the support required.

Ever had 30 kids bring in their home tech? I have and they will all be different, most of them will know how to do the basics but still constantly ask for your help.  Ever tried to get 30 kids on to a single website using online activities? I have and with different browsers some requiring flash or other bits and pieces it can turn a lesson in to a mess.

Another prime example of an article:

It goes on about the fact we don’t really need to control what they do?  Because the School Wifi blocks inappropriate websites?
Correction, if we blocked the majority of “inappropriate” websites you may find that even innocent ones may be blocked due to not being categorised.  And does this stop students from attempting to breach the system no course not because the majority of Schools only have half decent filtering.

It goes on about the fact that we need to prepare them for the world?
Even today not every piece of technology is about engagement in the work place.  Everyone working understands their role about doing the job not needing to be engaged.  The interesting thing is the majority of jobs even today in professional environments will still continue to use productivity equipment – Windows PCs or Apple Macs.  They will not give you a tablet, smartphone or any device that looks fancy.  Go to the bank, a lawyer, estate agency, supermarket and behind the scenes or in front of you – is a PC.

It won’t be a device to help people learn instead it’s about mass productivity.  Teaching children life is about engagement is actually teaching them the wrong lessons.  It shows them that if they get bored pick up a mobile, pick up a tablet and do something on the internet.  Instead they should be focusing on getting on with work, getting on with the task at hand.

They already spend their time on Social Networking?
Hold up I thought this article stated that inappropriate websites are unblocked? Social media sites would be about 3rd on the list of top priority.  The rest being adult and dangerous materials.  This entire segment goes on about educating them to feel a sense of community.  Children like it or not are children and educating them how to use technology doesn’t prevent risks.  I’ve seen it.  You can tell them not to add people they don’t like on Facebook, five minutes later they add them so they can see what’s being said about them.  If adults who know better still speed along the motorway at stupid speeds.. what hope do we have at really changing the way society has raised kids.  21st Century tech and 21st Century dangers is real.  If you have 100 students and educate them all you may help cut down 10% worth of problems.  That’s right a measly 10% while the other 90% will continue.

It goes on about the fact that student engagement is needed?
Thing is in today’s world we shouldn’t be resorting to “needing” engagement.  I once sat down with a senior leader who refused to use technology to prove he could get the kids learning without the word “engaging”.  And I have to say I was impressed, it brought me back to the days when I was a kid being told I’m here to learn if I like it or not.  It was understanding that this is my future and it’s crucial.  This teacher told his students what was expected, any student who refused it was immediately put on a behaviour mark.  I must say it had been a while since I saw such commanding respect by students.  The same ones who gave other teachers a head ache even with engaging tools.

Strangely enough that teacher got open praise from the Head on turning little rascals in to grownups.   You don’t need engagement to teach, that is in his terms “the lazy way, not the right way”.  I actually completely agreed.  My statement on technology is always this “it’s there to do a task easier”.  It’s far too easy to stick a tablet in front of a kid and tell them to research WW2.  Do they actually read through it all and take it all in while having a quick look at YouTube or MineCraft websites? Or is it easier to stand in front of a class and describe the world during the war.  Knowing you have their full attention while firing quick questions to see if they are paying attention.

It’s articles like this that create this delusion engagement environment to get students quietly learning but it doesn’t work.  This then spreads to other Schools and other teachers who see the image but don’t see the whole thing.  It spreads like a flood out of control and the majority of people are swept away and will blame technology for their own mistakes.  I see it all the time, when it doesn’t work blame the tech.  Don’t consider that maybe you made the wrong choice.  If you make these poor decisions in education it’s money wasted but even worse – Teaching and Learning time is lost.  A lot of businesses take technology serious because any issues is lost profits.  In education profits is grades translated from learning.  Schools are suffering at times because of making poor decisions.

These articles don’t state what Apps, what technology and again very vague information about what #EduTech works.  Add some fancy terminology, add some positive words with a few doses of Social Media = a general article that gives very little on what technology can do for you.

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