Monday, 27 June 2016

Democratic Britain

My new page, dedicated to democracy and not dictatorship.

Why the EU Ref was right

Friday, 17 June 2016

Personal: Another failure of the Justice system

Why is the world such a harsh place to live in.

Horror Crime - No Death Penalty

Although this is the Daily Mail, the article however is a real life nightmare event.  We've all seen horror movies which can show the worst in humanity.  We've all seen documentaries which also shows the same thing.

Living through the actual nightmare is something else.  It's an event that nothing can prepare you for and in this case it is one of the most horrifying moments for husband and father.

So what is the story?  A man simply broke in to a house, murdered and raped a wife.  Then did the same to the two daughters.  The wife was strangled to death and the two girls were burnt alive when he set fire to the house.  The husband is the single survivor of a horror.

This isn't about revenge, this is about justice.  A man takes the lives of multiple people without mercy and should not be granted mercy nor forgiveness.  The death penalty should stand.

Why are people against the Death Penalty
The main reason I see for those against it is "wrongly accused" which I can understand.  If there is enough evidence to take it to court and then of course prosecute.  That doesn't effectively mean that person is 100% guilty - we have seen it where some one has spent years in prison and actually was innocent.

So what you do in simple terms is Death Penalty when the evidence is 100% proof.  Well in this case it's pretty easy to confirm the guilt.  In this case of a nightmare event - the proof is undeniable.

I mentioned this in another post regarding why the justice system is broken and again there was several cases that had no doubt at all.  There was DNA evidence, video feed and ability to identify the guilty person.

It's not Justice it's Revenge
Wrong, revenge is about doing to the person what's been done to you.  In this case I will say this, revenge would be he having to go through the same thing.  Perhaps if he was raped, strangled or perhaps burnt alive.  That would be more closer to revenge than justice.  The death penalty isn't revenge it's about safe guarding the world from some one that doesn't deserve to live.  He didn't just end some ones life, he ended multiple people and put them through hell before doing it.  The last victim who no one seems to realise exists is the father and husband.  He has to live through knowing what his wife had faced and his two daughters.  I doubt he goes a day without thinking about it.  The murderer didn't hesitate to think about the 4 people he effected.

Justice isn't about helping the guilty ones, it's also about helping the victims move on, it's about safe guarding society.  Which is why child molesters spend years in prison.  This isn't about being helped to go back in to society this is about protecting more possible victims.

Why do we live in a weak society
Let's face it, we do and it's not easy.  There are far too many people who are happy for not just no death penalty but also weak sentences.

I put a few questions to anyone who agrees that justice is about helping those criminals be productive members of society.
  1. Would you be happy to live next to a multiple murderer?
  2. Would you be happy to raise a family next to a serial rapist?
  3. Would you be happy to live on a street with multiple convicted criminals?
It's interesting that a lot of people would say no to all the above questions when it comes to criminals yet they are the ones defending weak decisions regarding the justice system.

I think anyone who defends the weak system should be forced to live next to these people.  They can have a small taste of "justice" every time they feel unsafe living next to these people.

It's also known a lot of the people who defend the justice system do so without any family or loved ones to think about.  As a father you think about your children's safety every day and likewise for the mother.  You think about your other half and family members.

The justice system has never been just about helping criminals become more shall we say normal?  It's about punishment fitting the crime, it's about protecting more people and at times used as an example.

The bad technicians

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I thought it was time that perhaps I was more honest about my own profession, although I have covered bits and pieces in other posts I want a more detailed one.

So to start of, What type of bad technicians have I worked with?

The lazy one
I'm sad to say but I have worked with plenty of these.  They turn up late and leave early, they are often putting on their coats with 30-45 minutes before home time.  They have zero interest in the job and simply want to prod along doing the least amount possible.  Generally this technician may stick to IT for some years before deciding to move on.

The big apple
I've only met about three of these but for some one in my position they are very obvious.  They don't need to be easy to spot because they will often carry their MacBook with them which they have also duel booted with Windows.  They will insist that Macs are the way forward and are industry standard every where (which isn't the case) and will say they are worth the cost (which again they are not).  I've often mentioned Macs on my other posts, if you buy a device for internet and word why would you spend £1000 on a device which you would never use to its potential.  That would be like purchasing a Ferrari while never driving in anything but a 30MPH zone and remember that Ferrari wont have boot nor passenger space for your family.  In IT terms - it lacks the large amount of compatible software most people use these days.

As a result of being the Pro Apple, this techie at times can lose sight of what's most important for IT Support in a School.  Productivity, Value and Life.  Considering most of the equipment we have on site only is for Internet and Word plus low end department software.  We only have two areas that require meatier machines.

The very ambitious one
I have met a few of these but not many, they are ambitious and tend to be more than happy to do a job for those high above.  They will go the extra mile but again only for those who are important.  This person I wouldn't trust in any single way, they will scheme for my position and yours.  I've purposely put "very" ambitious because I have met those who are ambitious but still willing to keep their hands clean.  This one will lie and cheat their way to the top with least amount of work produced but maximum pay.  They will provide no loyalty to those above even after giving their word of honour.  This is the technician I certainly wouldn't employ.

Does what it says on the tin
This technician isn't perhaps so easily to spot for some, this techie is the one that does what's in their job description and that's it.
Although some may say this one isn't perhaps a negative, I will rate that technician as an average or below bar.  Why?  Because I want my team member to care about the job.  Do I want to have a technician who does the jobs he is asked and that's it?  No.
This one will require supervision quite often to make sure the work is being done and they may not even bother caring about the tomorrow.

Not interested
The lack of interest technician is that poor soul who really doesn't want to work in IT.  This will be the one that moves on to a different profession and never touches IT again.  They have no willingness to learn anything IT, show no interest at home for it and generally would rather be somewhere else doing something else.

The unbreakable or unbendable
This is probably the most frustrating one to work with.  They are very set in their minds and you can't persuade them other wise even when the facts say so.  They are the ones who tend to have a half empty kind of glass.  In education they are relatively easy to spot, they have no push for Teaching and Learning.  They don't sit down and consider what is good for students and staff.  When it comes to IT they have the knowledge and in the business world they would do well but in education where the focus is learning for students and teaching for staff - they do lose their way.  You wouldn't see them at a university but only ever at secondary or primary Schools.  At a University you have consider a Students ability to access not simple IT but any IT to produce the work anywhere.  A good example of this would be VLEs which I will cover in another post.  One thing Universities aim for their systems is the ability to gain access to everything from home.  This is usually because Students bring in their own equipment on site campus and need access to course materials, assignments, questionnaires and everything at their finger tips.  With the way secondary Schools are heading, Universities are ahead of the game.

So the next question is, Who's responsibility is it to weed out these bad technicians?

The Line Manager
No matter what, it is my responsibility to deal with my technicians.  It is my job to make sure I am getting the best out of them for their jobs and for the School.  This means that if they are lazy, not bothered or generally not doing work - that's where I step in.  I've heard quite a few people over the years whine about the technicians yet I take one look at the line manager and totally understand it.  I will not say the fault is entirely down to the technicians, if their work place is poorly treating them then I have no sympathy for the those in charge.  I've seen both sides of the wall and at the end of the day if the techies are working in a good place and treated with respect, there should be no excuse for the technicians to not be doing their best.

VLE's, Portals, Platforms - AnyWhere Access

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A few years ago the Government had this great idea of forcing Schools to get a VLE.  Call it what you will it essentially means - Anywhere Access.

On paper the whole idea was great and I understood it.  The way it was done really was poorly executed and companies didn't even have products that were ready nor fully functioning.

What kind of programs are completely ready? None.  This is why Universities have setup their own systems.  So let's start with what should Anywhere Access provide:

  • Access to the data area - Google Drive or One Drives are perfect examples.
  • Timetables, calendar information and diary dates.
  • Access to software, apps and programs - call them what you will.
  • Email, chat and general communication tools.
  • Learning materials, course books and documentation.
  • Useful links to external sites - even department specifics.
  • Assignments, tasks, work and send back to the tutor.
  • Single Sign On
  • Linked to other systems e.g. Cashless Catering/Printing
  • Video content
  • Compatible with most devices
Teaching Staff - All the above plus:
  • Ability to access Student assignments.
  • Lesson planners.
  • Ability to create all the Student materials.
  • Marking, assessments and data entries.
As you can see, this is a very long list and unfortunately people don't quite realise this was what VLEs were all about.  The idea that it didn't matter where you was but with WiFi/Internet access you can potentially do work.

No Internet Access
For many years I had been told that Internet access would never be widely accessible due to costs and Parents not knowing anything about IT.  How wrong were they?  Well let's just say they were beyond wrong and it was obvious the way technology was going with more devices relying on Wi-Fi.
Now we see Wi-Fi offered in restaurants, buses and now cars.  The people who went against this are the same ones still lacking any ability to look ahead with technology.  They are the ones usually holding Schools back and concentrate too much on the finer things.

Only ten years ago the % of Parents that had Wi-Fi was around 35%, now it's roughly 99% with very few Parents who don't have access.  How do I know this? I've worked at multiple Schools in the last 6 years and the number has never been below 90% in that time and it's still increasing.

Out of a single year 99% adds up to 2-4 Parents which in my current job for year 7 is a spot on assessment.  How do I know these results? I've done surveys over the years.

What's interesting is the ones who say Parents still don't have internet access are the same ones who claim Students can't survive without their facebook.

When things work in a School, the next task should always be future planning, perfection and new technologies.

Why the rejection?
In simple terms - most don't want them, don't want the work, can't afford and don't see what they can really bring to a School.  Every month that passes, Schools and companies want more external access to everything.  How do I know this? because now we have a dozens of Staff access all sorts from home and not just their data areas.  A lot of Staff use email at home (as shown by endless amount of surveys showing workers do this).

What to use?
There are plenty out there to choose from, some are costly, a few are free but depends what you really want from the system.

The greatest positive over this one is that it's free.  Unfortunately that is the only really good benefit.  To sync up to your data system without costs is no easy task and requires a bit of time/patience.  This also goes towards setting up a decent system of Moodle.  The basic install on to a server isn't a problem (you will need a reliable piece of kit if this becomes important).  We currently use this and it's setup, done and rarely have to do any work.  Only issues we tend to deal with is keeping staff in the know how.  Developing Moodle though would require more time and some one who is clued up.  You wouldn't be able to trust a newly employed technician to get this up and running in a few weeks.

The biggest negative over Moodle is that Support doesn't exist other then online forums although you can pay for it - support does exist on that front.

Google Freebies and Office 365/Azure- Although not quite a VLE
The likes of Gmail, Docs and even this Blogger but the problem with all these freebies - they are pretty basic.  When you compare Google Docs to say Office 365, it's a no win scenario for Google.  We attempted an entire year to use Google Docs and unfortunately there are many functions not available.

This one has huge potential, the idea of Frog was that Students loaded this no matter where they were and got everything.  Unfortunately when I last used this setup there was several issues and it seemed that maybe they took too much on and concentrated too much on quantity of functions/services instead of quality.  The idea that it was easy to create online content, lessons, homework all in a single area really is appealing.  The massive and biggest negative is the cost.  The huge cost wouldn't be so bad if there was rarely problems and all the current functions at the time worked.  Their technical support was also inconsistent.  At times you may find issues are quickly resolved and other moments you can wait weeks, months and even a year for problems to be fixed.

Little potential, no ability to link up to your AD system and generally not worth it.  The positive on this is it's low cost £4000 a year compared toe other major VLEs.  Unfortunately I can't say anything else that is positive other than they use the Google Apps.  Having met one of their trainers and had the dictation of scrapping Microsoft in favour of RealSmart and Google you can probably guess I wasn't too impressed.  Anyone who works in our job will know the big picture that it's not a simple switch over to one system to another.  You have too many implications which have been covered in other posts.
So this VLE is a simple system to share online content and assign - that's really it.

The above VLEs are ones I have personal experience in although there are plenty to choose from my only advice is ask your self - what do you want before you purchase a VLE.

And remember the implications:
  • Impact on broadband bandwidth (peak times)
  • Costs (annual costs, additional Staff)
  • Training (Staff, IT Support and Students)
  • Administration (general admin work)
  • Administrator management (IT Support, maintenance)
  • Fit for purpose (does what you want)
  • Reliability (bugs, failures and downtime)
  • External access

Personal: Why America will never fix the Gun Problem

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I wouldn't class my self as old, I'm in my thirties and I've been see a lot in society.  We've gone through our problems, several leaders of Britain and even in the mix of the EU.

None of that really compares to the nightmare of Gun Control in America.

Knifes kill people
I will start this part by asking a question, a man armed with a knife walks in to a bar and starts randomly stabbing people.  How many people are going to be killed before he is pinned down?

A man walks in to a bar and starts shooting people with an automatic rifle.  How many people are going to be killed before he is pinned down?

In the UK we recently had a knife incident, no fatalities.  Several people were injured but the criminal was apprehended and not one single person killed.  All those people made a recovery.

How many people were shot recently? Over 100.  If that man was armed with a knife does anyone really believe he would have stabbed over 100 people and killed at least 49 before he was shot dead by police?  If you honestly believe that a knife man is more dangerous than a man with an automatic gun - you need your head checked.  That's like claiming a push bike is more dangerous than a car.  Where a car can plough through a crowd seriously injuring dozens, a cyclist would struggle to hit more than a few.

This is one argument anyone is wrong about.  No matter what - that's a fact.  If you don't believe me, ask why is the military armed with guns instead of knives?

What's the old pun - Don't bring a knife to a gun fight.  There is no competition.  A single person with a gun can do more damage than two people with knives.

Automatic is no different to a Semi Automatic
Well yes there is actually, A semi automatic is designed for more single shot precision instead of simply spray.  A full on automatic is about letting go of an entire magazine in the shortest amount of time possible to injure/kill as many people as possible.

It's not the guns it's the people
This is a ridiculous statement, guns are not toys, they are not collectables and are simply one thing - Weapons.  They are designed to kill.  This is why the military train troops for combat, to choose their targets, to feel no pity for the enemy but to make sure they don't hurt their own.  They are trained to use them.  The average Joe doesn't.  They go to a firing range shooting at targets thinking that they are having fun.  They also allow their children to play with those weapons, creating a society of people who believe these are toys.

It's also a fact that people who tend to own more guns, tend to kill people - as shown by many surveys completed by Americans.  It's also known to increase the risk of confrontation because people are not afraid to enter difficult circumstances e.g. petty arguments.

Defending their own home
Question - How many people have been killed as a result of trespassing?  How many have had to kill as a result of complete self defence with a gun in their own home?

Did you know that owning a gun actually increases the risk of death - fact.

Did you want to know how many mass shootings have been stopped as a result of gun ownership? zero - fact.

The above are not facts provided by my self but instead American news and Government agencies.

Video Games create more violence - So look at Japan who don't have the same kind of stats in regards to murder - fact.

You know what I think it's a nation in real trouble.  More innocent lives are murdered and not many people bat an eye lid.  The real issue is you have too many high ranking officials that don't want to give up gun control.  In a democratic society not even The President of the United States of America can do a thing about it.  It would not only be political suicide but destroy any future employment for Obama and even create serious unrest towards him and sorry to say this - his family.

America feeds it self far too much on lies, they have done it for decades.  They believe without them the Brits would be living a rule under Germany.  Even though the Nazi Airforce was demolished when they attempted to destroy England through bombings.  The Nazis had even given up invading Britain at this point because of how well "dug in" the nation was.  This was of course while still keeping Europe in check and dealing with the Russians.  I'm not surprised at Americas arrogance over WW2 - they got thumped hard by the Japanese and had to resort to dropping Nuclear bombs to end that war.  They thought they defeated the Nazis on their own, yet it wasn't America constantly being bombed every day.  It wasn't the American civilian shipping lanes constantly being targeted.  They were thousands of miles away on their own large island.  Was New York under threat? No.  What about Washington? No.  They have always been comfortable in their own beds.

One day America may sadly realise the truth that it's time to move on.  To own guns is not a civil right or liberty.  It's not my right to own a knife....

I really do feel for them.

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Personal: Why the benefit system needs to go

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The hot topic today, a single mother wants another child when she currently has 12.

Please explain to me why that is a "right" when there are children who are disabled that don't get a penny.

Recently there has been a cap and frankly this is not good enough.  No one earning a certain amount should be able to claim and there shouldn't be any benefits for more than two kids.

The benefit system needs a complete overhaul.  This was created to help people in need, not a way of living and certainly not a way of life in society.

They are for paying bills
Not for drugs, not for smokes, not for drinks and certainly not for an operation which has nothing to do with your health e.g. boob job.  Should I be allowed to use tax payers money on McDonalds instead of bills? no - I'd be stupid.  Should I be allowed to improve my body with a six pack and muscles? no - I'd be stupid.

This is a disgusting attitude to have where people actually believe that the benefit system is a human right and it's their right to do as they choose with it.  These are the same people who whine about politicians doing it.  No one has a right to the benefit system and no one has a right to spend tax payers money on anything other than what's important.

A mother of 12 on benefits is creating 12 future tax payers
Wrong, the mother is creating a benefit culture in her own family.  I've seen it, it's in the press, my family and friends see it.  A lot of people do live in cloud cuckoo land where they think it's just a few individuals.  When I see actual people ( I could name and shame ) who have zero care about living off the benefit system, it absolutely infuriates me and the worst part is they do not care.
Those 12 children will be raised thinking it's okay just to have lots of babies, barely work and take hand outs.  While you are at it, enjoy holidays and just be selfish.

It's not that much?
The benefit system is made up of a lot of factors and according to some this isn't a lot.
  • Tax credits
  • No council tax
  • Child support
  • Family benefits
  • Fuel benefits
  • Job seeker allowance
  • Disability benefits
Now, I've said this once and will say it again.  No one should be getting money in to their pockets to do as they please.  Especially when actual disabled children are getting nothing when they are wheel chair bound for life.

Personal Story
I once knew some one who had a lovely young lady.  She went off, met some one and had two children.  After finding out from her friend that if she dumped her other half, got custody of both children she would be on a salary equivalent of £23,000 with a house and no rent/council tax to worry about.  Is this right, fair or frankly disgusting?
This person is a family member, the result of being told above she visited social services about the "next step".

She got what she wanted, although didn't win custody of her second child she did how ever get almost £20,000 a year and a nice rent free house.

She didn't consider her future with this guy he was effectively a sperm donor, the entire family knew it.  How many days has she worked?  No joke it's 6.  At the time of writing this she's about to hit 30 yet she has not even worked two weeks in her life time.  She's got quite a few children now.

I should spend benefits on what I want
This was something I had thrown at me, by an IT technician as well.  He had zero care about the mess this Country is in financially, quick to blame bankers for the financial crises yet he is no different to tax evaders, financial arrogant bankers and every other type who screw this nation for their own pockets.  YOU are responsible for the problems we face today.  This person spoke as if he should go out pubbing every weekend, smoke and drink without a care.

Strangely enough these are also people who want to vote OUT of the EU because of immigrants treating "our" benefit system as theirs.  Why should I worry about how YOU feel when you abuse the system when you have put nothing back in to this Country?  When a lot of those immigrants would actually work.

Bring back Vouchers
Simple system, this is for bills, clothes and food.  You can't use them for smoking, drugs, drinks or even holidays and having fun.  When real workers who do 40+ hours every week struggle to put food on their plate because of taxes/NI why we should have it hard.

Bring down the cap
I don't think the cap should ever be allowed to breach £20,000 no matter what unless you are disabled.  A disabled child has no choice in the future, has no say, they can't choose to be any different so why should they be worse off than a mother who constantly has kids with no care.

Frankly if you continue to have kids, the cap shouldn't be above £15,000 and I have no sympathy.  You choose to have children, you choose to accept responsibility like any respectable parent - you provide for them.  When I know people who want kids, adore them and give them everything, raise them properly then they realise they cant have any more due to their financial situation.  It disgusts me there are those who have more without a care.

I don't care if you are from a council estate, business person or a politician.  The benefit system is not there for you to treat like the lottery.  It's there for NEED not a WANT.  The sooner the Government pulls the plug on this system the better.

1:1 Scheme

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Have a leaflet on my desk from a company that provides 1:1 schemes.

I couldn't help but read through it and see how much is actually true:
  • Gives students the latest devices
  • Minimal cost to the School
  • Fully managed and funded by parents
  • Affordable
  • Easy to launch with minimal admin from the School
  • Brand builds trust
It's actually strange when you see how much of the above is true through our own experience.

Gives students the latest devices - WRONG
To pre- empt everything and make sure you have some what of a smooth sailing, you will need to be testing the device of your choice 1 year before launch.  This gives the School, staff and students time to see if the device choice is correct.  It will also take months to correctly get parents aware of the scheme, how to sign up and pay for the devices.  Once every parent has signed up it will take 1-3 months to collate everyone and get the devices shipped and ready for students.

This can be up to 1 year, possibly at least 8 months.  Depending how long you run the scheme after a year of the students owning them they are potentially 2 years out of date technology.  When you can have a scheme going for a few years, they fast can become outdated.

Minimal cost to the School - WRONG
When you work out the man hours we have spent on this scheme, the parents who have returned devices and the students where the School has had to help.  The costs run high, potentially adding from £15,000+ a year.

Fully managed and funded by parents - WRONG
We deal with shipping, delivery, failures, sign ups, finance planning, advertising the scheme and assisting the parents.  This has been an endless flurry of work where my team has had to "fully" manage everything to not only protect the school but parents too.

Affordable - Right and Wrong
This depends on your device choice.  If you choose an android tablet straight away the costs are low but when you add insurance, warranty, cases and any app purchases the costs run high.  Paying £10 a month may not be a lot but over 3 years that money adds up, the interest is also high.  Considering that the insurance doesn't cover everything and nor does the extended warranty, parents can end up being furious over the whole thing.  If you choose a good quality device designed to last more than 2 years of 3+ hours a day, you fast move in to the high cost territory.  If you consider laptops, netbooks or high end iPads again you run in to high costs.  When you include the whole package of everything you get, it becomes very pricey.

East to launch with minimal admin from the School - WRONG
If you plan everything ahead of schedule, to make sure parents sign up as early as possible and payments start.  The devices will arrive a few months later when parents have already done at least 3 payments.  If there is delay in those devices arriving at the School, I can assure you parents will not be happy.  You should not release the devices to students right away (make sure they are fully aware of what they are being given).  The admin work as mentioned has become 1-2 technicians spending most of every day doing work for the scheme.  The finance office still has to make sure invoices, payments and everything for the auditors is correct.

You can of course read through more of what I have posted but it is not smooth sailing. 

BYOD Schemes

A piece of advice is to have a pure BYOD - where the School holds no responsibility at all.  You essentially provide a spec or type of device and parents are responsible for repairs, failures, controlling, software glitches and day to day maintenance.

Monday, 6 June 2016

Personal: Arguments - do you do it for the sake of it?

Having a heated discussion today, about that popular topic - The EU.
Shall we leave or not?  I won't bother delving in to this - it's every British Citizens sovereign right in a democratic society to vote for what they believe in.  You choose your own vote for your own reasons.  You would have to be quite pathetic to whine about some ones choice.

What I am going to go on about is the Scare Mongering - which some seem to think has not been happening.  Then once you prove it has been happening you get "Why should it matter".

Why?  Because you are not presenting the realistic facts.  The kind of terms we have seen about the collapse of our nation, coming wars and the end of the NHS.  All of which is far over the top scare mongering.  I could easily do it in my job to get what I want, I wouldn't be presenting the honest

We all know, realistically it's a load of rubbish.  Our nation has survived a lot and still continues to thrive even after the financial crises, the regression, depression and two world wars.

This all got me thinking, do people argue just for the sake of it.  Just like a child who likes to see a reaction more than anything.  This isn't about debating any more this is about petty arguments trying to wind people up.  Piers Morgan - prime example who does this brilliantly.

It's quite sad people have to do this, not only is it arguments over petty ridiculous things but it strings on an argument that turns out to be a waste of time.  Still if some people who have nothing better to do but wind up others, this is no better than mental abuse.  You are not debating in fact you purposely being a "jerk".  The real sad part is these people have probably got issues up stairs, lack of confidence or perhaps need it to make them selves feel better.  Bit like politicians.

When you beat them in an argument they then turn on something else to rip apart to see if they can get you on that.  It's also why people lose faith in politicians.  When it comes to listening to the real issues, the real problems they simply fall short.  It would also explain that when the government makes promises they also fall short.  Makes you think if politicians were on performance pay - how much would they really earn at the end of the day.  Likewise for these people who are natural wind up merchants.

Still, I feel sympathy for them.

So much money wasted

So it's that time of year where I have to review our asset data.
One thing that must be kept up to date is this information ready for the AUDIT.  If they ask where a piece of kit is you must be able to show them.
Looking through the servers you kind of see how much the School has spent on it's current stock.  How much does it add up to? over 20K? 30K?  No - Almost £60,000.  That's roughly £7500+ a year on servers.
This is why Virtualization is considered to be the better financial sense not just about reliability, redundancy and future proofing.  If the School had originally planned up to 10 Years down the line for servers like it can on Networking.  It would have gone down the line of my "Dream Plan" which is all apart of different other blogs I've made.

Adopt a Primary

Virtual Server

System from Scratch

So a simple two Virtual Servers, an Exchange box and a authentication Domain Controller.

The total cost of the above if done for our specifications is £30,000.  Which still only covers half the current costs of all the servers.  We could have also spent quite a bit of money going down the SAN route for our storage needs.  The servers could have been over egged for a 10 year plan.
What does that mean?  You don't hold back on storage, memory or processor to make sure you are setup for 10 Years.  It means you have a built system which is reliable and no extra costs down the line - except out of warranty failures which wouldn't be too costly.
Not always able to plan 10 Years - I completely accept this.  Not many knew IT would be very important today.  Now though should Schools look to go for a 10 Year plan when it comes to the "Core" system.  Considering how we spend on the Network side of things but we neglect the servers?
Considering "Cloud" options are still not good enough to consolidate everything externally, we are probably 10 Years at least from that.
Which of course goes back to the title - how much money has been wasted not just lack of planning but the ever changing world?
Now with more budgets being squeezed are we going to see more IT failures?  With Schools pushing for more BYOD or reverting back to PC setups - again how much money is wasted?
I know the major problem in all the above but that's discussed in other posts.

Personal: Why Chris Evans is wrong for the job - TOP GEAR

I grew up watching Top Gear, that car show.   Originally it was about the facts and zero entertainment value.  Was essentially watched by car nuts and no one else.  Then it was revamped in to fact show with entertainment appetite.

Since then the show focused more on entertainment while still providing some facts along the way.  It gave us 3 great presenters that we could all relate to.  The political incorrect Jeremy Clarkson, normal short radio show host and captain slow who is dedicated to intricate details.

Now I not going to debate the assault, I leave that up to the lawyers.

What I will debate is giving Chris Evans the lead to one of the most popular shows in the Country - Top Gear.

Chris Evans 
I have never really liked Chris on a normal day now presents the last show on the BBC that I watch.  People accused Jeremy of being ignorant and arrogant but the thing is - he did so in a funny way where you can't take him serious.  He's a bit like that Uncle who you can't hate because of it.   Chris Evans humour level which I have always questioned now is being forced.  He's that relative no one wants to see even on Christmas day.  The one no one invites but turns up.  No one wants to talk to him but he will insist on chatting away even if people were trying to sleep.

Sorry Chris - I think you need to go.  This ship is sinking before it set sail and every week that passes he becomes no different and people should not be just tolerating him.

The show it self is not so bad nor are the other presenters but Chris - needs to go.

Looking at twitter, the press and Facebook it's all the same conclusion.  It seems about 1/10 can tolerate Chris and now the ratings have slump.  I assume everyone has seen the tweet where Chris celebrated the ratings announcement - in response to social media and the press.  Now the same Chris refuses to accept the recent ratings announcement claiming the times have changed.

Thing is, I have not even bothered at all with Top Gear during Sunday evening.  Even though I had to see Top Gear, I couldn't miss an episode.  Now though I really can't be bothered to watch it, every moment Chris is on the screen it feels like the BBC didn't care who they chose for this job as long as he loves cars.  It really doesn't matter how you compare the selection, the fact is people didn't love Chris before and they sure as hell will not like him now.

I personally see Chris being removed at the end of this series and perhaps the lead role given to Matt, who seems much popular by choice.  And just to make it clear I never wanted Chris for this role and I said from day one that Matt is perfect.  Chris comes across as that guy who is not happy with his own life, like he is still going through the mid life crises and has been ever since he got together with a certain Piper.


Why MATs are Failing Education

The NHS and National Railways all have one thing in common.  The Government has been wanting to completely duck shove this responsibility.

Once upon a time both of these were something to be proud of, it was never about profit but instead about the service.  People wanted to be doctors, a highly respectable job and many people wanted to be nurses to help look after sick people.  I even remember a few people telling me they wanted to be train drivers or conductors.  Now - no one wants to be.
Even education once upon a time was a proud job, people wanted to be teachers to help educate the future generation.  Now - no one wants to be.

Academy Conversion
This is what the whole Academies was about, not improving education for young people but instead something the Government doesn't want to worry about.
One thing the Government hates is criticism, even constructive - they really hate it.  It's why people don't trust politicians what so ever.  This has a knock on effect to a lot of society, where people are afraid to hear anything bad of them.  In my job I need people to tell me when things fail, I need to know the problems and I need people to report them electronically.  This means the job doesn't get forgotten or missed.  It also means any repeating problems can be rectified.  A good example to this in my job is an IWB failing even though initial testing was fine.  Turns out any power failures was resetting any calibration set by the IWB.  An inconsistent issue but causing problems for teachers - now rectified.

Why are politicians so afraid of any criticisms.  As mentioned this is a constant thing in society, in the NHS, the railway and even in education.

MATs - Multi Academy Trust
The main priority is Education but sadly this becomes completely forgotten
I once was told something, some one rather "Pro MATs".
"It brings opportunities"
This quote will forever sum up MATs, they really are not about education anymore, they are not about preparing young people for the future.  Instead they are about certain individuals gaining that "opportunity".  This is why Education will go the same way as the National Railway and National Health Service - FAILURES of Britain.

You look at NR/NHS and now MATs, they all share a common problem - High Earning Executives.  Tell me why some one is earning more than the Prime Minister - Leader of Great Britain.  I've made this clear in my life that no one in the Public Sector or responsible for these services should ever earn more than the PM.  No Excuses.

Interesting thing is, some of these people didn't earn their positions.  They wormed their way through, back-stabbed work colleagues, lied and schemed.  Think Game of Thrones without the naked bodies and blood.

These people are bringing poison to education.

I've seen bullying become a massive problem in trusts, lack of community support or parent care.

It's all about these two days, little notice given (which I don't agree on).

So what is a Schools procedure (yes there will be one):
  • Notice to all staff - usually through email or emergency briefing.
  • All the poorly behaved kids will be placed in isolation.
  • Cleaners will attend the School all day.
  • No time off for any staff - including us support.
  • Everyone is rushed off on their feet.
  • Displays are sorted out.
  • SLT in gear.
Believe it or not, the above should effectively be a standard day in education where everyone is doing their job.

Sad truth is Ofsted is more important than our childrens education, what matters next is results.  There is a difference, education is preparing young people for the world - getting their grades is effectively teaching what they need to pass the exams.  Making children feel like it will be the end of the world if they do not succeed in year 10/11.  Not worrying about bullying, day to day care for them, keeping parents in the loop.  Generally not giving two hoots about them.

Another phrase that will live with me  "I dont care about parents", this was said not by a normal teacher nor a head teacher but instead a super head.

What Now?
Personally, I think hitting a cap on public sector pay would pave the way for less scheming and plotting among this area including education.  When the small people earn so little yet put in so much, it makes you think that the money gained as a result of the cap we would see fairer wages in these sectors.  When you look at conductors, junior nurses and support staff in this sector - it really does make you wonder is everyone earning a fair wage for their work?

Course the Government wont change or do anything, they want privatization of these sectors and they are so close to completely doing it.  A lot of people have complained about the fact they are not allowed to just "teach" but when some of those people scheme and create problems where there was none.. I can't help but think education is failing our youth today.

My Personal Experience
Yes, I have a good amount of experience when dealing with Trusts.  I worked in one once even through the transition phase.  The official line was "Nothing will change, it's about the Schools working together".  This was the biggest deceit I had ever experienced in education.

Remember one important thing, if a MAT heads your way - IT will most likely be hit.  It will not be about improving IT nor future proofing but instead how many of you can be removed and cutting down the budget.  This situation will see a knock on effect that some Schools are still suffering as a result of BSF.

BSF was essentially the exact same thing, a lot of money wasted for highly paid executives and everyone fighting over the money instead of doing what's important - fixing education.

I wont go in to my own details just yet, perhaps in another post.

Really am concerned the day my own children go to School.

Friday, 3 June 2016

Personal: Harambe the Silverback

I'm going to start this post with a question? Would you allow your self or a child to sit in an enclosure with a silverback gorilla?
Assuming the majority are some what aware with a bit of common sense the answer to that question would always be a no.
How about another question? Have you been able to watch your own children or some one's elses 24/7 so they never get in a dangerous situation or bump their head?
Assuming the majority of people who have some experience with kids, the answer again would be a no.

Although I completely agree, going outside the house I would watch kids like an eagle but there is that one second you can switch off or look away.  We know children have a habit of running off.

Gorilla's are animals with more strength than a man
If you have ever watched a documentary about these lovely animals, they are to be respected and heavy caution is to be advised.  That's why zoo's do not allow anyone to walk in to a caged area with a gorilla. The issue here that I wanted to raise is not what the Parents were doing (frankly I would be an eagle) but instead how people questioned shooting the gorilla.
Gorilla's have a habit of turning on their own, over very miniscule things, they also have a habit of making up relatively easy.  Sometimes they also can kill one another or smaller/baby apes.  Even professionals who spend years tracking and spending time with these lovely animals do so with extreme caution.  In doing so they also roll the dice in the hope they will not be attacked.

The Zoo had 3 seconds to make a choice
This is where I really felt a niggle, you have 3 seconds to make a choice, you have a gun, a child is with a real gorilla.  What do you do?  In this instance the zoo could have easily waited - what would have happened?  A death and a beating of a child.
The world would have been in fury if a death of that child occurred, not only to the Parents but to the zoo.  Demanding why they took their time to react, why they decided to not hurt a gorilla silverback over a toddler too young to understand the dangers.

How anyone could sit there and say "they should have waited" is beyond me.  I absolutely adore animals, I'm no fan of zoo's because wild animals shouldn't be caged but I'm glad children actually get to see these lovely creatures.  To claim the zoo though should have waited and that the child was "safe" is utterly ridiculous.  For anyone who says that line, why don't you let your child sit with a gorilla.  I don't doubt for one second that this gorilla died as a result of the parents mistakes (accident or not) but to claim that the zoo didn't have to shoot.  The only solution was a tranquilizer but they are not always available and may cause the gorilla to react angrily in those few seconds.

As a brit, living in Britain we do have a hefty load of red tape.  We have major issues in this country and huge delays are caused by health and safety plus the red tape saga.

A zoo in this country has to think about the big what if, they have to make sure there is no chance of animals escaping and for dangerous one they are in very large enclosures.  The point I am trying to make about this is not every country follows this path.  Zoos in other countries don't necessarily take health and safety serious on a load of things.  They don't have red tape.  When you visit other nations for a holiday you only see a glimpse of it.

What is interesting, is this has caused a bigger uproar then a homicidal maniac going on a killing spree.  The very same people who want harsh punishments on the parents and the zoo, are the same ones that support guns in homes.  The same ones that use technicalities to get off prison sentences.  The world really is full of #hypocrisy.

Personal: Why feminism is overly abused and is about revenge

We all know what's going on, a fight for equality for women and men.  Which I will add I completely support.

I've been doing my job solid for over a decade:
Should a woman earn as much as me if her qualifications and experience are the same level? Yes absolutely.  Should she be treated equaly on every level, in regards to her career choice, day to day job choice?  Totally.  Should a woman tolerate being treated poorly? absolutely not.

The above goes for everyone, regardless of gender, race or class.

Question though aimed at feminists fighting for equality, is this about what's right or revenge?

There seems to be a severe hypocrisy in regards to fighting for equality and remember that's what this is about.  Giving a woman every chance in life as a man gets - which is again spot on the way it should be (we should be adding everyone - can't exclude anyone regardless).

Now, I would like to add as a man I've had the following thrown in my face:
  • Expected to support women financially (namely a few ex girlfriends of mine) no we didn't get married nor have children.
  • Expected to open a door for a lady (is equality about being polite? why not hold the door open for me?)
  • Expected to take it like a man, take the insults and the criticisms because I have a backbone.
  • Men can't do more than one thing.
  • Typical "male" - How many times have I heard that I "think between my legs", my second brain, typical man etc.  They can range from jokes to serious comments about my gender - do I take these as severe insults?  well no.  Even though equality means you shouldn't be saying anything that criticises my gender right?  Considering the amount of court cases of sexual harassment can occur with similar things.
Recently there has been a certain MP that went to war to remove the "Page 3" which I can totally understand, I don't think material like that should be easily available in papers.  Even though those models would earn a living for something they choose to do.  Very similar to a certain KK who insists on posting nude pictures of her self and claims it's for feminists.  Sorry to say but that is no different to me posting a picture saying this is for men - ridiculous.

Fighting equality is about fighting womens rights to equal pay, equal treatment and to be no different than the treatment of men.  Simple.  How some one who has never expressed equal rights for women but magically uses it as an excuse to advertise who own naked body?  Then again this is the same woman who conveniently leaked a certain inappropriate video and magically became world known.  She was a nobody before that.

How to move forward
It's pretty simple, a big issue is maternity leave/pay.  I can totally understand from an employers point of view that I would rather choose someone who will give me 5 years with nothing but say 28 days holiday time to use up.  It's not against women, it's not against equality but instead it's against some one that costs the company a lot of money to have children while taking paid time off.  How do we solve that though?  force the man to take maternity leave?  From a personal point of view I want my other half looking after the baby but taking care of her self as well.  Looking after a child is a full time job and she deserves her break just as much as anyone.  So would I mind taking maternity time off as well?  nope not at all.
One problem with that is, would we see a change in interview questions - are you in a relationship? are you engaged? will you be having children any time soon?  would bachelor's/singletons be more preferred?

Is that a fix, a step in the right direction?

Sexual harassment of any kind is wrong
Criticising some one of their gender is wrong, How far do we go though?  till we lose that "backbone" and no longer able to take any joke or criticism.  I don't take everything personal, I am a man, grew up as a man and born a boy.  I grew up with male banter, jokes and learnt that thick skin not to take anything personal.  I have taken criticisms my whole life from women regarding my gender, I'm in my young 30s and I grew up in a world where women are not treated as kitchen house wives.  That was my previous generation as shown by some older men that I've known through the years but the same can be said about the older women who act like men should be providing food/money for the house.
My other half can't take criticisms well and instantly can turn on the insane emotion.  Her friends are all similar, not very good at taking it which is why they don't even joke about it - instead they do it behind each others backs.  My friends who are guys joke to their face, criticise the clothes, the mistakes and anything to the face.

There is a difference between men and women, that's not about equality that's about individuality.  That's the way things have been for a very long time, it's the way we raise our kids, the way a man may protect a daughter and a mum will protect her son.  That's a society issue not an equality issue.

Need more Women
So, something else I see often.  Ten people have had a view on something and only two are women - feminism.  Hold your horses, if I walk down the street and grabbed the first ten people I see regardless of gender and I happen to grab more men than women?  That's got nothing to do with equality.  If I hold interviews which I have done over the years and the majority has been men; this also has nothing to do with equality.  Why should I purposely put "Seeks more women" in a job advertisement just to attract more women to my profession?  Is this in any way related to equality?
No - end of.  This immediately causes a betting odd that would say more men in my profession, would that mean more men are earning more? yes but there will also be more men earning less.  The simple fact is there are more men in my job than women.
In my current profession I've only known 3 women compared to about 40+ men.

I am constantly seeing, comparisons to the amount of men vs women in a lot.  I watch football and see more men interested in the sport than women, is that men putting women down or is that simply lack of interest by women.  Which is true, I know at the top of my head 4 women that love football as much as I do. How many men do I know?  a lot.  Has this got anything to do with equality? no.  Even my other half has no interest in watching the game "It's boring" but she wouldn't mind attending a live game to feel the atmosphere.  Has this got anything to do with equality? no.  There is a constant scape goat being used in regards to equality, if a woman chooses to be interested in football only a small minority of men will have a problem with it.  That small minority are an issue in regards to equality.  I know a lot of men who have no issue in fact, they would prefer it if their other half's were interested in football.  It means no squabble, no fighting or problems over who has the TV.

Real Equality Issues

When a man tells a woman she can't do something because of her gender - that's an equality issue.  When a man refuses to give a job to a woman even though she is better qualified/experienced because of her gender - that's an equality issue.  When a man tells a woman to get her body out, well that's sexual harassment and isn't an equality issue.

When a woman tells a man that he can't do something because of his gender - that's an equality issue.  When a woman refuses to give a job to a man even though he is better qualified/experienced because of his gender - that's an equality issue.  When a woman tells a man to get his body out, well that's sexual harassment.

See what I did there?  Equality is about equal rights to all.  Want to talk about custodial rights as a mother VS father? for a child that doesn't need breast feeding? this is an equality issue.

There is a constant term some feminists are using that men can't fully comprehend what it's like to be a woman.  You are right, men don't fully understand.  Likewise though for a woman to understand what it's like to be a man.  Sexism and equality is a major issue and does affect both men and women but no one can have their cake and eat it.  Equality is about both sides having EQUAL rights in everything and I've used one example on why men don't have equality as well.  I'm not denying the issue is bigger for women because of society and cultures that exist today/in history.

It's not going to be fixed till everyone decides that they want equality, not revenge but equal rights for both men and women.  So question to those who fight for feminists - are you really after equal rights or are you after revenge.  There is a huge difference to showing your body as a woman to showing your body for attention.  If you look at some ones history and that person has done nothing but seek attention - certain reality celebrity - it's NOT feminism.  This entire episode reminds me of celebrities fighting poverty while they live in their 10 room mansion, multiple servants and swimming pools with a maintenance cost of more than I earn in 5 years.  #Hypocrisy

If you spend your life fighting for equal rights - you should do it where it is needed.  Not to seek attention.  Has this reality celebrity gone out of her way to fight equality?  Has she treated men like a walking wallet? - This pretty much does sum up attention seeking and gold digging for this celebrity.  #QuiteSad

Personal: Why the justice system is broken

The justice system has been and probably will always be broken.
Some one answer me, how a criminal who is 100% proven guilty can be released as a result of shall we say mistakes made by the law - getting off due to a technicality.
Some one answer me, how a rich celebrity can commit a crime that some one poor has also committed but get's a fine instead of prison term.
What is justice?
Well according to the dictionary the term means many things - "just behaviour or treatment" is the general one.  There is a reason we have prisons, it's not just primarily about rehabilitation but also to prevent reoffending and to protect previous and possible future victims.  A lot of people mistakenly think it's just about rehabilitating people so the can re-join society.  It's a funny world working in IT, you tend to work with people who generally don't live in the real world.  Those who pretty much rarely go out, rarely explore, travel, do anything on a weekend or ever go out at night to socialise.  They are rarely ever in a dangerous situation, hardly ever had to face that person about to commit a serious crime against them or their loved ones.
 As a result they generally tend to feel towards more "geeky" and a bit too much Star Trek type.  As if punishments shouldn't exist and it's all about helping a criminal readjust and be a productive member of society.

The fact is in todays world we don't have the means to help every person that has issues up stairs.  If some one has lost the plot due to 20+ years of bad growing up, it's not going to take 5 years to help them.  Instead it will probably take them another 20 years to change and there is no guarantee that they will.  You look at all the stats on re-offenders and it is quite high.  You look at the attitude of criminals who don't care, what do they do? they treat prison like a holiday camp.  Our armed forces are treated worse than any criminal in a prison.

Punishment should fit the Crime
This is an easy one right?  If you walk up to a stranger and murder them, how do you not get a long term prison sentence.  If you commit a crime against some one that effects their entire life, how do you not get a long term prison sentence.  What I find ridiculous is you see average crimes which are more stupidity above all else, get some times worse punishments than some one who has committed a disgusting crime.

I wont go in to specifics but there has been a certain case with a celebrity.  This man did something that I my self have never done but I can say over my life time there have been a lot of guys who have.  Now, this guy was involved with some one else who knew exactly what she was doing.  Please explain how this man got a prison sentence?  because it's against the law?

There is a long list of laws that can be broken, some of which destroy lives and families but they don't get punished so much?  Punch some one hard enough and they fall flat cracking open their skull and some one will get a short term prison sentence?  Force some one destroying their life and you get a small prison sentence? but do something that has been (lets face it) going on for a long time and if you think about it is not actually that serious - long term prison sentence.

In my next part, I discuss a serious incident which again had a small prison sentence.  Please explain how some one who shatters a woman's life can get such a little sentence?  As I said before justice is about a fair system so why doesn't some one who destroys another life, get the same thing?

Bring back the death penalty
There is little fear for criminals because of "society".  A lot are against this but use examples of wrongly sentenced people.  The death penalty should only be used when there is no doubt of the crimes committed.  I once read an article about a woman who had been forced, it showed her at the bus stop, it showed the walking up and grabbing her.  Another camera also showed the assault..  she was able to clearly point out and describe who attacked her.  The clothes the man had been wearing and the cameras were able to identify him.  DNA and all the evidence had proved it was him.

This is what you call undeniable proof.  So how is it this man who destroyed a young womans life will not only get a small sentence but people will say "well he could be innocent".  There has been all sorts of crimes over the years, child killers (again undeniable proof), mass murderers and terrorists.  So tell me how those people do not get the death penalty?

Those people will never be able to return to normal life - ever.  Instead they will spend a big portion of their life sitting on tax payers money.  Living a more comfortable life than most of the armed forces.  These people do not deserve to life after shattering other peoples lives.

The death penalty is not something that would be used often, nor would it be used if there is doubt about the guilt.

Will add though, again those who are against this tend to be those who have never been a victim nor witnessed it on their loved ones.

Lie Detectors
Question - how many hours do police waste chasing people who could be innocent?  Having dealt with being questioned, I say bring in the lie detectors.  I once spoke to some one who was shall we say a professional.  Told me that lie detectors can be beaten but only by some one who has spent years training.  Wouldn't it make sense in using these just to work out if its worth investigating?  Let's face it, for some one like me the average Joe.  It wouldn't take long to work out if I am innocent or not.  It would certainly allow the police to carry on pushing or not.  If police had suspected anything obviously they can choose to pursue it.  This isn't something to be used in court but surely it would encourage people to be more honest during interviews.  If the police at all feel that the person is beating the lie detector they can still push forward but it would odd out the cases that are simply a waste of time.  This doesn't necessarily have to be involved in court still either.

Another a sad case
I recently was reading a paper, it showed quotations from a recorded video.  The description showed who the criminal was and the victim.  A woman had her life ended but was suffering before it was.  The quotations said that she effectively begged to live yet was killed by her boyfriend.
Now in this case, where there is video evidence of who did it, who was murdered so please explain why this so called human being doesn't deserve the death penalty.  Please explain why he doesn't deserve at least to die in prison.  He ended a child's life not only for the sake of it but he prolonged her suffering.  It wasn't self defence, there is no ifs or buts - it was 100% proof who did it and who the victim died.  The body was discovered, other evidence available but some one explain why this murderer deserves to live or deserves to be released form prison in 10-15 years.  I want some one to explain to her family, her friends why they think he shouldn't be executed.  I want some one to explain why our soft justice system should continue to her family.

It's quite sickening that in todays world, in this nation that we still are faced with disgusting crimes.  The criminals get to post on Facebook, how happy life is, how they take drugs, smoke cigarettes and live the high life.  How our armed forces are treated worse than criminals.  The above case is undeniable proof so please explain how there can be any doubt.

Another one, a father murdered his child - again this was an undeniable guilt.  What about when a couple have held a person in captivity for a decade?  There has been quite a few cases of this.  There is evidence and proof to show that some one has been held captive in that house for a long time.  There is proof of pregnancies/children raised as a result of a captive woman.  So what do you say to that woman, you was held captive for a decade and forced in to many revolting things but the guilty one will only serve 10 years in prison.  Even though it may take a decade for that woman to finally move on and that's through a lot of counselling and help.  Her life will never be the same and has been destroyed.  Would you tell her?
Another update, there has been a case where a man murdered a woman and did things to the body.  Has been given life and will be down to doctors to ascertain if he is ever able to re-join society.  Now tell me that isn't justice?  For this person to spend life behind bars?  Would you be happy to tell the victims family that he can be release in 7 years?

Let's face it, the system is not just about punishment.  It's also about keeping the current population safe, it's also about deterrent and solace for the victims plus their families.  That is what justice is about.

For anyone that believes the harsh punishments shouldn't exist, I tell you - go see a victim or their families and then tell them that.  I am more than brave enough to tell a murderer he deserves life, I am more than happy to tell those who commit disgusting crimes that they deserve the harshest punishments.  I would even tell their families that.  If you really believe and stand by your opinion, go in to that situation and then let's see if you can look in to their eyes and use the words "Justice has been done, while your daughters murderer walks free after 10 years".

The Salesman "Cloud Cuckoo Land"

In our profession we deal with a lot of salesman.  They are all there to sell their products regardless what it is.

I'm going to use a few examples of what I personally have dealt with.

There are two types of things we buy for Schools - Services or Equipment.

With equipment it's pretty easy to see if you are getting value, simply go some where else with your specifications and get a quote.  I recently got half a dozen quotations to prove not only I was getting good value but to make sure my normal supplier gives the best price.

This is the really annoying part, once you begin talking to some one selling you a service.  They have a habit of telling you your current method is wrong and you have to be crazy not to buy their service.  I've spent a lot of hours chatting and meeting salesman telling me "cloud" or "system" is the best thing since sliced bread.  If you meet those who are not pro Microsoft at all, they will insist that M$ is rubbish and you don't need it at all.  Having spent a lot of time with one company in particular - RealSmart.  When I met their rep he insisted their system mixed with Google Apps would remove the need to use anything made by Microsoft.  We could scrap our servers tomorrow, the impact on anything would be nothing to minimal.  This was coming from a previous Head of Music who left Education to work for RealSmart.

In my job I have no choice but to think of the WHAT IFs, I have to and really can't pretend everything is hunky dorey.  We currently save a lot of data and our biggest users are simply 4GB to 12GB per Student (movies and art).  Now I simply can't ignore those Students because that work is critical. 

You also have to remember that switching over, is not just changing the technology.  It's training for Staff that has to be planned.  Staff only get a small amount of days a year to actually train, this must include the usual curriculum changes and improvements.  Which would mean you have to go step by step in any kind of change.

So the Salesman
We've all had them right, very arrogant that their way is the correct way.  They have spent five minutes at your School, with your staff and Students.  We don't have a majorly behaviour problem, as a result we can have relatively nice equipment.  What about Schools where behaviour is a serious issue?
We generally don't have time to train our staff, change things easily etc.  So for us we cant simply change over night.
This is something salesman do not care about, regardless how much they try to be your best friend or believe in their own service/products.  They want your cash.  I have yet to sign up to any product where once they sold it to us, they constantly made sure we was okay.  Sometimes you may get that call 6 month in to a contract or 12 months but lets face it - they only want our money.  They generally will deal with teachers who don't understand the whole big picture of School IT.  I don't remember the last time I ever dealt with a salesman who actually sat down and made me feel like they were caring about the School above their own cash income.  This is the major difference between YOU and THEM.  I have to care about the School IT, the staff and Students.  I want perfection, I want it to work not just for today but for tomorrow.  I don't want slow, unreliable or change to create a headache for the users.  It's far too easy for a salesman to come up with reasons why you don't change.  They never consider behaviour, time or staff capabilities.  Not every teacher is on the same wave length and from my own point - we still have our day to day tasks to complete.  We are not able to keep al equipment under the age of 5 years - we struggle to keep it below 7 and was previous consistently 8-12 years old.

Anywhere Access
A personal point of view I love the idea of Cloud and mobile devices.  Having anywhere access to everything is something we will reach one day, we are currently not far off.  One of the major problems we have though is I still don't use my phone or tablet to produce a mass amount of work.  This isn't because the technology isn't quite available, it's because it's far too expensive to make that technology work for me.  I would love to walk home, plug in a device and type away. 

So what is holding us back if we really think about it?  Why do salesman have little clue as to the big picture of why Schools don't switch over now?  What about those salesman who have previous experience in IT?
  • Server storage
  • Internally installed/hosted software
  • Training
  • Costs implications
  • Broadband/networking
  • Time to switch
The server storage
This is actually the easiest part to deal with, we have roughly 60% of all our data storage being used for small Office files.  Unfortunately there is that 40% remaining that is not standard small files.  We have a film department where the largest files for a dozen Students actually reaches over 10GB each.  Then we have to think about the remaining film files which are an average of 4GB.  Can we imagine downloading those large files and saving through broadband every day?

We currently use and we would have to consider this being hosted externally which is a more expensive option.  There is also other packages of software that departments rely on from reading, ICT, Maths, English, Science and CAT.  We did attempt only within 24 months ago in looking to App alternatives but we didn't find replacements for every software and some that we did find was incredibly poor.  As a result of "extra" costs required to getting some different/new software this goes back to cost implications.

No matter which system we choose we have to train staff, if this is altering how they save, open programs, using the software - pretty much every day tasks.  This is a huge undertaking and considering there is a limitation of time - when do staff get all this training?  how many years would it take?

Cost Implications
The main reason people go cloud services and scrapping Microsoft is to cut costs but are we really cutting costs.  If we switched from Office 365 we have to train staff - time and money.  If we walked away from self hosted SIMs we would have to pay for something else or pay for Capita to host it - more costs.  If we look to remove any piece of software that relies on Microsoft, again we are talking more costs.

If we keep Microsoft servers in any way, we are looking at costs.  Windows Servers, last I checked - are not free and I doubt very highly they will ever be free for Schools/Education.  One day our current OS servers will have to be upgraded, updated - costs.  If we go for externally hosted solutions even for our servers that creates a more reliance on broadband and - more costs.

When we upgrade our network here, we have done so only once in 10 years.  Our previous network was 100MB and now the majority is 1GB.  At the moment it's far too costly for Schools to switch over 1GB broadband.  Data is crucial, regardless of what some say - it is.
A lot of Schools have spent a fortune upgrading their internal networks to 1GB>10GB while broadband is still struggling behind on 100MB.

Although we are currently looking at 200MB, I have already asked the question on cost implications of going 1GB.  The good news - it's possible.  We would how ever be talking about 45% cost increase on our current £15,000 a year broadband charges.

Time to Switch
When do we perform this switch, spend the time working out the niggles making everything work and making the system live ready for training.

I've spoken to a lot of Schools and those that have gone "externally" in some way have done so - cautiously and not everything.  In fact most of them have still kept the majority of their internal systems intact.

IT Technicians often get told they are too negative or hard to change.  Problem is we see technology for what it is, a day to day marvel but taken with caution.  I refuse to live in the clouds, because I have seen the nightmare of switching over without a mass amount of testing. 

I mentioned RealSmart at the top which was supposed to do everything and walking away from Microsoft was easy (said the guy with his expensive MacBook).  This is why it's crucial to listen to a salesman but never take his word for it.  See the evidence, see the proof, see what other Schools are doing.  There is a reason Business's don't change quickly nor overnight.  If a Business has a system that fails, that is ££££ thrown out the door.  Although Schools wont lose so much money they will lose grades and results.  Students can't afford to lose learning time and teachers can't lose teaching time.  These are paramount to a successful School.

I'm often told that teachers must focus on teaching, likewise with the Union shouting at the Government about.

So the above isn't about what's stopping us, its more about being cautious and thinking for the entire School's big picture.  I do believe we all should look at services and solutions to see if they fit the School but for us, at the moment we are simply not ready to do this.  Having already attempted RealSmart with Google Apps, it's not the one for us.

There is an old saying though - if it's not broke - don't fix it.