Friday, 3 June 2016

Personal: Why the justice system is broken

The justice system has been and probably will always be broken.
Some one answer me, how a criminal who is 100% proven guilty can be released as a result of shall we say mistakes made by the law - getting off due to a technicality.
Some one answer me, how a rich celebrity can commit a crime that some one poor has also committed but get's a fine instead of prison term.
What is justice?
Well according to the dictionary the term means many things - "just behaviour or treatment" is the general one.  There is a reason we have prisons, it's not just primarily about rehabilitation but also to prevent reoffending and to protect previous and possible future victims.  A lot of people mistakenly think it's just about rehabilitating people so the can re-join society.  It's a funny world working in IT, you tend to work with people who generally don't live in the real world.  Those who pretty much rarely go out, rarely explore, travel, do anything on a weekend or ever go out at night to socialise.  They are rarely ever in a dangerous situation, hardly ever had to face that person about to commit a serious crime against them or their loved ones.
 As a result they generally tend to feel towards more "geeky" and a bit too much Star Trek type.  As if punishments shouldn't exist and it's all about helping a criminal readjust and be a productive member of society.

The fact is in todays world we don't have the means to help every person that has issues up stairs.  If some one has lost the plot due to 20+ years of bad growing up, it's not going to take 5 years to help them.  Instead it will probably take them another 20 years to change and there is no guarantee that they will.  You look at all the stats on re-offenders and it is quite high.  You look at the attitude of criminals who don't care, what do they do? they treat prison like a holiday camp.  Our armed forces are treated worse than any criminal in a prison.

Punishment should fit the Crime
This is an easy one right?  If you walk up to a stranger and murder them, how do you not get a long term prison sentence.  If you commit a crime against some one that effects their entire life, how do you not get a long term prison sentence.  What I find ridiculous is you see average crimes which are more stupidity above all else, get some times worse punishments than some one who has committed a disgusting crime.

I wont go in to specifics but there has been a certain case with a celebrity.  This man did something that I my self have never done but I can say over my life time there have been a lot of guys who have.  Now, this guy was involved with some one else who knew exactly what she was doing.  Please explain how this man got a prison sentence?  because it's against the law?

There is a long list of laws that can be broken, some of which destroy lives and families but they don't get punished so much?  Punch some one hard enough and they fall flat cracking open their skull and some one will get a short term prison sentence?  Force some one destroying their life and you get a small prison sentence? but do something that has been (lets face it) going on for a long time and if you think about it is not actually that serious - long term prison sentence.

In my next part, I discuss a serious incident which again had a small prison sentence.  Please explain how some one who shatters a woman's life can get such a little sentence?  As I said before justice is about a fair system so why doesn't some one who destroys another life, get the same thing?

Bring back the death penalty
There is little fear for criminals because of "society".  A lot are against this but use examples of wrongly sentenced people.  The death penalty should only be used when there is no doubt of the crimes committed.  I once read an article about a woman who had been forced, it showed her at the bus stop, it showed the walking up and grabbing her.  Another camera also showed the assault..  she was able to clearly point out and describe who attacked her.  The clothes the man had been wearing and the cameras were able to identify him.  DNA and all the evidence had proved it was him.

This is what you call undeniable proof.  So how is it this man who destroyed a young womans life will not only get a small sentence but people will say "well he could be innocent".  There has been all sorts of crimes over the years, child killers (again undeniable proof), mass murderers and terrorists.  So tell me how those people do not get the death penalty?

Those people will never be able to return to normal life - ever.  Instead they will spend a big portion of their life sitting on tax payers money.  Living a more comfortable life than most of the armed forces.  These people do not deserve to life after shattering other peoples lives.

The death penalty is not something that would be used often, nor would it be used if there is doubt about the guilt.

Will add though, again those who are against this tend to be those who have never been a victim nor witnessed it on their loved ones.

Lie Detectors
Question - how many hours do police waste chasing people who could be innocent?  Having dealt with being questioned, I say bring in the lie detectors.  I once spoke to some one who was shall we say a professional.  Told me that lie detectors can be beaten but only by some one who has spent years training.  Wouldn't it make sense in using these just to work out if its worth investigating?  Let's face it, for some one like me the average Joe.  It wouldn't take long to work out if I am innocent or not.  It would certainly allow the police to carry on pushing or not.  If police had suspected anything obviously they can choose to pursue it.  This isn't something to be used in court but surely it would encourage people to be more honest during interviews.  If the police at all feel that the person is beating the lie detector they can still push forward but it would odd out the cases that are simply a waste of time.  This doesn't necessarily have to be involved in court still either.

Another a sad case
I recently was reading a paper, it showed quotations from a recorded video.  The description showed who the criminal was and the victim.  A woman had her life ended but was suffering before it was.  The quotations said that she effectively begged to live yet was killed by her boyfriend.
Now in this case, where there is video evidence of who did it, who was murdered so please explain why this so called human being doesn't deserve the death penalty.  Please explain why he doesn't deserve at least to die in prison.  He ended a child's life not only for the sake of it but he prolonged her suffering.  It wasn't self defence, there is no ifs or buts - it was 100% proof who did it and who the victim died.  The body was discovered, other evidence available but some one explain why this murderer deserves to live or deserves to be released form prison in 10-15 years.  I want some one to explain to her family, her friends why they think he shouldn't be executed.  I want some one to explain why our soft justice system should continue to her family.

It's quite sickening that in todays world, in this nation that we still are faced with disgusting crimes.  The criminals get to post on Facebook, how happy life is, how they take drugs, smoke cigarettes and live the high life.  How our armed forces are treated worse than criminals.  The above case is undeniable proof so please explain how there can be any doubt.

Another one, a father murdered his child - again this was an undeniable guilt.  What about when a couple have held a person in captivity for a decade?  There has been quite a few cases of this.  There is evidence and proof to show that some one has been held captive in that house for a long time.  There is proof of pregnancies/children raised as a result of a captive woman.  So what do you say to that woman, you was held captive for a decade and forced in to many revolting things but the guilty one will only serve 10 years in prison.  Even though it may take a decade for that woman to finally move on and that's through a lot of counselling and help.  Her life will never be the same and has been destroyed.  Would you tell her?
Another update, there has been a case where a man murdered a woman and did things to the body.  Has been given life and will be down to doctors to ascertain if he is ever able to re-join society.  Now tell me that isn't justice?  For this person to spend life behind bars?  Would you be happy to tell the victims family that he can be release in 7 years?

Let's face it, the system is not just about punishment.  It's also about keeping the current population safe, it's also about deterrent and solace for the victims plus their families.  That is what justice is about.

For anyone that believes the harsh punishments shouldn't exist, I tell you - go see a victim or their families and then tell them that.  I am more than brave enough to tell a murderer he deserves life, I am more than happy to tell those who commit disgusting crimes that they deserve the harshest punishments.  I would even tell their families that.  If you really believe and stand by your opinion, go in to that situation and then let's see if you can look in to their eyes and use the words "Justice has been done, while your daughters murderer walks free after 10 years".

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