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I wouldn't class my self as old, I'm in my thirties and I've been see a lot in society. We've gone through our problems, several leaders of Britain and even in the mix of the EU.
None of that really compares to the nightmare of Gun Control in America.
Knifes kill people
I will start this part by asking a question, a man armed with a knife walks in to a bar and starts randomly stabbing people. How many people are going to be killed before he is pinned down?
A man walks in to a bar and starts shooting people with an automatic rifle. How many people are going to be killed before he is pinned down?
In the UK we recently had a knife incident, no fatalities. Several people were injured but the criminal was apprehended and not one single person killed. All those people made a recovery.
How many people were shot recently? Over 100. If that man was armed with a knife does anyone really believe he would have stabbed over 100 people and killed at least 49 before he was shot dead by police? If you honestly believe that a knife man is more dangerous than a man with an automatic gun - you need your head checked. That's like claiming a push bike is more dangerous than a car. Where a car can plough through a crowd seriously injuring dozens, a cyclist would struggle to hit more than a few.
This is one argument anyone is wrong about. No matter what - that's a fact. If you don't believe me, ask why is the military armed with guns instead of knives?
What's the old pun - Don't bring a knife to a gun fight. There is no competition. A single person with a gun can do more damage than two people with knives.
Automatic is no different to a Semi Automatic
Well yes there is actually, A semi automatic is designed for more single shot precision instead of simply spray. A full on automatic is about letting go of an entire magazine in the shortest amount of time possible to injure/kill as many people as possible.
It's not the guns it's the people
This is a ridiculous statement, guns are not toys, they are not collectables and are simply one thing - Weapons. They are designed to kill. This is why the military train troops for combat, to choose their targets, to feel no pity for the enemy but to make sure they don't hurt their own. They are trained to use them. The average Joe doesn't. They go to a firing range shooting at targets thinking that they are having fun. They also allow their children to play with those weapons, creating a society of people who believe these are toys.
It's also a fact that people who tend to own more guns, tend to kill people - as shown by many surveys completed by Americans. It's also known to increase the risk of confrontation because people are not afraid to enter difficult circumstances e.g. petty arguments.
Defending their own home
Question - How many people have been killed as a result of trespassing? How many have had to kill as a result of complete self defence with a gun in their own home?
Did you know that owning a gun actually increases the risk of death - fact.
Did you want to know how many mass shootings have been stopped as a result of gun ownership? zero - fact.
The above are not facts provided by my self but instead American news and Government agencies.
Video Games create more violence - So look at Japan who don't have the same kind of stats in regards to murder - fact.
You know what I think it's a nation in real trouble. More innocent lives are murdered and not many people bat an eye lid. The real issue is you have too many high ranking officials that don't want to give up gun control. In a democratic society not even The President of the United States of America can do a thing about it. It would not only be political suicide but destroy any future employment for Obama and even create serious unrest towards him and sorry to say this - his family.
America feeds it self far too much on lies, they have done it for decades. They believe without them the Brits would be living a rule under Germany. Even though the Nazi Airforce was demolished when they attempted to destroy England through bombings. The Nazis had even given up invading Britain at this point because of how well "dug in" the nation was. This was of course while still keeping Europe in check and dealing with the Russians. I'm not surprised at Americas arrogance over WW2 - they got thumped hard by the Japanese and had to resort to dropping Nuclear bombs to end that war. They thought they defeated the Nazis on their own, yet it wasn't America constantly being bombed every day. It wasn't the American civilian shipping lanes constantly being targeted. They were thousands of miles away on their own large island. Was New York under threat? No. What about Washington? No. They have always been comfortable in their own beds.
One day America may sadly realise the truth that it's time to move on. To own guns is not a civil right or liberty. It's not my right to own a knife....
I really do feel for them.
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