Monday, 6 June 2016

Why MATs are Failing Education

The NHS and National Railways all have one thing in common.  The Government has been wanting to completely duck shove this responsibility.

Once upon a time both of these were something to be proud of, it was never about profit but instead about the service.  People wanted to be doctors, a highly respectable job and many people wanted to be nurses to help look after sick people.  I even remember a few people telling me they wanted to be train drivers or conductors.  Now - no one wants to be.
Even education once upon a time was a proud job, people wanted to be teachers to help educate the future generation.  Now - no one wants to be.

Academy Conversion
This is what the whole Academies was about, not improving education for young people but instead something the Government doesn't want to worry about.
One thing the Government hates is criticism, even constructive - they really hate it.  It's why people don't trust politicians what so ever.  This has a knock on effect to a lot of society, where people are afraid to hear anything bad of them.  In my job I need people to tell me when things fail, I need to know the problems and I need people to report them electronically.  This means the job doesn't get forgotten or missed.  It also means any repeating problems can be rectified.  A good example to this in my job is an IWB failing even though initial testing was fine.  Turns out any power failures was resetting any calibration set by the IWB.  An inconsistent issue but causing problems for teachers - now rectified.

Why are politicians so afraid of any criticisms.  As mentioned this is a constant thing in society, in the NHS, the railway and even in education.

MATs - Multi Academy Trust
The main priority is Education but sadly this becomes completely forgotten
I once was told something, some one rather "Pro MATs".
"It brings opportunities"
This quote will forever sum up MATs, they really are not about education anymore, they are not about preparing young people for the future.  Instead they are about certain individuals gaining that "opportunity".  This is why Education will go the same way as the National Railway and National Health Service - FAILURES of Britain.

You look at NR/NHS and now MATs, they all share a common problem - High Earning Executives.  Tell me why some one is earning more than the Prime Minister - Leader of Great Britain.  I've made this clear in my life that no one in the Public Sector or responsible for these services should ever earn more than the PM.  No Excuses.

Interesting thing is, some of these people didn't earn their positions.  They wormed their way through, back-stabbed work colleagues, lied and schemed.  Think Game of Thrones without the naked bodies and blood.

These people are bringing poison to education.

I've seen bullying become a massive problem in trusts, lack of community support or parent care.

It's all about these two days, little notice given (which I don't agree on).

So what is a Schools procedure (yes there will be one):
  • Notice to all staff - usually through email or emergency briefing.
  • All the poorly behaved kids will be placed in isolation.
  • Cleaners will attend the School all day.
  • No time off for any staff - including us support.
  • Everyone is rushed off on their feet.
  • Displays are sorted out.
  • SLT in gear.
Believe it or not, the above should effectively be a standard day in education where everyone is doing their job.

Sad truth is Ofsted is more important than our childrens education, what matters next is results.  There is a difference, education is preparing young people for the world - getting their grades is effectively teaching what they need to pass the exams.  Making children feel like it will be the end of the world if they do not succeed in year 10/11.  Not worrying about bullying, day to day care for them, keeping parents in the loop.  Generally not giving two hoots about them.

Another phrase that will live with me  "I dont care about parents", this was said not by a normal teacher nor a head teacher but instead a super head.

What Now?
Personally, I think hitting a cap on public sector pay would pave the way for less scheming and plotting among this area including education.  When the small people earn so little yet put in so much, it makes you think that the money gained as a result of the cap we would see fairer wages in these sectors.  When you look at conductors, junior nurses and support staff in this sector - it really does make you wonder is everyone earning a fair wage for their work?

Course the Government wont change or do anything, they want privatization of these sectors and they are so close to completely doing it.  A lot of people have complained about the fact they are not allowed to just "teach" but when some of those people scheme and create problems where there was none.. I can't help but think education is failing our youth today.

My Personal Experience
Yes, I have a good amount of experience when dealing with Trusts.  I worked in one once even through the transition phase.  The official line was "Nothing will change, it's about the Schools working together".  This was the biggest deceit I had ever experienced in education.

Remember one important thing, if a MAT heads your way - IT will most likely be hit.  It will not be about improving IT nor future proofing but instead how many of you can be removed and cutting down the budget.  This situation will see a knock on effect that some Schools are still suffering as a result of BSF.

BSF was essentially the exact same thing, a lot of money wasted for highly paid executives and everyone fighting over the money instead of doing what's important - fixing education.

I wont go in to my own details just yet, perhaps in another post.

Really am concerned the day my own children go to School.

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