I'm going to start this one off
with some questions and answer it as a human being not from a gender, race, age
or religion:
Q: You work 37 hours a
week full time job, you've had no time off to explore the world, have children,
holidays, relationships - you've effectively prioritized your career as some
do. Do you agree that someone who takes time off for whatever reason
to be given equal pay as you? Even
though your experience and perhaps even qualifications are better than the part
This is NOT a gender
related question, this is sticking to basics. I know plenty who have
taken a sabbatical right after College/University, I know plenty who
prioritized raising a family before they were 30. My question is aimed at
those who prioritized their careers - as I have done. My job came first
above relationships, kids, holidays, traveling or generally taking time out to
The answer to that question
will 99% be - NO. And rightly so, why should someone who’s got less experience than me earn the same
wage. Problem is we live in a society of
delusion. If it doesn’t impact me it doesn’t
exist. I’m more than willing to admit
that the #GenderPayGap is real but how many react badly over this. If someone walked in to do my job would that
person know the decades of experience I have under my belt? I’ve already mentioned that I have never
taken more than my holiday allowance off in all those years. Since leaving School I’ve always had a Monday
to Friday cycle either for education or work.
I have never taken more than two weeks off – never.
A lot of people are sick to
death of those who choose not to work, to live off benefits, take a year
out to travel, raise a few kids but expect to immediately walk in to your
position and on your pay. I have no
problem with people making their life choices but do not expect to walk in to
my job and earn my wage regardless of what your gender is. . Many of us
see people travel the world through their own choices instead of working and
earning a career. And if they choose to do that - rightly so it's their
choice. Should they immediately be allowed to earn the same pay ? NO way
on earth. Not to mention how many
possible promotional jobs they will miss as a result of not working – and like
it or not long time off periods for whatever reason will impact on promotional
Like it or not no matter which
profession you choose, no matter your gender, race, beliefs you should earn the
same amount as someone matching your experience and qualifications.
In my profession, I've had to
interview a lot of people. Only two were women out of about 50, is that a
gender issue? No. Fact of the matter is women don't generally have an
interest in IT, they don't - sorry it's true. Out of every woman I've
met, dated, been seeing or had serious relationships with very few shared the
same IT interests - this is fact to my own life. It has nothing to do
with gender, it's just the way it is.
Now what is #GenderPayGap
I tell you what the problem
is: Two people have the same experience, qualifications, same attitude
for the job but the employer chooses to promote and give a pay rise to the man
because of his gender - THIS is a #GenderPayGap problem. They’ve both put the same level of commitment
to the job but the woman is completely ignored and passed over. This is illegal and you MUST report it.
When I’ve done interviews I’m
usually able to tell straight away after reviewing all the job applications who
the preferred candidates are. I don’t
care about personal details I look straight at the experience and
qualifications. Once I’ve made my mind
up I then look through those details to see who’d be a good prospect moving
forward, after all I don’t want a technician that I train up to just move on
after 12 months. I don’t want some one
who perhaps will struggle to work with children and adults. How they cope with the job itself and the
work environment is crucial. At no stage
does their sex come in to the fray.
This is where a woman deserves
a position but again isn't given it as a result of her gender - this is sexism.
Promoting a man over a woman
due to his increased level of experience or qualifications is NOT a
sexism problem regardless of how much temper throwing tantrums will make you
Q: A person is a doctor
because of his 10 years of experience and qualifications, but another person
who has only 5 years’ experience and half the qualifications is expecting the
same position. Who would you rather be a doctor the first one or the
second? You would choose the first one even though if it turned out to be
a man or a woman. I’d always prefer someone
with more experience and qualifications.
It’s also the reason why when people complain they demand the
manager. The manager would most likely
be in the job for years while the standard worker could have been in the
position for a few months.
Fact of the matter is, in ANY
professional job: the one who should get it does so through experience,
qualifications and the right attitude.
Any employer who chooses to pay
someone more because of their gender is guilty and SHOULD be reported. It’s illegal no matter what.
Why no one reports?
Strange this one, the ones
kicking up a fuss about "IT EXISTS" are the same ones who don't
suffer it and don’t know anyone who does.
They are simply throwing their support. Instead those who do
suffer it are too scared to raise their voice. You should be reporting it
- the end. If you don't report it does that make you just as guilty?
If you see a crime and don't report it what do you expect? Fact of the
matter is we need everyone to report it regardless. You may not like it but you are just as
responsible for the problem existing today as those employ men over women due
to their gender. I’ll give you a few
other examples:
There’s been an increase of
abuse popping up in the news lately. You
have those who suffer and those who witness it but don’t report it out of
fear. As a victim you must report it and
fight for those guilty to be prosecuted.
I completely feel for these people because they are the victims. What about those who sit idly by and watch it
unfold. Are they just as guilty as those
who are causing it? I’d say yes. If I witnessed a terrible crime or something
illegal and sat by allowing it to happen – I’m guilty too.
Sports - Apparently Women
and Men should earn the same
This one I will choose football
as a prime example. The Premier League is one of the biggest leagues in
the world - it just so happens it's the male league. I've
watched women football and I'm sorry to say but #equality is never going to
happen until women and men are allowed to compete in the same league. Do
we really want this? I'm all for it.
We will still have massive pay
gaps from the top teams to the bottom teams like we currently do. The
Premier League will still over pay players regardless.
Now for anyone that's not
watched football, I highly recommend it especially watching both women’s/men’s
football. You will see differences, physicality, strength and skill.
I leave that for YOU to
Then let's have a look at
viewers, this league again has one of the highest viewers, in demand and you
look at sponsorship deals, TV rights, advertisements- like it or not - not
everyone actually watches women's football. It's catching up but the fact
is it's got a long way to go. At my current work place we have an academy,
only with 10 girls vs 200 boys. This is a typical fact that women don't
naturally have an interest in football (sorry this is a fact) how many football
stadiums are full of women? how many pay for Sky/Virgin sports to watch it
? This has nothing to do with #equality this has to do with the way the
world is. I wish my other half had a massive interest in football, but
she doesn't. Her relative on the other hand is a maniac for it.
Gender problem? or just the way society is.
As I said, I'm all for both
sexes competing on the same playing field for any sport.
I will add this: World
Record Holder for the men’s 200 metres is 19.19s and the women’s 21.34s.
Are we happy to have both the
women and the men competing for the same thing? If you insist on fixing
#Equality you may find this will actually fix nothing. Should Bolt earn
the same as Florence? although doing the same thing one has obviously outperformed
the other. Performance pay? Competing in the same competitions? right alongside
It's interesting so many have
called for #equal pay and #performance related - would that create equal pay -
People need to open their eyes,
fixing the gap is a real issue and should be reported but if there is a gap -
does it automatically mean it’s down to gender or perhaps that other person
deserves the better pay.
I have a team in my job, one
technician is paid better - he deserves to. His knowledge and experience
isn't just a typical technician but more of an engineer/networking.
Should he be paid the same as the other technician, even though their job
descriptions are not really different? even though he has better qualifications
and perhaps could easily go off to a better job? No they should not be equally
paid even though they are all the same sex. What would happen if the
lower paid technician was in fact a woman. Would she class it as
#EqualPayGap problems? I'd place a bet that she could very well feel that way
because she doesn’t see the big picture nor would she get to see the other
techies job description – nor his work load I assign him. I’d also add the fact the lower paid
technician doesn’t comprehend the importance of high priority jobs vs low
priority ones. His work drive I wouldn’t
say is fantastic even with additional training.
So not only would I rate the qualifications, experience higher but I’d
also add – drive/reliability.
Pay Gaps
Like it or not they exist, if
you are not promoted because you don't deserve it this is NOT a gender
related issue. If you don't get a pay rise because you are constantly
taking time off regardless of reasons - then again this has nothing to do with
gender. No one not even a woman manager
would pay someone a promotional job if they’re taking time off left right and
centre. Like it or not – that’s a
reliability personality trait which is important for professional jobs.
If you are passed along even
though you are the hardest worker, well sadly we do live in a world where
sometimes you have not simply kissed enough bum. I hate this term but it
exists. I've worked alongside few of these - simply because they kissed
the right butt. I've witnessed people get better positions because they
were selfish and didn't know loyalty... again I hate this but it exists.
So next time you cry
#GenderPayGap slow down and think - does this person regardless of sex deserve
the position?
Equality Note
This is a major issue and I've
covered this already before, I found a comment that claimed "women are
expected to be at home looking after the little ones". Yes they do,
do you want to know who expects that? some men AND some women - even the
law. Like it or not, men don't have near as many rights to their kids
compared to women - THIS is an #equality problem that #Feminists do NOTHING
about. I've not seen a single person fighting for equality in any way about
this comment. Why? Because the majority of those who claim they want it
actually want superiority - they are also a part of the problem. Fathers’ rights is something that’s an
equality issue and actually more severe than #GenderPayGap because in the eyes
of the law fathers’ don’t have equal rights.
Equality is about that -
That means:
Any gender on equal quality is
entitled to the same promotion
Any gender is entitled to
custody of children
Any gender is entitled to
compete in any sport
Now technically the above is
true but also it's not. Women at the moment do not compete in the same
sport alongside men.
A man is not equally valuable
as a woman in regards to custody of children.
A woman who prioritizes having
kids isn't going to be given that promotion because like it or not she wouldn't
be as experienced as a full time 10 year worker even if that worker is another
Next time, you cry
#GenderPayGap slow down and think (yes I said this but I will say it again).
Equality really does mean that,
are you fully prepared for it? You may find that the end result won’t
actually change much. Bolt as a result of his world record time (for men
and women) deserves to be paid more as a result of his performance. If a
woman had beaten that time, I'd say she must get better pay. Likewise in
Having tweeted a lot of women
in regards to this the majority of responses are usually the same "I'm
just supporting this because it exists, even though it doesn't impact me nor do
I know anyone who suffers from it"....... but I do get a few who “It
impacts me or I know some who suffer it but not going to say anything”. Interesting how many have sat down and
watched something illegal let alone something that impacts them. If you’re not willing to report it you are
too a part of the problem just as much as those who claim it doesn’t exist – it
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