Thursday, 12 January 2017

Donald Trump, Piers Morgan - Grow Up

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Why it’s time everyone asked those questions and not just the bias critics who don’t like the President Elect Donald Trump or those who voted Hillary.

I’m going to start by criticizing those who are extremely bias, Donald won the election and we should all be working towards a better future.  It’s hypocritical to criticise him for things that even Hillary or the man she stood by has done.  Let’s face it, Bill/Trump are not much different when it comes to being male bigots.  I’ve known many over the years and I can tell you they’re no different to a lot of men.  Some will deny it, some will proclaim innocence but the truth of the matter is men generally are sexual > sexist > bigots.

The bigots > male
If you want proof on that look at rich men who always have a model on their shoulder.  If the relationship breaks down the next woman will be a model, a WAG or a footballers wife.  It’s also why there is constant questions or reports regarding prostitutes and affairs.  Donald Trump’s comment where he can literally grab women is the state of society we live in.  No one can tell me if I was rich I wouldn’t be able to say something very similar.  As a man I talk to many other men, the same thing is mentioned a lot – if we was rich we could get it on tap.  I hate that statement and I hate the way society is but it’s true.  Don’t just blame men, blame the women who are prepared to get with someone unattractive or with zero personality but because they are rich….  That’s it…  rich.. money.. it’s all true.
Remember that people when you criticize Donald Trump, you may very well have a brother, son or a husband who is very much like Donald Trump.  Ever watched shows where 20-25 year old lads go on a holiday and it’s watched by the Parents while the mother sees her son for the way he actually is towards women?  The truth is….  It’s true and it is shocking.  Men do this because they get away with it.  Men with confidence is highly attractive to women.  Men who make an effort in themselves, who act cocky and jack the lad – they get women almost like a rich man will.

Hounding Trump for Everything
This is wrong or perhaps more so right but was the same done for Hillary? Or previous Presidents? The answer is yes and no.  The truth is no one can criticize a Hillary voter or Trump hater as being blind when Trump supports are no different.  The truth is people should be willing to work alongside him, for him or better for the Country.  He may surprise the world and make things better for Americans.  No one fully knows.
So I say this stop hounding him, ask the questions though but do it calmly and don’t take everything in the press as fact.

Just release the Tax Returns
Sorry Mr President Elect but the majority of people do want your tax returns.  The majority of voters who earn a living and pay taxes will want to know you’ve been paying your fair share.  You want everyone to believe you when you talk yet there seems to be one excuse to another regarding audits and how much tax you’ve paid.  I can tell you as someone that may have voted for a candidate similar to you – I’d be asking that question as an everyday British tax payer.  You only have to see the state of twitter 99% of live feed was stating “I’m not press, I want to know”.
Release the information and may find that only the press will create a huge uproar over it but my question is this – for a man that claims to love America and care about the nation so much – why would you not be paying your fair share of taxes?  Does that mean your business comes first? That the survival of your company is more important than America?

I don’t care what your sexual preferences are
Simply put – I don’t care.  I don’t care if you like to pay hookers for sex, nor do I care if you like “golden showers”.  I don’t.
What I do care about is if Russia would use this information against you.  What I do care is if it makes YOU a liability.

This is an important question, some vocal Trump supporters are asking this question – Why have you not been harsh enough towards the Russians and Putin?  We all saw the reaction from a Tweet when it came to question Hillary and Putin so why not now?
As a Brit, I’m worried and concerned over Russia in regards to not just the middle east but more importantly Europe.  If I knew for certain that Russia will not invade Europe it wouldn’t bother me.  Truth is though no one knows.  And how far is Mr President Elect willing to go to keep the US > Russia relationship strong?  What would Donald Trump himself be willing to sacrifice to keep it?  Instead of focusing on the damning report of Russia hacking American systems he acted like a child “but mommy she did this” was a constant response.  The relationship between the US and Russia has never been strong for one reason – FEAR.  The world knows Russia has a habit of not just invading Countries or Annexing them but they have a habit of stirring problems in the world to show their force.  To say to the world that maybe just maybe we will invade you.   We all know the US will not invade Europe or care about global domination.  Can we say the same thing about Russia’s intentions? No.
Donald Trump has been very “tail tucked between his legs” regarding the Russians and this is a cause for concern and this is something we should be questioning.  Regardless if you a Trump, Hillary or even a neutral supporter.  Donald Trump won the election but those questions should be demanded to be answered.

His Supporters
Sorry all but you’re blinded just like many Hillary supporters are.  You can’t hide from the hypocrisy comments again just like many Hillary supporters.  You can’t attack one person and ignore another.
You should be asking the questions just like a few tweeters did – they asked why is Donald so careful about criticising Russia? Why won’t he release his tax returns?  Why does he consistently avoid answering certain questions?  Those Donald Trump supporters regardless what the Hillary voters think – Are people with intellect and want freedom.  The right to question is one fundamental part of freedom and democracy.  Everyone should be responding with questions.
Also remember next time you say America for Americans, the nation you love was built by migrants.  It was built by some Native Americans, British, French, Spanish and Italians (plus many more).  America was the nation that people migrated to – remember that a stable world is a stable America.

Piers Morgan and more Hypocrisy
It doesn’t change does it? If this was Hillary he’d be foaming at the mouth in anticipation of doing another damning article.  Instead his first like is “BS”.
Questions Piers Morgan (which he won’t answer) – How do you know his sexual tastes?
How do you know if Russia does indeed have something over him? Are you his confidant? Does he tell you everything? Do you join in his sexual fantasies?

Truth is not even his wife would fully know the above questions.  It’s a known fact with men – we rarely marry a woman that we fully explore with our fantasies.  We tend to marry women who are either someone to hold under our shoulder or a woman we know we can trust with our lives and children.  The wife or the wag.
It’s again why rich and powerful men cheat – because the truth is our sexual fantasies like a woman’s fantasies are our own.  You only have to talk to men about sex to know the truth.

So again Piers do you know the sexual fantasies of Donald Trump?  Because if someone did know it may be his wife or perhaps all the women he’s ever slept with.  And coming from a man who openly admitted he can grab women very easily – it goes to show that maybe he has got a high desire in sexual activities like most warm blooded human beings and like most – not many will know those fantasies.

The truth is we live in a world where it’s all very possible.  Rich businessmen who do have sex and women on tap (said this before) can get bored of the basic sexual needs and switch to more fetish types.  You only have to read stories of real hookers who state actual experience of rich men and their sexual tastes.  Many of them have been asked all kinds of weird things and these are not from every day men these are from rich elites, rich men, footballers, powerful men and businessmen.

How can you be so sure – because he has denied it? Well that’s it I’m sold.  I believe it.  What hogwash Mr Morgan.   Even if it was true he’d still deny it – yes or no?
How can you be so sure – because Russia has denied it? Well again I’m sold.  Piers Morgan you know far better that everyone denies it.  Everyone denies the embarrassing truth.

Serious questions:  Would Russia or even Donald Trump admit it if it was true? No they wouldn’t.  Why would Russia play their strongest hand in a game of poker when the pot is almost empty.  You wait until that pot has built up then you play it.  I’m not even a politician and I understand that game.  I understand that you don’t burn through your best hands over peanuts.  You wait until you have the best pot possible then you play it.

Like it or not Piers Morgan there are serious questions over Trump/Putins relationship.  I want to see Donalds Trump reaction over the British “spy” who got this information.  A “lie” which will cause a day headache (he’s had so many so should be used to it right) compared to Russia actually hacking America and attempting to cause interference with an election.  It may or may not have had an impact but one thing is for sure as fact – Russia hacked the US to alter voters opinions during an election.

We see this every day from all walks of life, everyone denies things until they can’t deny it no more.  Donald Trump denied being a bigot towards women right until he had been recorded – he couldn’t deny that any more could he.  Admitted that it was a “mistake” and he was a different person.  The majority of people know that he wasn’t young when he said it.  If he had when he was 20 we’d all (should) accept that he was young.  Oh but he certainly wasn’t was he – it was when he was a full-fledged mature adult responsible for his own actions.  Not a young drunk inexperienced man.

I gave up with his recent article because he spends 1 large part just supporting Trump – even though there is no evidence to prove his innocence nor guilt.  There is how ever his demeanour during the first 10 minutes of this conference.  I’ve seen that look and I’ve had that look.  It’s where your personal life has been released to people you didn’t want it to be.  The look of a man where they are slightly broken, damaged and worried.  This wasn’t the real Donald Trump which to me makes me ask the question – is his sexual fantasies true? Which I don’t care about but do the Russians have this recorded? Which I would seriously worry about.

Like it or not Piers Morgan your article defending word vs word means nothing.  You can’t claim it’s not true just as much as those critics are claiming it is true.  Hypocrite.

You also can’t complain about a paper publishing anything that could be true or not.  Journalists have been doing this for decades and nothing has changed.  You gained a living by publishing stories that could very well had been wrong.  You earned a living out of setting poorly created headlines to make an impact.  You know very well journalism is sometimes about impact above fact.  Your recent interview with a mother spending hundreds on shoes for a 3 year old showed that.  Was she really a bad mother? No course not.  A bad mother is someone who doesn’t give her child any attention.  A bad mother is someone who allows her child to be abused.  Do I think she’s a great mother? No.  Do I think she’s making poor choices in her upbringing by showering her with expensive gifts at 3? Yes.

For those who don’t know Piers Morgan’s paper was indeed in trouble for hacking.  No charges were pressed and no one faced prison time BUT they did how ever have to face fines to be paid to the victims.  This is 100% truth.  Something Piers Morgan never denies or answers.  Instead keeps retweeting “that was another paper” which indeed it was true.  It was also true that he published fake torture photos which cost him his job.

This is the journalist who has an opinion on many things “morally” correct or not.  This is a journalist who has gained a living over questionable deeds.  The sad truth is we will never know the full extent of corruption in journalism.  We don’t know the full extent of how much hacking had been going on or anything else for that matter.  We know journalists can be professionally or even politically driven.

Hypocrites, Hypocritical and Hypocrisy
It just never ends does it?  During the election both sides went at each other to reveal everything – rightly so – The American people have a right to know who is going to be running their nation.  There is no such thing as private life (as stated by journalists).  These people want your votes and support.  They need every day Americans to help them run a nation.

If rivals of Trump had some things – he’d be demanding answers.  Likewise for the press and everyone else who always seem to have agendas.  Donald Trump/Piers Morgan really no different.

These people criticize someone for having an opinion on who leads a nation while they complain at those comments from “nobodies”.  Well I’d be a fool to state Piers Morgan is a nobody but let’s face it – he is.  As a journalist I can’t criticize his performance, he knows what to say, he’s good at article writing and also knows how to use google to search for information.  He’s a good journalist.

It is ridiculous though to constantly defend a man stating “who are you”?  Considering the majority of people know who these celebrities are.  Considering these “rich elites” are famous and well known.  The fact they are “nobodies” yet get moaned at for using opinions or even facts to talk to their “fan base audience” against who runs their Country.  Why a hypocritical thing to moan about.  While stating they should work together?

This article says we should all be working together?  Yet Piers laughs when Donald is the one not working together, causing rifts without care.  As we all know not every crime is a fact, even when the law says it is – these can be over turned.  Yet if I took a picture of every celebrity questionable that stood with Piers Morgan – I’d be here all day showing them pictures.  At times when allegations came out, at times when the law was questioning  -  that’s celebrity life.  These people are no different human beings.  They are fathers and mothers, sisters and brothers, friends and colleagues.  That’s the sad truth.  Many of us held some of these people as heroes only to be shattered when the truth was made clear with undoubted evidence.  Just like Trump is facing now – could it all be true and if it was – the likes of Piers Morgan will have no choice but to write an article stating “I was wrong”.  And it will be just another tail tucked between his legs response as many have done over the years.  When our loved ones were corrupted.  Where people we cares about lied.

That’s life and Piers Morgan should certainly know it.  He has stood by very questionable characters that he may or may not have known were guilty.  Remember that tail tucked article when Donald Trump was caught with a sexist comment? Oh what an article that was.

These two articles really does sum it all up.  Donald made it clear that he wouldn’t support the result if he didn’t win.  The wording of these articles are very carefully placed as if Piers was talking directly to Donald face to face.  Not someone that was writing an article similar as to anyone else.  This reminds me of Piers constant whining over Arsenal/Wenger – he doesn’t accept being the loser or seeing Wenger keep his job.  Funny world isn’t it?

This one states that anyone going against Trump is effectively throwing a temper tantrum?  Hmmmm.  Donald Trump has constantly thrown tantrums about everything on twitter – in fact the levels of positivity on it seems rare unless it some how makes Trump “look good”.  Like a child looking to be pat on the back by the Parents.

This one states the likes of Hillary are a danger regarding interference from outside the US?  Yet Donald Trump has not done anything regarding Russians interference.  It’s true Russia made an impact on the election, every bad bit of news and good bit of news for either side made an impact and it’s stupid to think otherwise.

“Whinging” a word we keep seeing Trump do on Twitter almost like a daily comedy act now.  His tantrums are becoming more funny and almost as good as Piers Morgan’s Arsenal meltdowns about Wenger.  It’s comedy.  The sad truth is though these are two adults who are old enough to be grandparents.

Donald goes mad at anyone that doesn’t support or complains about him.  It’s very public and it’s why people have opinions on him.  What is Piers says about celebrities who earn a living advertising their life on social media?  Like Kim K?  is it because they then complain when the press hound them?  So again Piers Morgan defends the press and their jobs.  Rightly so I actually agree – don’t use the press life to earn a living and complain when the dark side haunts you.  That comment should be stated to Donald Trump who has used social media and the press to gain popularity.   As you said Piers “It’s what won him the election”.  Yes and just like everything else Piers he needs to take the dark side with the light.  The good with the bad.  He’s becoming President which means everything he does will be scrutinised just as much as we’ve had Obama get criticized even though he was very much popular and well liked (if you like that or not).  It will also be interesting to see if Donald sticks to his guns regarding his policies and how Mexico will actually pay for the wall.  Giving them a heavy trade deal (if it exists in 2 years’ time) is not forcing them to pay for it.  And again rightly so people are asking – is he immediately going back on his policy when in fact he should have said from day 1 – we may end up paying for it.  What a load of tosh – the heavy bashing Mr Morgan gave Obama over his handlings on his policies or shall we say “gun control” is pathetic.   To add a final hypocrite note on this one:  There will be more gun crimes in America over the next 4-8 years.  It will be very interesting to see if Piers gives Donald the same slaughtering he gave Obama.  Oh no he won’t he will just constantly tweet “wake up America” blaming the people not Donald Trump.  Will he say “Donald wake up and sort gun crime” no he will do what he always has done regarding Donald – He will be careful in his wordings.  It’s why Piers has been a hypocrite.  He doesn’t criticize him as easy nor worded on the same level.  Pathetic.

Yet Mr Morgan refuses to shout that at the top of his voice to his friend Mr Donald Trump.  Both of these two are NOT helping to heal or unite a people.  Both of these two are acting like little children over opinions or being told “no I won’t sing for you”.  Pathetic.

I once read a tweet from Piers Morgan about how he found Donald's “hate” or perhaps more “doesn’t care attitude” all funny and hilarious.  A man who wants the nation to unite is finding it funny when Donald is winding people up all day every day.  What a hypocrite thing to say publically.  Winding people up is going to alienate them and also had fuel to fire of Anti Trump.  You are winding the press, celebrities and all those “elites” you insult.  What a pathetic stance to have.  Yet when other people try and get under the skin of Donald you write an article slating them.  You tweet your love I mean support for Donald… dear oh dear….

Oh I love the DM for keeping all this live.  Now Donald Trump is up to his neck in probes and what’s happening? Nothing.  There’s no independent investigations, there’s nothing.  Just one person’s denial over everything, one person’s heavily critical nature of the intelligence community while the majority are asking for answers.

So why don’t we get all this out in the open? In all honesty if Trump did in fact do everything that’s been said – I don’t care.  If the Russians do in fact have it all recorded – again I don’t care.  We can’t claim Donald Trump or any President is innocent.  He was voted in to power for reasons and those reasons still stand.  Hillary wasn’t voted in to power for reasons and again those reasons still stand.

What I question is if it’s true – it will come back to haunt one day.  It may not be during the Presidency and could be when Donald Trump is leaving his empire and retiring, could be on his death bed or perhaps for his kids to pick up later on.  It’s all possible regardless of opinion.  It’s also possible it’s all a lie and nothing.

So now Donald Trump is again being seriously questioned and rightly so.

Ohhhhhh, if we only knew then what we knew now.  That it was indeed the Russians doing this.  It begs to question why did the intelligence community not admit this before?  Were they allowed to expose it?  Did they want to get involved in the election?  Dear oh dear how these questions are never going to be answered and even if they did – the same imbeciles will claim innocent and lies.

Truth is I actually believe we should all be working together, I’ve even made some hypocrite statements in my time and even changed my opinion on people.  I’ve been wrong a lot in my life as well.

It’s just pathetic to see a man constantly use the word hypocrite all the time when he is showing his own hypocritical statements daily.  And it’s not occasionally either.

The likes of these people think having loads of followers means you are loved, No I follow Piers and Donald not because I love them but because I do find their tweets hilarious, questionable and at times entertaining.  I follow people I can’t stand.  And it’s something else the likes of Piers doesn’t’ understand about Twitter – we follow you because at times you offer something that we like.  Not because we like you.  I originally followed Piers for one thing – his Twitter meltdowns, childish tantrums over Arsenal and Wenger.

I also read his articles although usually it seems to be about spotting more hypocritical statements.  Not because I like them.  People share them again because they argue against it.  Not because they love it.  Not because they support the statement.  Perhaps next time piers consider retweeting people who don’t agree with you instead of just the ones who do – that’s just for your self-belief.  I do it.  We all do it.

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