Wednesday, 7 June 2017

Review: June Updated Mass Effect Andromeda

That Mass Effect Andromeda Update
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You know every time I see an update coming I think – PLEASE FIX THIS GAME.

As I’ve previously posted about this game I think it’s fantastic and I’ve already finished this 3 times but now slowly working on a 4th (amongst other games).

Fundamental Issues with this Game

  • Animation problems still exist
  • Glitches on quests and again animations
  • Facial expressions still are poor

These are issues that start from the get go till the very end of the game.  This isn’t something you get to see once every now and then (like forming a relationship with characters) this is fundamental to the game.  It’s also caused it to sell poorly – this means we might be very lucky to get an Andromeda sequel but because of these core issues.


Then I saw #MakeJaalBi

I honestly don’t care if characters are bi/straight or even different genders.  I think it’s a great idea to allow people to explore whatever relationship with any character in this game.  BUT I’m sorry to say that these relationships are not fundamentals to the game.  It’s the first thing people fell in love with during the very original Mass Effect 1.  You don’t get to have any kind of relationship till mid stages of any of these games.  The first 30 minutes of Mass Effect was what made it popular.  The presentation, the graphics, the gameplay and the choices.  The latter being the icing on the cake.

Here we are, a company working on something that is the least of its problems.  I’m sorry if people take this personally (because that seems to be the world we live in now) but working on relationships or even sex scenes in Mass Effect Andromeda should not be a priority and really is poor prioritisation on behalf of Bioware.  I’m just waiting for the accusations of homophobia because again that’s the sad pathetic world we seem to live in.  Any negative comments about something that relates in any way to sexual orientation must be homophobia – even though this entire point is down to Bioware making an effort for relationships in a game over core problems that impact from the start to the end.  It’s like writing a book and ignoring poor spelling, grammar, punctuation and huge plot holes but changing a characters sexual orientation..  

The core issues with this game is preventing more sales, that’s more profits, that’s more attraction, players and fans to a popular series.  Instead let’s worry about a small group of people who seem to care about sexual orientations in this game above its core problems.

If Bioware had fixed all it’s more important and crucial problems I’d have absolutely no issue in them updating character options.  And let me also state that Bioware has added more character options….  Again what a waste of time.  People who have already played this would like me – almost be done with it while others are not even going to touch it because -----  CORE PROBLEMS ------.

As many who read/follow me I work in IT.  This means I have to prioritise.  It would be ridiculous for me to put resetting a student password first above our system failing.  It would be me worrying about an untidy cable instead of a server that’s died.  During the NHS Cyber Attack it would be them worrying about an untidy cable instead of entire systems being offline – POOR PRIORITISATION.  It doesn’t matter how you word it or how few would be angry over it.  There’s priorities and Bioware seems to have a major issue with this.  Perhaps the same people who defend this action ask yourself:  Would you prioritise buying a new BluRay Movie or perhaps bills/food?   One is a priority to live – the other is not.

Poor form Bioware poor form.  If this is how updates are going to be I expect this last run of Mass Effect Andromeda could be my last.  Perhaps in the DLC they can concentrate on giving us more relationship options instead of more story, improved animations and fixing glitches.  I mean who cares about all that right?  Just give us more relationships and more character customisation.  Now watch that DLC sell not so well….  People really have forgotten what games require – perhaps that’s why Bioware made a game with core issues they’ve forgotten about what’s important.



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