Monday, 20 November 2017

Star Wars Battlefront 2: The next utter disappointment.

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Let’s start off with the positives.

The graphics, sound and gameplay are solid 8/10 and can’t really complain.  We start the story off with a very typical Star Wars story and feel.  The characters are good and this game explains a bit more of how the Empire crumbled (not so easy).  It also explains how the Empire lost more support – by targeting Empire loyal planets.  And it was the Rebellion that came to the aid.

The Arcade single player offers a little bit of fun and multiplayer is also somewhat enjoyable.  I didn’t get the pre-order early release and starting to think that maybe I should.  Once I started playing online.. I got the huge feeling that I was lacking behind.  Every time someone killed me, they knew the maps and had some pretty good abilities (cards) on their character.

That was it.

So the flaws….

Single Player:
The story got worse in my view..  need to destroy 2 AT-ATs? Sure..  you’re in an X-Wing but let’s land and take them down.  There are dozens if not hundreds of fighters in the air right now.. surrounded by large capital ships but no one can spare a moment to help down take the 2 AT-ATs.. instead..  let’s land.  That’s right – any excuse to land.

The trailers didn’t match up.  There was certain cut scenes shown in the trailers that didn’t match how the game cut scenes went..  I was disappointed because it felt like they made a better impact compared to the game (two particular scenes: Naboo of hope and Endor).

We didn’t spend enough time with the main character nor did it really feel like it was long enough.  Instead they gave us a few maps that felt more.. multiplayer related with the Star Wars heroes…  - no joke..  they totally felt like *let’s add these in somehow*..

Multiplayer..  this is what the game is all about and it really does (did) pay to spend money.  Buying a ton of packs which encourages others to compete.. and those cards really do make a huge difference.  I’m now on rank 11 and the boosts turn your poor-average character to a average-very good.  Since boosting I’ve gone from consistently finishing in the bottom half to finishing top half.  I’ve even finished top quite a few times – especially in the fighter matches.  And there’s another problem – you can’t choose exactly what you want to join.  I’d prefer to stick to the same map over and over – to learn it.  Learning these wide maps is very difficult.. there are cracks and tiny areas you can get to.  Also how do you play with your friends? You can’t.

Arcade mode.. waste of time.  They are basic matches and only tier 3 offers any kind of a challenge.

The online store has been shut down – good.  This is not what Disney is about and EA can do it with Fifa but not Star Wars.  Especially when the majority of this game wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for multiplayer.. EA attempted to turn this in to one cash cow which I do not believe is right. 

So.. with everything in mind.. this is yet another Star Wars disappointment.  I will say this though, it’s an improvement…  but really does explain how it didn’t take long to get this game built.  It doesn’t offer much more than the 1st one and the single player campaign is average at best and really does leave a bitter taste after such a positive start.  This is a good game at times but thanks to EA – they’ve put little effort in turning this in to something we will remember.  You look at the normal battlefield games – the single campaign is usually created with a big effort.  Each level has meaning to the story.  Star Wars doesn’t even allow you to create your own matches and nor with bots.....

So I’ve done a bit of reading.. turns out my review is the reflection of many.   I’ve tried to find out how much this game had in regards to budget.. but no luck.  I would like to see if it was ‘big’ because if I’m honest.. I really don’t think so.  The game isn’t as big compared to Battlefield or its predecessors..  I’d compare this as slightly better than Battlefield 1942 which had no story line. 

Would I recommend in buying it? I’d wait 6 months and then get it.  It will be cheaper and will probably come with some more DLC (probably cheaper or free).   Now I won’t whine about the cost of the game because game sellers do not want to sell something for £15 which is a brand new big game.  Believe it or not – the sellers are the ones that push the prices up.  Something gamers don’t realise… otherwise the game would be sold online through Steam only..

So EA..  thank you again for providing another ‘okay’ money cash cow game.  That too many fans will get bored of after a few weeks.  Games like Counter Strike are gone.  They offered fun, low cost and didn’t require any progressiveness to keep you playing nor allow you to dominate too easily.  The game lasted for many years.

It's sad but this is not the Star Wars game we was looking for and certainly just another cash cow game produced by EA with no real heart for the fans.

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